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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 39


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We really should have an April Fools Day thread:


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This is one helluva teacher.


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"Mother Bone Spurs"


I kinda wish the Russia lovers would go to Russia. It’s not one of those situations where they should leave our country for criticizing it. That’s freedom and you should question your own nation. No, what I’m talking about are the people who have chosen Russia over Ukraine and keep pimping for Putin.

Just like MAGAts defending Trump, the people for Russia have to lie to be pro-Russia. Donald Trump, who called Putin a “genius” for the invasion, lies for Russia and has often repeated lies first told by Vladimir Putin.

Ted Rall, an American cartoonist/columnist for Russian state media, who was literally fired by a major news outlet for making shit up, is a huge advocate for Putin propaganda. What better way to repair your journalistic reputation after being exposed as a liar than working for Russian state media? Rall, who doesn’t believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election, has even told lies about me for calling him out which is just like a MAGAt defense.

Tucker Carlson, who’s asked “why should I hate Russia?” has repeated Putin’s lies and conspiracy theories. He’s claimed the war is a “border dispute” and repeated Putin’s lies that the United States funded a biological weapons lab in Urkaine.

These people are not just a few scattered examples. Pay a visit to Trump’s Truth Social. Sure, it’s a failing platform that takes weeks to get approved for, and when you do make it in, half your posts mysteriously disappear if they’re critical of Trump or Putin, but it’s Goon Central for Putin apologists blaming Biden and Nato for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. If you want to hear Putin propaganda, go to Truth Social.

Putin is antiSemitic, homophobic, racist, and a white nationalist who is in power by sham elections. Republican positions on each of these issues are identical to Putin’s which makes me wonder why a self-described leftist like Rall wants to be associated with the ilk of bigoted goons. When you sleep with goons, you become a goon.

In addition to funneling money to Ted Rall and other American “journalists” at Sputnik to lie for Mother Russia, he’s back-channeled cash to the National Rifle Association which is full of Putin lovers. The NRA has organized group trips to Moscow so their white nationalist members can inhale the fascist air of Mother Russia. It should tell you a lot that Putin believes in urestricted freedom for American imbeciles to own child-killing automatic rifles while the stuff is banned in Russia. Giving Money to the NRA, like meddling in an election to make Donald Trump president, is an effort to destroy the United States. And it’s working.

Now Putin is ordering a draft of 135,000 to fight for Russia because his war is not going well. If you live in Russia, the only news you’re probably receiving in that the war is going great. That’s probably the same news you’re hearing from pro-Putin goons in the United States.

If you love Russia so much, then sign up. Go fight Ukraines. And honest, don’t we all expect Donald Trump to be a resident of Russia at some point in the near future? I especially encourage the gun-humping goons who can’t walk into a Dunkin’s without an AR-15 strapped to their ass. These people are just like John Bolton, who’s a huge advocate for war with everybody, but has never served in the military. Do you wanna be a tough? Then go be a tough guy.

Putin’s calling.


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"Canning Caitlyn On The Can"


I did something weird last night. I watched Fox News. More specifically, I watched Tucker Carlson. Granted, it was only for about five minutes, with three of those probably being commercials. But still, I watched Fox News.

I have YouTube TV and when I scroll through the channels, the first ones that pop up are those I frequent the most, like CNN, MSNBC, BBC…and yeah…that’s about it except during football season. That’s not all I watch as I also have streaming services, but yeah…on actual television, I mostly only watch news shows. So it actually took some scrolling before I could even find Fox News. And when I found it, it was time for Tucker.

I jumped in while Tucker was talking to some goon about “wokeness” and the damage it was having on the nation, how Democrats were going to pay dearly for it, and how it’s just a bunch of fear-mongering from the left as striking fear into people is all the left has. Tucker, who’s spent years warning on the danger of the Great Replacement theory kept a straight face during this discussion about using fear tactics.

Then, Tucker was about to go to commercials but promised when he came back, he’d give a report on CNN finally admitting Hunter Biden’s laptop is a thing. So after sitting through commercials for prostate medication and buying gold and silver, Tucker came back and delivered on his promise to expose CNN and make them look like hypocrites. Tucker explained he was going to show clips of CNN attacking the reports on Hunter’s laptop and then show more recent clips of CNN finally realizing the legitimacy of Hunter’s laptop. Tucker had to explain to his viewers that’s what they were seeing because it’s not what he showed.

