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So I was at an event for work a couple of weeks ago, and I spotted this woman across the room and spent about half the day puzzling over the fact that she looked like SOME celebrity whom I could not, for the life of me, place. I was about 10 seconds from leaning over and asking a coworker for an opinion (THANK GOODNESS I DID NOT, how embarrassing) when it hit me that this woman was the almost-certainly-non-fundie doppleganger of Miss Anna-Sofia Botkin herself! And then I knew it was time to admit that I had a problem...

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I have a problem too. Went out on a casual date with a guy. We just held hands and watched TV, then he went home. It was a pleasant evening until I began to wonder if I was "guarding my heart" by only holding hands with him. :shock:

I have FJ to blame for that... :lol:

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I wish it had been the lady herself - it would be nice to think that the Botkinettes escape through a bedroom window from time to time and steal out to attend arbitrary work events! After living with Geoff, any kind of event would probably be like a week in Ibiza.

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I hear you. I have a serious fundie-ogling problem. I saw a big group of Chassidic Jews at the airport last weekend and I couldn't stop (discreetly) staring. In particular, we were behind a young married couple. The wife looked extremely young and was a tiny little thing. She covered her hair with a snood. The guy had to take off his hat to go through the scanners, revealing that he had on a kippah underneath. They were fascinating, but yeah, I know staring is rude and the airport isn't a zoo :(

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I believe we all have our doubles. I further believe I have quintuples, as people seem to think they know me. Not always a pleasant experience.

I went to a junk store with a friend who for some reason needed to tell me that the proprietor was gay. I took one look at the fellow and said, 'i know you!' He replied politely that he disagreed. I puzzled over that for the length of the shopping trip, and eventually I remembered the person I actually know, who is also gay, who looked like him.

Got home, dug up my photos of my friend, and sure enough, he and the junker could be twins. (ETA, they could be brothers and not know about each other, I suppose!)

Funny story: When I saw ASB, she was posing as young women do, and I thought, "OMG, A McDonald!" :lol: It wasn't until E came into view that I said, "Oops, I mean, a Botkin."

They don't all look alike, but sometimes they meld together in one's thoughts. :D

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I believe we all have our doubles. I further believe I have quintuples, as people seem to think they know me. Not always a pleasant experience.

I concur. Back when I was a late teen/early twenties and blond and had it going on I was stopped a lot by guys that had been over to the middle East. They said that I had a simi famous twin over there that was in the movies and often I would be asked for my autograph. I quickly found out that my twin was a porn star! I was horrified and would blush everytime someone brought it up. Having a look a like isn't fun when your twin is having more fun than you would prefer for yourself.

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I have a problem too. Went out on a casual date with a guy. We just held hands and watched TV, then he went home. It was a pleasant evening until I began to wonder if I was "guarding my heart" by only holding hands with him. :shock:

I have FJ to blame for that... :lol:

You hussy :dance:

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lol Kelsey! After that date I pondered "What would Michelle Dugger do?" I felt so naughty! It was only my 2nd date and I was already holding hands!

I hugged him tonight after we had a date at the bowling alley. What is this world coming to? :mrgreen:

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