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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 26


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14 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Yeah seen them at the local Target as well this evening when I made my pre snowstorm run. 


I had a classmate ask who the buyer at Target was, why they thought this was a good idea, and how much they had to drink when working on this. 

That brown dress is soooo early 1970’s. I remember older girls wearing them with boots and shawls. Lancashire was the epicentre of fashion.:goldfish:

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Me looking at the dress photo:  Oh good, I can follow the "I've seen/worn this fashion trend before" guideline and opt out of ANOTHER round of prairie dresses. 

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"Good Riddance, Trump Baby"


I’m probably going to do another New Year concept for my newspaper and website clients (they don’t get my CNN cartoons) so I’m going to apologize now.

I was trying to make Trump look like the Trump Baby balloon. That’s why his mouth is open and he’s holding a cell phone.


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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I actually really like this. It puts the cult firmly in a space that his supporters should understand, with imagery that they should (but probably won't) find blasphemous. It includes Putin, Kim Jong Un as... well not sure.  Disciples is wrong. Followers is wrong. Puppet masters is possibly more right. Friends is wrong. 

I hope it makes at least a couple of them take a step back and look again at what they think they're following. Anti-Christ anyone?

And best of all it has Melania looking like she gives a crap, and Pelosi going "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you..."

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"Cult or Country"


For years, decades even, Republicans were lying to us. They told us they were “fiscal” conservatives. They said they were for family values. They ran on religion as if the other party consisted entirely of heathens and atheists. They wrapped themselves in the flag and said they were more more patriotic than Democrats. And they told us they support our troops.

We’ve always known they were lying about the fiscal thing. The last time there was a balanced budget under a Republican was during the Eisenhower administration. Republicans spend more than Democrats. The debt increases more under Republicans. Republicans give permanent tax cuts to billionaire assholes and corporations. They finance wars with tax cuts to billionaires. And the only time you hear Republicans talk about controlling spending is when Democrats have the White House. But it took Donald Trump for Republicans to reveal all their other positions were lies. Funny thing is, they’re still telling them.

The party that went after Bill Clinton over his lack of family values and for having multiple affairs turned around and backed Mr. Grab-Them-By-The-Pussy. They supported a man who boasted about cheating on his wife and assaulting women…while he had a newborn child at home. They supported the guy who boasted about barging in on naked teenage girls. The supported the guy who divorced twice, cheated on all three of his wives, and has five children with three different women. They supported the guy who has nearly 30 accusations ranging from assault to rape. They supported the guy who looked at a child and said, “I’ll be dating her in a few years.” They supported the guy who talks about dating his daughter and grades her figure. Republicans lied about being the party of family values. If anything, they’re the party of icky creepy fuckers.

Even before Donald Trump showed up grabbing pussies, Republicans made a pedophile the Speaker of the House. A pedophile. In case you’re a Republican, a pedophile is…wait. If you’re a Republican, you already know what a pedophile is.

Republicans lied about religion and their love of Jesus and God. They literally turned their entire party into a cult worshipping a reality TV show host. Anyone who opposes Trump is cast out as a sinner and blasphemer. The religious right and evangelical base proved what a bunch of wormy hypocrites they are when they started supporting the guy who ogles little girls and throws babies into cages. Jesus wouldn’t do that.

They lied about being patriotic. They voted for the guy endorsed and supported by Vladimir Putin. Here’s a voting primer: Don’t vote for the guy supported by Russia. It’s as easy as that. Republicans were silent when Donald Trump gave away classified information to Russians in the Oval Office. They were silent over his taking Putin’s word over our intelligence agencies. They remained silent over Russia tampering in our elections to help Trump. They have yet to criticize Trump for allowing Russia to hack into our nation’s computer system or for Trump downplaying Russia’s involvement. They’ve allowed Donald Trump to shove allies aside and embrace Russia. The party that tells us Democrats are communists ignores Donald Trump saying he fell in love with a communist (In case you’re a Republican, that’s Kim Jong Un).