What he showed was an old clip of a CNN anchor talking about how Rudy Giuliani can’t be trusted for information and that the right is using Russian propaganda. He then showed a recent clip of another CNN anchor talking about the investigation into Hunter Biden. Neither clip mentioned the laptop. But, Tucker was there to tell us they talked about the laptop they weren’t talking about.

During the few minutes I watched, Tucker never talked about the importance or relevance of this laptop. If you actually pay attention, conservative media has not been telling you anything specific about the laptop that makes it criminal or evil. It’s legal to own a laptop. Good people own laptops. Churches have laptops. Why I bet even people at Fox News own laptops. So, what is it then? Oh, the emails on Hunter’s laptop. What do they say?

The emails conservative media use are “purported” to come from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden until he abandoned it at a computer repair store. For some reason, Hunter Biden had a computer full of evidence that will send him to prison, so he abandoned it for Rudy Giuliani to pick up and expose him. So much about this does not pass the sniff test. And trust me, you don’t want to sniff Giuliani. But, all the emails show is that Hunter was arranging meetings with his business dealings in Ukraine and mentioned his father here and there. Not only do the emails not show any criminal connections to the president, but they don’t display any criminal activity by Hunter Biden. The big news here is that there’s a laptop that might have once belonged to Hunter Biden.

The fact is, there is an investigation of Hunter Biden, but not about his laptop. It’s about his taxes. Now Fox News and conservative media want to focus on someone who doesn’t pay their taxes? Really? Also, if you hate someone for using their political connections for shady business in Ukraine and Russia, maybe talk to Donald Trump. Didn’t he run a beauty pageant in Russia? Didn’t he try to build a Trump Tower in Moscow? Didn’t he try to extort the president of Ukraine? Of course, none of that is as criminal as Hunter Biden having a laptop and an email account.

And if we’re going to send people to prison for using an elected office to grift and profit, then I’m all for sending Hunter Biden to prison as long as he has a lot of company.

Maybe Tucker did talk about the relevance of the laptop but I wouldn’t know because I had to change the channel. Kash Patel, a Trump goon with scary crazy eyes, was coming on to talk about the laptop and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stomach the bullshit. But, I see why people fall for Fox’s gaslighting and lies. It’s an art. Tucker shows clips of people talking about something and he tells his stupid audience they just watched something else. Fox News is not good at the specifics and details of a story. How could he be lying about it when he’s so outraged? Would a guy endorsed by prostate medication and shitty pillows lie to you?

And I didn’t even find what I was looking for as the reason I watched the network in the first place was to see Caitlyn Jenner’s first appearance on Fox News after being hired as a correspondent.

I heard she was going to be on either Tucker or Sean Hannity’s program…and I get those racist gaslighters confused. All conservative racist goony white guys look alike, amiright? As it turns out, she was on Hannity’s show at nine, but I couldn’t flip back over and watch more Fox News. Fives minutes every six months is about all I can take and I didn’t want to have to take two showers in one night.

I did read about Caitlyn’s appearance on Hannity and as it turned out, he only asked her two questions, and no. One of them wasn’t about which bathroom in the building she was going to use.

Fox News hired Caitlyn to be a “trailblazer” for the network but in reality, they hired a trans person who is transphobic. It’s like when they hire a black person who hates black people and votes for a racist like Donald Trump. My black friends says it’s OK for me to be a racist. Now, you have a friend who says it’s OK to hate trans people.

Caitlyn, a Republican, is trans and supports the bigoted “Don’t say gay” bill in Florida. She’s also against a trans swimmer competing with women. Yesterday was Transgender Day of Visibility, so Caitlyn went on Hannity which would be like a black person going on Tucker’s show to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Caitlyn pushed all the right buttons to get this job where she’ll only be asked two questions per appearance. During a February appearance on Hannity, she said, “We are living in such a woke world right now, I can’t even figure it out.” 

Where else but on Fox News can you find a trans person complaining about living in a “woke” world? Maybe in six months, I’ll change the channel again.

Good luck finding the restrooms, Caitlyn.


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"Favors And War Crimes"


Just in case you haven’t been paying attention during the past decade or so, Donald Trump is a vile disgusting racist grifting narcissistic conman who puts himself first before other people and his own nation. And if you have been paying attention and are still making excuses for him, then you’re vile and disgusting too, but keep reading. MAGAts need to read what I write more than anyone else.

