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Krislee - I think Created to be HIS may have found us...


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Here new post is all about people hurting her feelings and being judgemental (HA HA HA HA HA - pot, meet the damn kettle). I posted about her for the first time on here a couple of days ago - me thinks this post is not a coincidence.

So Kris, if you are lurking, the way to get people to not talk bad about you, is to not be completely judgemental, self-righteous and a know-it-all. Don't give marriage advice after being married for a year. Don't say that your way to interpret the bible is the ONLY way and everyone else is just wrong. Then maybe, just maybe, life will be a little easier for you.


"I am going to be candid and honest and vulnerable today.

I'm tired.

Yeah, I know. Shocker.

Throughout my life, I have made choices that have tagged me as naive, old fashioned, hateful, judgemental, and unrealistic. When I was a teenager and made a choice not to date or kiss, people laughed at me. Some were my friends. Some were members of my own family. When I chose to stand up against something that did not glorify God, be it the prom or certain movies or the like, my own friends made fun of me and, eventually, cut me off. My teenage years were not easy and fun. Because of the stands I took, I was the third wheel nearly everywhere. I would be in a room full of young people, but totally alone because no one truly liked me because I was just too.....much. Too different. Too extreme. I'm not going to pretend to be immortal and say that I never noticed or that it didn't phase me. It did. And it hurt. I'm human, people. I have blood running through my veins too.

It is no different today. I speak, sing, write, and blog about going against the flow. I blog about tough issues that are at war with our flesh - MY flesh. I write about doing things God's way. I challenge everyone to stand up and live like the children of God and joint heirs with Christ should live. Yes, I get loud. Yes, I am bold. But that doesn't mean that I am in any way incapable of weeping or of love.

Yes, I have loudly declared that breast cancer awareness should be about true awareness and not about sex or lust or immodesty.

Yes, I have taken a stand against Harry Potter and all the evil, satanic movies and TV shows that are infiltrating our culture.

Yes, I have made a firm stand against alcohol....of every kind.

Yes, I have stood strongly against divorce and divorce and remarriage.

Premarital sex, living together, secular and ungodly music, R-rated movies, proms and other dances, polluted Bibles - yes, I've stood against a lot. I have, since I was young, been passionate about truth and desperate for others to see and embrace truth. Sometimes my words have comes across harsh. Sometimes they have not. Sometimes I have been a trumpet (Isaiah 58:1) and have sounded loud. Other times, I have tried to speak gently, almost begging for the listeners and readers to please walk in the light of truth.

This post is not going to be a pity party because I don't regret one stand I have taken in my life. Of course, there are a few times when I could have been a little more gentle and I regret that I wasn't, but not once do I wish that I had never taken "this" stand or "that" stand. Not once. But as I said, I'm human, people. I get weary in well-doing even though Paul encouraged us not to. I get angry and hurt when people treat me wrong even though the whole world hates Christ and His love never changes. I'll say it again: I'm human. I get tired of the messages in my inbox telling me how wrong I am for choosing God's way. I get tired of the comments that go against Biblical truth. I get tired of the hateful remarks against me, personally, and against my family. I get irritated. I get burdened. I even feel sorry for myself every now and then. I struggle with feelings and emotions, same as you.

I felt the need to write and clear the air. A lot of people think I'm a goody-goody who thinks she's right all the time. A lot of people think I'm hateful, judgemental, and unloving when I "tell it like it is." They forget about the many times I write about the amazing love of God. They forget about the good stuff. But the hard issues find my inbox full of prosecution. So, may I please take the stand? I'm embarrassed to even defend myself because Jesus never did. So I won't. I'll just humbly say this:

I love Jesus. I want it to show. What His whole Word says, I want to repeat and I want to live it out. I would like company walking the narrow road, but it's okay if I don't have it. But before you label me as "one of them" and condemn me for giving my utmost and my best and my all, please remember that I'm human too. Just like you.

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I noticed that she puts her baby in a crib full of soft stuff and that he sleeps on his stomach at times... that is the problem with Christian baby-raising books; you hear a lot about training and nothing about preventing SIDS.

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Translation of this, and oh-so-many other fundy blog posts:

"It's okay for me to say that other people are Doing It Wrong, but if other people say I am Doing It Wrong, they are meanies."