Now, they have to choose between Donald Trump and the military. Just like you can’t be a patriot and a MAGAt, you can’t be a Trump supporter and a supporter of our military.

Look at House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. He voted for the defense spending bill which includes pay raises for our troops. Donald Trump vetoed the bill over removing names of Confederate generals from military bases and something that wasn’t even in the bill. Yesterday, the House voted to override Trump’s veto. McCarthy, who voted for the defense bill, turned around and opposed it (he missed the vote). If he’s wearing a neck brace today, it’s because he has whiplash. How many other Republicans will need neck braces?

The bill is for spending $740 billion on our defense…for one year. We spend more on our defense than the next ten countries…combined. While Donald Trump has boasted about “rebuilding the military,” we’ve been increasing the defense budget yearly long before Donald Trump even heard that “I’m Just a Bill” song. But now, the guy who claims he rebuilt our military and loves our troops has vetoed the bill. Why?

First off, he vetoed it because it doesn’t include a repeal of Section 230, a law that shields internet companies from being liable for what is posted on their websites by third parties. In case you’re a Republican, I’ll explain that.

If I go on Twitter and create a post claiming Donald Trump barges in on naked teenage girls so he can ogle them and he wants to date his daughter, he can’t sue Twitter. Why? Because it’s true. But, say you own Twitter and some idiot makes a post claiming George Soros is funding migrant caravans, and it’s a lie. Section 230 protects you from being sued by George Soros because some anti-Semitic orange idiot made a libelous post on your platform. What does any of this have to do with our defense budget and military? Absolutely nothing. But this is the logic of the world’s greatest negotiator. We don’t understand it because we’re not as smart as Trump. Surely, it has to be a genius move. What Trump did with his veto was put himself before the military because the entire social media thing is only about him.

There were other complaints with the bill, such as limits to how much money Trump can move from the military to his useless racist border wall (it should be zero), and that Confederate naming thing. That’s another point against being patriotic. Just how patriotic are you when you’re fighting to retain traitors’ names on U.S. bases?

There was also a measure requiring the Pentagon to submit reports certifying that the proposed troop withdrawals from other nations, like Afghanistan and South Korea, would not jeopardize U.S. national security. Donald Trump didn’t like that.

The House voted 322-87 on Monday to override the veto, well above the two-thirds needed to override. It now goes to the Senate which also needs two-thirds to override. The question is: How many Republicans who were initially for it will now be against it? How about those two Republicans senators from Georgia? Yikes for them. Where do they stand on orange billionaires ogling naked teenagers?

In the House, 109 Republicans voted to override Donald Trump’s veto while 66 voted to support Donald Trump. There are 66 House Republicans who chose Donald Trump over our military. I don’t know how many of those 66 voted for the bill the first time, but I’m working on it and will report back when I have the number. But the bill was unchanged. There was nothing different about it except that Donald Trump vetoed it.

This was the first override of a Trump veto. It’s an excellent way for him to end his presidency (sic). Even with goons like Kevin McCarthy remaining, his control over the party is slipping. Still, he may lash out at those who voted for the override. Mean-tweeting 109 individual Republicans would require a lengthy session for toilet-tweeting, but I believe Donald Trump can do it. You go, you.

Now, we get to find out how many Republican senators will choose Trump over our military. You can’t support our military and Trump. You can’t be a patriot and a Trump supporter. You can’t be pro-democracy and pro-Trump.

You can’t be a loyal American and a Trump supporter.


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24 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

And best of all it has Melania looking like she gives a crap, and Pelosi going "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you..."

Malaria looks like she's trying to twist the spike further into his feet rather than grieving over him.  Probably thinking to herself about the line from the GOP bible that says the trophy wives shall inherit the Earth.

Meanwhile I could hardly blame Pelosi for not wanting to touch the orange fornicate.  You'd have to wash your hands in carbolic acid to get the orange stink off your hands if you did that.

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