Donald Trump is a racist. He’s a sexist. He’s a bully. He’s a thief. He’s a con artist. This man ran a fake university and a fake charity while denying rental opportunities to minorities, refusing to pay contractors he made business deals with while boasting about sexually assaulting women, and desiring to date his own daughter. This man has cheated on every person in his life, from business partners to girlfriends to wives to the nation he promised to protect and defend. He spent his four years in the White House grifting taxpayers, diplomats, and campaign contributors. The man demands loyalty while giving none. Let’s not forget he told over 30,000 lies in a four-year span.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump attempted to bribe Vladimir Putin by giving him the penthouse in a Moscow Trump Tower in exchange for Putin’s approval of the tower’s construction. That is illegal.

Also during the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump publicly asked Putin to assist his campaign and give him valuable resources. That is illegal. Donald Trump asked Russia to release 30,000 lost emails from Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump later said he was joking but Russia started hacking into the computers of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign that same day.

During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump accepted Russia’s assistance by reading their hacked emails during campaign rallies.

During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign invited Russian lobbyists claiming to have dirt on Hillary Clinton to their campaign headquarters in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Attending that meeting on behalf of Donald Trump was idiot son number one, Donald Trump Jr, idiot son-in-law Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, the idiot campaign manager, who had been a campaign strategist for Ukraine’s former pro-Russia president. The Trump campaign’s defense here is that they didn’t get anything good from the Russians which is like saying it’s OK to rob a bank if the safe turns out to be empty.

Donald Trump also claimed the meeting was about Americans adopting Russian children. He later admitted it was political and opposition research after he was busted. It’s illegal to take campaign contributions from foreigners and especially foreign governments. The Trump campaign was seeking campaign material to help Trump win the election.

An offer was made to Donald Trump Jr. from a Russian oligarch, which was delivered by a mutual friend. The friend, Rob Goldstone, emailed that the Crown Prosecutor of Russia “offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”

Donald Trump Jr’s reply was, “I love it.”

In 2017, Trump Jr released a statement using the Russian adoption bullshit explanation. It was later revealed that Donald Trump Sr, who had denied knowledge of the meeting, wrote the statement.

During the 2016 campaign, George Papadopoulos was hired by the Trump campaign as an adviser. Within two weeks, he was approached by someone with Russian contacts explaining the Russian government wanted to give him stolen emails from Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. Papadopoulos was invited to a meeting. He went to that meeting. The Russians he met told him “we are all very excited by the possibility of a good relationship with Mr. Trump.” He emailed at least seven campaign officials about these contacts and was encouraged to fly to Russia to obtain the Clinton emails.

Carter Page was an adviser to the Trump campaign who flew to Russia to give a speech and later lied about meeting members of that nation’s government. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions described Page as a coffee boy for the campaign and they had no knowledge he was going to Russia. But campaign coordinator Corey Lewandowski had approved the trip and campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis asked Page to sign a non-disclosure agreement about the trip.
The Steel Dossier alleges that Carter Page was promised up to 19 percent of a Russian oil conglomerate if Trump was elected and he could eliminate sanctions placed on Russian oil by President Obama and Congress in 2012. Republicans in the House were outraged…that the FBI was investigating Carter Page during this time. Trump claimed the investigation was Obama wiretapping Trump Tower. It was not. Even William Barr, Trump’s goon Attorney General, claimed this was Obama spying on the Trump Campaign. Again, it was not.

Also during the campaign, Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner were offered election help from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. They never said no. In fact, after the campaign and before the inauguration, Kushy went to the Russian embassy and proposed they create a backchannel to communicate so U.S. intelligence wouldn’t hear about all the treasonony shenanigans they were up to.

Trump supporters excused Donald Trump’s involvement with everything claiming he didn’t know this or he didn’t know that, or everything was done by other people, and at the very worst, he was just joking. Whether it’s treason, promising to pay for services, provide an education you paid for, spending your donation on charity and not on himself, replacing Obamacare with “something better,” Crafting an infrastructure plan, building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, never having time for golf, or grabbing someone by the pussy, Trump is just joking.

When Donald Trump told Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky “I want you to do us a favor” in 2019, he wasn’t joking. Donald Trump dangled an invite to the White House and withheld military aid to Ukraine in exchange for Zelensky to announce an investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings in that nation.