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Here new post is all about people hurting her feelings and being judgemental (HA HA HA HA HA - pot, meet the damn kettle). I posted about her for the first time on here a couple of days ago - me thinks this post is not a coincidence.

So Kris, if you are lurking, the way to get people to not talk bad about you, is to not be completely judgemental, self-righteous and a know-it-all. Don't give marriage advice after being married for a year. Don't say that your way to interpret the bible is the ONLY way and everyone else is just wrong. Then maybe, just maybe, life will be a little easier for you.


"I am going to be candid and honest and vulnerable today.

I'm tired.

Yeah, I know. Shocker.

Throughout my life, I have made choices that have tagged me as naive, old fashioned, hateful, judgemental, and unrealistic. When I was a teenager and made a choice not to date or kiss, people laughed at me. Some were my friends. Some were members of my own family. When I chose to stand up against something that did not glorify God, be it the prom or certain movies or the like, my own friends made fun of me and, eventually, cut me off. My teenage years were not easy and fun. Because of the stands I took, I was the third wheel nearly everywhere. I would be in a room full of young people, but totally alone because no one truly liked me because I was just too.....much. Too different. Too extreme. I'm not going to pretend to be immortal and say that I never noticed or that it didn't phase me. It did. And it hurt. I'm human, people. I have blood running through my veins too.

It is no different today. I speak, sing, write, and blog about going against the flow. I blog about tough issues that are at war with our flesh - MY flesh. I write about doing things God's way. I challenge everyone to stand up and live like the children of God and joint heirs with Christ should live. Yes, I get loud. Yes, I am bold. But that doesn't mean that I am in any way incapable of weeping or of love.

Yes, I have loudly declared that breast cancer awareness should be about true awareness and not about sex or lust or immodesty.

Yes, I have taken a stand against Harry Potter and all the evil, satanic movies and TV shows that are infiltrating our culture.

Yes, I have made a firm stand against alcohol....of every kind.

Yes, I have stood strongly against divorce and divorce and remarriage.

Premarital sex, living together, secular and ungodly music, R-rated movies, proms and other dances, polluted Bibles - yes, I've stood against a lot. I have, since I was young, been passionate about truth and desperate for others to see and embrace truth. Sometimes my words have comes across harsh. Sometimes they have not. Sometimes I have been a trumpet (Isaiah 58:1) and have sounded loud. Other times, I have tried to speak gently, almost begging for the listeners and readers to please walk in the light of truth.

This post is not going to be a pity party because I don't regret one stand I have taken in my life. Of course, there are a few times when I could have been a little more gentle and I regret that I wasn't, but not once do I wish that I had never taken "this" stand or "that" stand. Not once. But as I said, I'm human, people. I get weary in well-doing even though Paul encouraged us not to. I get angry and hurt when people treat me wrong even though the whole world hates Christ and His love never changes. I'll say it again: I'm human. I get tired of the messages in my inbox telling me how wrong I am for choosing God's way. I get tired of the comments that go against Biblical truth. I get tired of the hateful remarks against me, personally, and against my family. I get irritated. I get burdened. I even feel sorry for myself every now and then. I struggle with feelings and emotions, same as you.

I felt the need to write and clear the air. A lot of people think I'm a goody-goody who thinks she's right all the time. A lot of people think I'm hateful, judgemental, and unloving when I "tell it like it is." They forget about the many times I write about the amazing love of God. They forget about the good stuff. But the hard issues find my inbox full of prosecution. So, may I please take the stand? I'm embarrassed to even defend myself because Jesus never did. So I won't. I'll just humbly say this:

I love Jesus. I want it to show. What His whole Word says, I want to repeat and I want to live it out. I would like company walking the narrow road, but it's okay if I don't have it. But before you label me as "one of them" and condemn me for giving my utmost and my best and my all, please remember that I'm human too. Just like you.

Well, honey, if your goal was to show that you loved Jesus, you kind of failed at it. At it appears that in real life you have cut off so many people that you are failing to do that there too. I'll give you some advice that my fundie-lite mother told me a long time ago "If everyone dislikes you and has a problem with you, then the problem might be with you, not everyone else." Nobody is condemning you for doing your best for Jesus, they are disagreeing with your interpretation of the Bible and saying that you come off as a self-righteous bitch. You know those verses that say that without love your words are worthless, you should go read them again.

