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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 46


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"Arrest The Grifter"


Donald Trump is going to make as much money as he can off this arrest…if he’s arrested. But I think everyone who’s donated after his prediction that he would be arrested last Tuesday should ask for a refund. But then again, they’re dumb enough to give him money in the first place so they’ll probably be dumb enough to do it again.

By the way, calm down. Don’t get too excited if he’s indicted in New York. Yeah, giggle and laugh about his perp walk and mug shot because I know I will, but don’t expect much more after that. This is the weakest criminal case he’s facing. The worst that can possibly happen to him with the Manhatta case is a fine and maybe some weak probation. Manhattan isn’t scaring Trump.


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"President Demento"


I went to sleep with the radio on when I was a kid. For a couple of years in the early 80s, I lived in Ellaville, Georgia (I hated it) and the station I listened to was in Columbus and every Sunday night right around bedtime it played the Dr. Demento Show. Dr. Demento introduced me to Weird Al Yankovic and lots of other novelty songs. Obviously, I didn’t fall asleep during the Dr. Demento Show. I bet every political cartoonist listened to Dr. Demento.

One of the songs that seemed to play every Sunday was “They’re Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!” by Napoleon XIV. There’s no actual singing in the song and the only music is rhythm from drums and hand claps. The speaking is at a normal pace but increases in speed and pitch during the chorus. It comes off as a guy going insane over his girlfriend dumping him but you discover in the end that it’s actually his dog who dumped him. It’s hilarious and a timeless classic.

I wrote this cartoon Friday for CNN but didn’t think they’d take it and I didn’t think I’d draw it for my newspapers either. I was thinking that at this point that the song is too obscure and no one would know what I was talking about. But I had second thoughts this morning with one of those being, “Fuck it. It is a classic.” I know my fellow weirdos will get it instantly and they’ll love it. But maybe it’s not that obscure.

In fact, the song reached number three on the charts in 1966 which comes as news to me because when I was listening to this in 1982, I thought it was new.

Napoleon XIV was actually Jerry Samuels and he didn’t make a career out of novelty songs. He was a singer, songwriter, studio producer, engineer, and talent agent. While working for a record label in New York City, he put together “They’re Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!” and he made a hit and became a one-hit-wonder. The B-side was the song in reverse, titled, “”!aaaH-aH ,yawA eM ekaT oT gnimoC er’yehT” Rock critic Dave Marsh called it the “most obnoxious song ever” and claims it once cleared out a diner of 40 people in under two minutes.

As I was trying to decide between this cartoon and a few others I wrote on Friday, I did some Googling about the song, wanting to know who Napoleon XIV really was and I discovered that Jerry Samuels died two weeks ago on March 3, 2023, at the age of 84. That nailed it for my choice of which cartoon to draw today. This cartoon is dedicated to Napoleon XIV.

And in case you’re curious, Napoleon XIV died from dementia.

You gotta be a little crazy to write a song like “They’re Coming To Take Me Away! Ha-Haa!” and really crazy to draw cartoons or at least good ones. But you gotta be totally deranged and out of your fucking mind if you’re Donald Trump.

Ha-Haa! Ho-Ho! Hee-Hee! Hoo-Hoo! Ha-Haa!


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Yesterday, someone commented on my Facebook post about my roughs, telling me to “be careful” because some cartoons could land me in Facebook jail. Seriously? I don’t already know that? I’m the king of being thrown into Facebook and other social media jails. And how am I supposed to be careful with posting my cartoons on Facebook? Maybe I should post them quietly. Fuck that…I will post everything thing I draw on Facebook and other social media accounts. I’m not afraid of Facebook jail and REFUSE to allow Facebook or any other platform to dictate (I said “dick”) how I work or what I can publish. Facebook doesn’t pay me. But, at least I know who’s been reporting my cartoons now. Fuckers from Florida.

How do I know it’s Florida fucks? Because a school principal in Florida was forced to resign over students seeing a photo of Michelangelo’s “David.” David is naked and his uncircumcised penis is in full view for all to see. It’s like Ken Jeong in one of the Hangover movies, but not as tiny.

Hope Carrasquilla of Tallahassee Classical School in Leon County is now the former principal after being forced to resign. What did you expect to happen in a Florida county named “Leon?” Barney Bishop III, the chair of the school board and a lobbyist (wanna take one guess which party he lobbies?) said Mrs. Carrasquilla voluntarily resigned after they gave her an ultimatum of resigning or being fired. I guess if she had chosen option B then Barney would say she was voluntarily fired.

Barney also said she wasn’t fired for showing the kid’s “David,” but she was shit-canned, I mean, asked to “voluntarily” resign after complaints from three parents who believed the material on David was “controversial” and not age-appropriate for their children.

Barney said she “wasn’t let go because of the artistic nude pictures. We show it every year to our students. The problem with this particular issue was the lack of follow-through on the process.”

They claim the problem is that she didn’t inform parents before educating the kids on “David.” The former principal said two parents were upset about not being bothered and another said it was pornography. But, Barey said they show it to the students every year…so don’t the parents already know this? Since Barney knows this and parents don’t, he should be fired for not “following through.”

Tallahassee Classical follows a curriculum from Hillsdale College, a conservative Christian institution in Michigan that has helped launch dozens of “classical” charter schools nationwide and is required to teach Renaissance art to sixth graders. Clarence Thomas called Hillsdale College a “shining city on a hill” and his wife and insurrectionist Ginni is a lobbyist for the school. The lesson featuring “David” also included images of “The Creation of Adam” fresco painting and “Birth of Venus” by Botticelli.

So the principal was required to teach about “David” but was fired for not telling parents beforehand? If the parents understand their children are going to a school with these requirements, then weren’t they basically already told beforehand? This sounds more like a failure on the parents’ part in understanding what their kids are being taught and what kind of school they’re going to.

A penis is not pornographic. Nudity is not pornographic. It depends on the context. “David” is a classical piece of art. The only people who could be upset over stuff like this are people who want to send their kids to fundamentalist fucknut charter schools.

Florida has enacted bills reshaping education with a Republican mindset, with one limiting education on gender identity and sexual orientation to fourth grade and above and another that prohibited certain ways of teaching about race. Don’t say “gay” and don’t say “black.” Now, there’s another bill that will make “don’t say gay” apply all the way to 12th grade. And then DeSantis is trying to remake colleges into fucknut troglodyte re-education camps with new courses like Goose-Stepping 101.

Now, there’s another bill in the state legislature that would grant parents greater power to read over and object to school instructional materials and even limit their child’s ability to explore the school library. The bill also bans teaching about health education, sexually transmitted diseases, and human sexuality before the sixth grade. It even bans girls from talking about their menstrual periods. Naturally, a man wrote this bill. His name is Stan and Stan the Florida Man thinks periods are yucky and girls should keep their mysterious lady parts to themselves.

Florida is turning into Afghanistan where talking about periods is also probably outlawed. Florida’s GOP is turning into the Taliban under Ron DeSantis’ leadership with the help of Stan the Florida Man. Hey, can we start calling Florida “Floridastan?”

The problem isn’t with parents having a say in their children’s education, but that parents are having a say over the education of other people’s children. Now, no child at this school will ever learn about classical art because one uptight nag thinks a penis is porn.

“Penis” isn’t even a bad word. Watch. Penis, penis, penis, penis, penis. It’s actually required now if you want to talk about Florida politics because the state is being governed by a bunch of dicks.


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Off topic, but I know many of us enjoyed Aunt Crabby’s tweets. I saw this message today. 

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The news has travelled. Italian works of art are warning each other to get dressed before the Americans come by. God, I wish I was Canadian. 

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