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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 16


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"Pray The Corona Away"


Donald Trump is responding to the coronavirus and he wants us to know it’s under control and he understands the science.

This is a guy who believes climate change is a hoax created in China. He claimed raking forests prevents fires. He thought the best way to put out the Notre Dame fire was to fly water tankers and dump thousands of pounds of water on the cathedral. He asked if a hurricane could be stopped by dropping a nuke on it. He thinks HIV and HPV are the same things. He tried to change the direction of a hurricane by changing its trajectory on a map with a Sharpie. But maybe we won’t have to worry about the coronavirus because we’ll all die from windmill cancer first.

Protect us from the coronavirus? Donald Trump can’t even spell “coronavirus.”

The White House’s idea to assure the public that they have the coronavirus under control was to wheel Donald Trump into the briefing room, for just the second time of his presidency, and be the face of the response. Surprisingly, that didn’t comfort anyone.

Trump relayed a few details about the coronavirus that he had just learned, like he did when he found out Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and triad means three. He gave helpful advice on avoiding the virus, like wash your hands, avoid handrails, leave the room when someone sneezes, and don’t make out with sick people you haven’t seen in a while. Seriously.

Trump displayed how delusional he was over the virus, like when he removed blame from it for the fall on Wall Street and instead, placed on the Democratic Debate, which was the day after the stocks started falling.  That’s Donald Trump for you. Takes credit for something when it’s good and cast blame when it goes bad.

Trump tried to downplay the threat of the Coronavirus by saying it was like the flu in the way it spreads. That is true, but the Coronavirus’ fatality rate is 20 times higher than the flu’s.

Other concerns about the Trump administration’s handling of this crisis is that Donald Trump fired the pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs and didn’t replace them. He also cut the CDC’s global disease outbreak prevention efforts by 80%, which included the agency’s efforts in China. Now, he’s asking for $2.5 billion to confront the outbreak. Maybe he should take all the funding from the Defense Department since that’s where he’s raiding all the money his racist border wall vanity project from (that was supposed to be free).

To top it all off, Donald Trump then appointed Vice-President Mike Pence to lead the Coronavirus response team. Mike Pence, who once advocated funding gay-conversion therapy programs and who as governor of Indiana, slashed public health spending and delayed the introduction of needle exchanges which lead to that state’s largest outbreak of HIV, which Trump probably thought was HPV. Pence also wrote in 2000 in an Op-Ed that “smoking doesn’t kill.”

Yes, boys and girls. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are putting their combined knowledge and belief in science into protecting our nation from a coronavirus pandemic. Yes, boy and girls…we’re all going to die.


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"Purging With Ginni"


Donald Trump believes Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor should recuse themselves from all cases involving him. If that actually happened, he’d be winning all his cases, in the worst-case scenario, by a 4-3 vote.

There’s already a conservative majority on the bench. Most cases go 5-4 for conservatives. But, there are occasions where Chief Justice John Roberts sides with the liberals.

Republicans already cheat at everything. They cheat at elections. They change the rules of appointments in the Senate. They stole a Supreme Court seat from President Barack Obama on a fictional rule Mitch McConnell now says he’ll disregard if the situation repeats itself for Trump. So even with a 5-4 majority that they had to steal, it’s still not good enough.

Donald Trump wants Ginsburg to recuse herself from all of his cases because four years ago, she called Trump a “faker” and that she couldn’t imagine him as president. She later said her comments were “ill-advised” for a Supreme Court justice and promised that “in the future, I will be more circumspect.”

But because Ginsburg doesn’t like Trump, if that’s the case, it doesn’t mean she can’t be fair when judging cases involving him. People have opinions. And for what it’s worth, I still can’t imagine Donald Trump as president.

With Sotomayor, Trump is upset she issued a dissenting opinion last week against an order by the court allowing the Trump administration to proceed with a plan to deny green cards to immigrants who are deemed likely to become “public charges” reliant on government aid programs. Sotomayor argued that the Trump administration had become too quick to run to the Supreme Court after interim losses in the lower courts.

Sotomayor wrote, “Claiming one emergency after another, the government has recently sought stays in an unprecedented number of cases, demanding immediate attention and consuming limited court resources in each. And with each successive application, of course, its cries of urgency ring increasingly hollow.”

Of course, Donald Trump didn’t read that and wouldn’t understand it if he did, but he did cite Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, one of his favorite goose steppers, and tweeted, “Sotomayor accuses GOP appointed Justices of being biased in favor of Trump.” Sotomayor did not do that.

He also tweeted, “I only ask for fairness, especially when it comes to decisions made by the United States Supreme Court!” Obviously, ignoring that he stole a SCOTUS seat from Obama and his second appointment was ram-rodded through with changed rules and with minimal investigations into charges the nominee attempted rapes during the heavy-drinking days of his youth.

I’m surprised he isn’t yelling for the Chief Justice to recuse himself for scolding Trump when he said there were “Obama judges” and “Trump judges.” But, Roberts rules in his favor 99% of the time.

Fairness in Trump’s orbit is purging everyone who may be a “never Trumper” and ruining their careers. In that matter, he has former never Trumper Ginni Thomas. Thomas? Where have we heard that name before? Oh yeah! She’s Clarence Thomas’ wife. You’re familiar with Clarence Thomas, right? