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Anyone know anything about Schaumburg Bethel Baptist Church?


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I know on a a Duggar episode, they visited this church. I was wondering if anyone knew if it had any Gothard or Fundie connections? Here it is... wwwDOTbethelministriesDOTorg/pastorsDOThtm

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Paul LaDuke is a repugnant asshat, as is their Pastor Bradley Smith. I married into his family, back when I Married A Fundie. This church is a front for some really scary Patriarchal IFB leanings, and really know how to talk their "followers" into giving the cash $.

Really not too special on the fundie front. They believe the usual Patriarchal Dominionism crap, as well as their pastor practically being their prophet. They absolutely shill for Gothard; it was a sister church of theirs that my ex and his revolting family attended, and they believe in the whole SoTDRT/courtship/headship BS.

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I live near there, but have never attended there. It's pretty fundamentalist. My children were invited to go to church there once and it was dresses only. With so many churches in the area I never even considered it in my churchgoing days. I knew it was too fundie for me. It's the church than runs Schaumburg Christian School, which just had a bit of a scandal with a math teacher caught masturbating in class. (Edit: that would be Paul Laduke - referenced above.) They also had another church scandal a while ago. I think that one was about money. (Edit - that would be Bradley Smith, also referenced above.)

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