Trump explained when he said “Do us a favor,” the “us” wasn’t him, but the United States of America. But, it’s hard to understand how announcing an investigation was doing anything beneficial for the United States…unless Trump believed his reelection was a favor for the United States.

The military aid he was withholding had already been approved by Congress for Ukraine so it could defend itself on the off chance that Russia would invade that nation someday. Let me know if you hear anything about that.

Donald Trump asked a foreign nation to help his campaign. He used government resources in doing so. Both are illegal. Today, the military aid Donald Trump used as extortion is being used by Ukraine to stop Vladimir Putin from killing their children.

Donald Trump was impeached for this act. Senator Susan Collins voted against impeachment saying Trump had “learned his lesson.” Yesterday, Donald Trump asked Vladimir Putin to help his 2024 presidential campaign. Donald Trump did learn a lesson which is that he can do anything illegal and Republicans won’t lift a finger to punish him. He also learned his supporters will defend any lawbreaking he does.

In a new interview, Donald Trump asked Vladimir Putin to release information regarding alleged dealings between eastern European oligarchs and Hunter Biden. These guys can not get over Hunter Biden. Did Hunter Biden invite Trump to prom, who then went and bought a pretty dress and waited on the front porch all night just for Hunter never to show up, who was probably already at the dance banging the prom queen? But I bet Trump did look pretty in that dress.

And hey, if we’re not going to vote for someone because his kids are goons, we don’t need foreign dirt on the Trump kids.

Trump has claimed that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from the wife of Moscow’s late mayor, Yury Luzhkov. Trump said, “She gave him $3.5 million so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it.”

Trump might want to be careful asking Putin to release anything because doing so while with the distraction of bombing Ukrainian civilians might make the Russian president release the wrong information. The next thing you, we all get to see the pee-pee tape. Is there a pee-pee tape? As Trump said, “I think Putin would know the answer to that.”

Also, Trump is leaving out that he himself sought to do business with the mayor of Moscow. Remember that entire Trump Tower thing where he tried to bribe Putin? Yeah, Putin knows about that too.

Keep in mind that Trump is so vile, that after calling Putin a “genius” for his war strategy, he’s now asking the Russian dictator for a favor while he’s bombing apartments, malls, hospitals, churches, playgrounds, schools, and baby hospitals. Maybe for Trump, Vladimir Putin can be a multitasker.

Donald Trump has not sent a condemnation to Vladimir Putin for his war crimes. All Trump has sent Putin is a request for a political favor. Maybe it’s not too late for that penthouse.

Narcissist Donald Trump doesn’t care if children are dying whether it’s from Vladimir Putin murdering them through his war crimes or from Trump’s immigration policies.

Putin is currently taking a blood bath and Trump is handing him the rubber ducky while scrubbing his back.

I’ll end this the way I started it: If you’re still defending and supporting Donald Trump, you’re vile and disgusting.


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"MAGA Gang Bang"


There are a lot of places and events I want to stay away from. Papa John’s Pizza, another Trump rally, a Nickelback concert, Sturgis, Mar-a-Lago, any country music concert, Indiana, nightclubs, Cats the musical or movie, rodeos, renaissance fairs, Star Trek conventions, monster truck rallies, and now we can add Republican cocaine-fueled orgies to the list.

Internal White House records turned over to the House committee investigating the attack on January 6, 2021, show a gap of seven hours and 37 minutes. This was partly during the time of the attack on the Capitol building to overturn stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory over Donald Trump. Even though there’s a huge gap of no phone calls going in or out of the White House, we know Donald Trump was calling people and taking calls during this time. So, why aren’t they on the record?

The gap is from 11:17 AM to 6:54 PM. Trump gave his speech at noon down the street from the Capitol building. The outer barriers of the Capitol were breached at 1 PM. The Capitol Police were overrun at the entrance of the building at 1:30 PM. Around 2 PM, the Trump terrorists were breaking through the doors and windows. Despite telling the protesters he was going to the Capitol with them, Donald Trump was back at the White House gleefully watching the events unfold on TV. He was also on the phone throughout the attack.

We know during these hours that Trump called Senator Mike Lee, Senator Tommy Tuberville, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. He may have also been on the phone with Congressman Jim Jordan, though he hasn’t been clear on this and has contradicted himself, quite angrily, several times. These phone records are another reason to call Jordan to testify before the committee. When did he talk to Donald Trump? What number did he call to reach Trump? What number did Trump use to call him? Questions, questions, questions.

