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John Shrader 20: The Little Plane that Dared


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Apparently John's parents have Covid but are on the mend. And John-boy is coming home to "assist" them. Good luck with that!

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8 minutes ago, snickerz said:

Apparently John's parents have Covid but are on the mend. And John-boy is coming home to "assist" them. Good luck with that!

Oh, great - the worse than useless  son, coming to stock up on sunflower seeds and beef jerky.

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41 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

Oh, great - the worse than useless  son, coming to stock up on sunflower seeds and beef jerky.

John-Boy 's actually gonna lift a finger, I'm shocked he's not sending one of his daughters and wife

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Does John understand contagion? 

I hope his parents test negative several times before John arrives.

And what a useless git John will be.  Esther and one of the older kids would be much better suited as caregivers. 

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24 minutes ago, Howl said:

Does John understand contagion? 

I hope his parents test negative several times before John arrives.

And what a useless git John will be.  Esther and one of the older kids would be much better suited as caregivers. 

Although I’m glad they’re not the ones going!  What’s in it for John? No way is he going in order to actually help them. My theory is they’re either critically ill nearing death or he’s hoping grifting the congregation goes better in person. My guess is the latter and yes, hopefully he quarantines for 14 days before flying back. 

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I don't know how many siblings he has or how much money his parents have, but maybe he's hoping they go to heaven and he is just making sure he's there so he can grift as much stuff as possible.  

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I very much doubt John will take Nehemiah for any treatment. They seem to almost glorify that they have a son facing Medical suffering (which is disgusting). John lamented in a post that he couldn’t return to the US to follow up on his back. This seems like a convenient excuse for him to come back and ‘care’ for his parents while getting his check ups and grift in comfort.

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John will spin himself as a self-sacrificing son willingly giving up his soul saving mission from God in order to help his parents. I’m sure he hopes this will open up the wallets of everyone he bleats to. I hope he returns empty handed.

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8 minutes ago, snickerz said:

 He's been in US for several days already, he plays the piano & speaks & sings at his dad's church https://www.facebook.com/tricountybaptistchurchkatytx/videos/965522060637789 

OMG what a smug prick he is! He LOVES being in the spotlight!

His parents have covid and he's supposed to be taking care of him and he keeps going back and forth to church.

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I guess they're better? His dad was hospitalized but ready to be released Nov 2, and was at church (and spoke briefly) Nov 8. I'm trying to watch John speak at church, and I swear he is manic. He's using his whole body, waving his arms around, jumping up and down,  yelling, pounding on the podium - ugh, what an idiot!  

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33 minutes ago, raayx01 said:

His parents have covid and he's supposed to be taking care of him and he keeps going back and forth to church.

Well he's got to get the grift in somehow - can't do it from home! And someone has to keep the church going, otherwise people might do the sensible thing and stay home. 

Also it must have been reasonably serious if John's father was hospitalised.

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1 hour ago, snickerz said:

 I'm trying to watch John speak at church, and I swear he is manic. He's using his whole body, waving his arms around, jumping up and down,  yelling, pounding on the podium - ugh, what an idiot!  

I'm going in! Hey, Bro Gary is taking a few days off.

We may have found the one song leader who actually conducts with a conducting pattern. John plays the piano like he does everything else - making sure he is The Most Important Center of Attention Special One.

He sniffs between every few words, which makes this disturbingly like listening to Donald Trump.

He had done a "special" before accompanying a hymn, and thinks they couldn't hear him well enough due to a mix-up with the microphones. So he quotes lines from the song he sang, to make sure they know all about it. :roll: Then he quotes from the hymn they just sang.

"This morning, God has laid - uh, as I prayed, 'God, what do you want me to preach to Tri-County Baptist Church,' because this is not Rick Shrader's church, this is not my church, obviously - I don't have a church, Jesus Christ is the head of every biblical, local, New Testament Baptist church, scriptural church, Christ is the head of this body, Paul looked at the Corinthians and he  said 'You are the body of Christ'."

He goes on for quite a while, before ever finishing the sentence about what God told him to preach - I got tired of typing it all out.

His message today is entitled "Spiritual vs. Satanically Influenced" - he pronounces that last word inFLUenced, and repeats the title to make sure that we caught it.

It's not his message, it's God's - don't forget that! He does the requisite crap about how he is nothing, just the messenger, and rattles off a phrase that he says is from one of the local Zambian languages, that he says means "The word of the white man is worthless, but the word of God is the truth."

"In Africa, being white symbolizes being rich, and therefore what you say goes with more weight and more power, and I want them to know that I'm just a man just like they are."

That would go over better, John, if you weren't puffed up like a pouter pigeon, sounding incredibly full of yourself as you condescendingly intone.

While telling the story of Charles Wesco, John claims that, like Wesco, he sold a house and five acres to get the money to go to Africa. When did that happen, John? I remember a tiny pop-up camper parked on someone else's property.

"We have no home anymore, on this earth, in this life - our home is in Heaven."

Back to Wesco - John describes his death dramatically: "Less than two weeks after he arrived, a bullet came through the windshield or one of the windows of that vehicle, and entered into his head, and his life was taken."

He says he's going to read a testimony "that impacted me."

See a gastroenterologist, John, or eat a prune. Anyway, he reads something along the lines of faith and fear being incompatible in one person.

He says he's staying for about two months, because, of course, God laid it on his heart. He's especially excited about "next Sunday, at 10 hours - ten o'clock, you say here. Pardon me if I slip into my Zambian vernacular."

He prays, going on about his mission in Zambia, and how long they have prayed for people there - "Brother Gray just got saved, six years praying for his soul. Lord, I'm so excited, I pray the church will be encouraged,  Lord because we are sent under the authority of Tri County Baptist Church, and without that authority we cannot preach, how shall they preach except they be sent, and your scripture tells us very clearly how that sending is to be done. Father, we cannot baptize, the authority is given not to men, but to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ." Etc.

Not too subtle, John.

I think I should submit this post, since the first commercial break is over, and he still hasn't gotten to a Bible reading, although he's told us what it is, or an actual message.

More to follow . . .


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12 hours ago, thoughtful said:

"next Sunday, at 10 hours - ten o'clock, you say here. Pardon me if I slip into my Zambian vernacular."

Oh John you utter tosser.

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2 minutes ago, gustava said:

Is he auditioning to take Daddy's place?

That may have to happen one day. Daddy genius must be getting on a bit now? 

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14 hours ago, thoughtful said:

"In Africa, being white symbolizes being rich, and therefore what you say goes with more weight and more power, and I want them to know that I'm just a man just like they are."

I can't even with this...

Yup, the ripe little plum that is Tri-County Baptist is finally withing John's reach.  I'd guess that right now there are people in the congregation silently praying, Dear God, No, just noooooooo. 

That is, the ones who don't have Covid.  Because their pastor and his wife have it from *checks notes* holding church in person. 

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19 minutes ago, Howl said:

That is, the ones who don't have Covid.  Because their pastor and his wife have it from *checks notes* holding church in person. 

Why was Rick back in church?  Is he sure that he's no longer spreading germs?  And -- no mask?  I noticed the other guy handed Rick a mask but he never put it on.  He did tell the congregation that it was okay and not to feel ashamed if they wanted to wear the mask beyond just entering and exiting the church.  How nice, Rick.  How very Christian of you.  /s

From what little of John's sermon I watched, I was just grateful that he didn't do any of it in his fake Zambian accent.  

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1 hour ago, gustava said:

Is he auditioning to take Daddy's place?

I wonder if after someone burned down his church John is beginning to realize Zambia super hates him and people are not donating as much to a guy who has spent years fluffing about not converting anyone. 

John was the assistant pastor at Daddy's church back forever ago. I think Rick always planned for John to take over. John didn't actually last that long when it was time for him to pastor his own church, it was during that brief period he latched onto the idea of deputation and being a missionary. 

I can see John coming back to take over the church and then the church imploding because John is an unlikable twit. 

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15 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

I can see John coming back to take over the church and then the church imploding because John is an unlikable twit. 

I think Rick never planned to still be preaching at this age.  He did have someone else come in to lead the church but, when the new pastor got a bit too nosey about finances, he was sent packing.  If John came back, Rick could still control the finances but wouldn't have to preach all the time.

I think this would fail on all sorts of levels.  Obviously, John would alienate people pretty quickly and love preaching but hate the rest of the pastor-type jobs.  He also wouldn't feel so superior if he was just preaching to people that looked like him.  Rick would have to see up close the messes that John makes. This wouldn't last long at all.

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Absolutely petty but I would enjoy watching the implosion. It is one thing to perhaps skim over what John writes in Africa, another thing altogether to have to listen to his drivel in person. 

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5 hours ago, Botkinetti said:

Absolutely petty but I would enjoy watching the implosion. It is one thing to perhaps skim over what John writes in Africa, another thing altogether to have to listen to his drivel in person. 

If the church implodes and it leaves several people less gullible and starting to look critically then good. I am all in favour of John and family returning.

6 hours ago, formergothardite said:

John is an unlikable twit. 

Yeah, for a guy who essentially wants to start his own cult he fails on one very important characteristic.

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If John comes back to Texas to take over his dad's church, I am sure it would split or completely fall apart like others here have mentioned.  John just can't stand NOT being in the spotlight and preaching AT people.  I'm sure some congregants would stick around and he'd have to just build on that.  I can't see him ever having a normal job or a job in which he had to answer to someone else.  He just couldn't make it.

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