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Okay, first of all: Oh, brother. :roll:

She's a speshul, speshul snowflake, isn't she? She's just trying to save everyone. Why can't we all be perfect like her!? Also, doesn't she just sound like a barrel of monkeys? No dancing, no "sinful" movies, no secular music, no alcohol (okay, I'm with her on that one, but I don't expect everyone to be). Wow. She sounds like a super-fun person to know. Not.

Also, did anyone else read a lot of pride in this post? Just me?

I thought breast cancer awareness was about making money? :think: How is it about sex and lust?

Oh god, I'll never be as perfect as her--I shall now have to go and throw myself out the (basement) window. Goodbye, cruel world! */dramatics*

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Translation of this, and oh-so-many other fundy blog posts:

"It's okay for me to say that other people are Doing It Wrong, but if other people say I am Doing It Wrong, they are meanies."

Yeah, she just cannot figure out why people would not agree with her that a woman getting the shite beat out of her should not divorce her husband.

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Who has the "This Blog Persecuted by FreeJinger" seal. Yeah, I caught the pride as well. She is so happy to finally encounter faux-difficulty in her life.

per·se·cute (pûrs-kyt)

tr.v. per·se·cut·ed, per·se·cut·ing, per·se·cutes

To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs.

Poor little darling. She is being oppressed and ill-treated indeed. How could someone fail to see her awesome speshulness?

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Okay, first of all: Oh, brother. :roll:

She's a speshul, speshul snowflake, isn't she? She's just trying to save everyone. Why can't we all be perfect like her!? Also, doesn't she just sound like a barrel of monkeys? No dancing, no "sinful" movies, no secular music, no alcohol (okay, I'm with her on that one, but I don't expect everyone to be). Wow. She sounds like a super-fun person to know. Not.

Also, did anyone else read a lot of pride in this post? Just me?

I thought breast cancer awareness was about making money? :think: How is it about sex and lust?

Oh god, I'll never be as perfect as her--I shall now have to go and throw myself out the (basement) window. Goodbye, cruel world! */dramatics*

I'm going to have to go see her breast cancer awareness rant. Lord only know why, because it's just going to piss me off, but....

She said something about modesty. Surely she isn't implying that self breast exams=immodesty...surely...right?

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Awww, poor baby. Hate to tell you that is not God's way or the Truth as you seem to see it. You will learn. I will be laughing, with all the FJ'ers when we welcome you to the other side and you say "I was such a bitch!" and we will say "We know, its ok." and we will give you a glass of wine and we will dance all night.... :dance:

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A parent (fundie lite) at my children's elementary school protested because several of the children are wearing 'Save the Ta-tas' bracelets and related gear. She wanted it stopped because obscene clothing is not allowed by the dress code. I can't find Kristen's post on BC, but I have a feeling this is what she is referring to in general.

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I would be in a room full of young people, but totally alone because no one truly liked me because I was just too.....much. Too different. Too extreme.

I don't buy it. You can pretty much believe anything you want and as long as you aren't a hateful ass about it, it won't make everyone "not like" you. They don't like you because you're a hateful, self-righteous, know-it-all, not because of your intrepid stand on your precious beliefs.

Yes, I have loudly declared that breast cancer awareness should be about true awareness and not about sex or lust or immodesty.

WTF? :doh:

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Eh, she's just the ultimate Debbie Downer. And no one likes the buzz-killer. I bet she was one hell of a cock-blocker when she was a teen.

Who among us really knows what Jesus was doing from the time he was kicking stuff around in the moneylender's temple, and when he showed up again at age 30? There's a whole lot of wild oats sowing that's clearly missing from the stories.

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Seriously, grow up girl. Just because people disagree with you doesn't make you persecuted. I could care less if you don't watch Harry Potter, wear a burqua, or listen to only church hymns. Just so long as you don't infringe upon my right to read what I want, watch what I want, wear what I want, listen to what I want, and do what I want. You leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Simple.

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What's this "taking a stand" crap? If she doesn't believe in prom, R rated movies, alcohol, fine. But I have a feeling "taking a stand" means running her mouth to every other person within earshot. And you know how much other people just love being preached to.

I'm just shocked she wasn't Miss Popularity in high school

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I would guess the BC awareness = sex and lust and immodesty (oh my! sign me up!) comes from orgs like "Feel Your Boobies" and stuff like the "post your bra color for BC awareness".