The House panel is now investigating whether Trump communicated that day through back channels, phones of aides, or personal disposable phones, known as “burner phones.” Trump has been known to borrow phones to make calls.

This gap in time is not a mistake. It’s an intentional coverup, just like when Trump took documents to Mar-a-Lago, ate documents, or flushed them down toilets. The Trump presidency (sic) is the most corrupt presidential (sic) administration in history.

A Trump spokesgoon said Trump had nothing to do with the records. Trump himself issued a statement saying, “I have no idea what a burner phone is, to the best of my knowledge I have never even heard the term.” Basically, that means there’s a coverup.

Former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton said Trump knows what a “burner” phone is as they used to talk about them in regards to not having conversations documented. It’s probably a great way to communicate with Nazis and terrorists so law enforcement doesn’t find out, and also a great way to call porn stars so your wife doesn’t find out. I hope he never got those two confused. “Be there at 8 PM. You bring the tiki torches, I’ll bring the lube.” Oh, yeah. Charlottesville Republican Nazi tiki-torch rally is another event I do not want to attend.

Burner phones are probably also great for when you’re scheduling a Republican cocaine-fueled orgy. Congressman Madison Cawthorn, one of the members of the Stupid Caucus, claims there are Cocaine orgies in Washington all the time. Really? And, he claims he’s been invited. Yeah, right.

You would think the first rule of Orgy Club is you don’t talk about Orgy Club. That’s probably the second rule now with the new first rule being don’t invite or tell Madison Cawthorn about Orgy Club.

Cawthorn was on a podcast this week and claimed he’s been invited to orgies and seen politicians do cocaine in front of him.

He said, “The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington, I mean being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average is probably 60 or 70. You look at all these people, a lot of them that I’ve looked up to through my life, I’ve always paid attention to politics … Then all of a sudden you get invited to, ‘Well hey, we’re going to have kind of a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come.’ What did you just ask me to come to? And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy. Or the fact that some of the people leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country, and then you watch them do a key bump of cocaine right in front of you.”

First off, orgies are icky…no matter who’s participating in them. But Republican orgies have to be one of the most disgusting things ever, like a nudist Trump rally with penetration. I need brain soap just to clean that image out of my head. I’m sure there’s a lot of perversion in DC, and when I find some, I’ll let you know. It’s also likely Madison Cawthorn has seen some shit, especially since he’s friends with Matt Gaetz, the guy who keeps rubbers in his office, shows nude photos to colleagues on the House floor, and has been credibly accused of sex trafficking minors. But I seriously doubt congressional codgers are inviting Madison Cawthron to orgies. And if there were congressional orgies, a handicapped guy would probably be invited just so nobody can accuse the event of not being inclusive. There should be a city ordinance that all Washington orgies are required to be wheelchair accessible.

How does a conversation start in Washington when you invite someone to a Republican orgy? Does Mitch McConnell approach Madison Cawthorn and say, “You’re invited to an orgy tonight…you’re gonna see my testicles.”

Just because someone has a track record of being a notorious liar doesn’t mean that the truth doesn’t occasionally slip out.

Some Republicans are upset with Cawthorn for saying this because they don’t want to give the impression they’re a bunch of sexual deviants while allowing Qanon to spread the conspiracy theory that Democrats are deep-state reptilian pedophiles. Also, maybe they don’t want Cawthorn telling people about their orgies.

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy now intends to speak to Cawthorn about this, either to reprimand him for smearing the party or to find out where they’re having these orgies. One GOP representative is claiming his constituents are calling asking about orgies. And if there are Republican cocaine-fueled orgies, has Sniffy ever been invited?

If Trump was ever invited to an orgy and he talked about it, he’d probably boast it was the biggest orgy anyone’s ever seen. “It was yuge…the bigliest ever. There were only nines and tens, no pigs or dogs. I would have invited Ivanka if she wasn’t my daughter.” First rule of Trump Orgy is, Tic-Tacs.

The GOP is the perversion party. They perverted our elections, our Constitution, law and order, diplomacy, the democratic process, or elections, and even confirming Supreme Court Justices. Personally, I don’t care if Republicans are fucking each other because at least that gives them some time away from fucking the rest of us.

And I’m sorry I put the image of Mitch McConnell’s balls in your head. My bad. That’s on me.


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