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Yes I am sure you knew the truth at a young age. hell Why not everyone else does too. The arrogance to think you have it figured all out and to t make sure everyone else knows about it is not exactly Christ like. Spewing hate and judgement on everyone is not Christlike. You make harry potter look like an angel.

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Actually I'm totally with her on the breast cancer campaign thing. I mean, sure it's cute! and funny! and harmless and a lot of people like to giggle at them, but I think those signs like "save the ta-tas!" are really demeaning. (a) Women (and the men who get BC) are entire people, and it's their lives that deserve saving, not one body part that happens to be interesting sexually to others*, and (b) Society, including men, should want to save women's lives because they are human beings, not because they have hot boobs. For those reasons those stickers/signs/etc. do offend me.

As for the alcohol and the dancing and the dating and and and - well, I'm Episcopalian. Our primary young adults' group activity is Happy Hour.

And we do still love Jesus! Even though we drink the devil's grape juice wine.

*obviously there are a lot of psychological issues that arise when a woman needs to have a mastectomy, etc., and I don't mean to disparage those or women who have experienced that.

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They forget about the many times I write about the amazing love of God. They forget about the good stuff. But the hard issues find my inbox full of prosecution.

If it's full of prosecution, does it have attachments like depositions, stipulations, and testimony too?

SOTDRT strikes again. Auto correct isn't that stupid.

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I think the whole point of those campaigns is to be clever and also to desexualize the issue. My doctor does breast exams during my annual and I feel more uncomfortable with that than with the Pap smear. It is not uncommon for women to feel uncomfortable with breast exams. My high school health classes in the early nineties covered everything from birth control to good nutrition and there was nothing about breast exams.

It is an important issue that needs desexualized. These are not sexual parts, even though our culture sexualizes them. So I rather like the campaigns. If a woman cannot breastfeed in public without public shaming, how uncomfortable does that make someone who needs to ask her doctor about them?

ETA: holy shit, did she really say prosecution? lol

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I found the article on breast cancer. She does sound like a killjoy.

Remember last year's Facebook campaign where a message went out to all of the women (and women only, I might add) and suddenly statuses appeared with words like “White,†“Blue,†or “Polka dots†and no one (i.e. the men) had any clue what was up? Oh, but then word got around that the updates were the bra colors of choice and the updates were meant to pique interest of those left out of the joke (again...males) in order to "raise awareness" about breast cancer. Really? Raise awareness? Yeah right.

Not long after that "phenomenon" the next phase was putting a number next to the color. Suggestions have been the age the women lost their virginity or the number of people they have slept with. I am none the wiser and, honestly, I don't care to know. The whole thing was sickening enough to me.

Last year, I was amazed and literally shocked speechless at how many Church girls and women on Facebook and Twitter participated in the game. Oh, I expected the non-Christians to participate, but the Church? The professed Christians? I was appalled. And it wasn't just teen or college age girls. Sunday school teachers, Pastor's wives, Evangelists' wives, mothers, grandmothers....women of every age proudly posting their "color" claiming to "raise awareness" when, really, it just brought lust to the minds of men and greatly damaged their testimony. Many lost respect. After a while, I began to see Pastors and men joining in, posting their brand or color of their undergarments. Cat calls and virtual whistling followed suit. God, help us...

Really, if a man knows a woman's bra color, he'll loose respect for her? I don't think men are that shallow

closing, let me say SUPPORT cancer awareness. Give money. Visit the sick and the hurting. Do the work of a Christian. But above all, PRAY. The cure is here and that cure is Jesus. Start spending more time on your knees than lacing up your walking shoes. Wrestle in prayer for the sick, the hurting, the dying and, more so, the LOST. THAT, Christians, is our calling. Playing silly games that damage your testimony and the name of Christ do nothing but hurt our Savior and His work.

Donate to medical research. Pray all you want but donate also.

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I found the article on breast cancer. She does sound like a killjoy.

Really, if a man knows a woman's bra color, he'll loose respect for her? I don't think men are that shallow

Donate to medical research. Pray all you want but donate also.

Yes, the most important thing in breast cancer research is prayer. And don't worry folks, the cure is already here! In Jesus!

No, that is not offensive to the thousands of women who have fought breast cancer - both those who passed and those who survived.

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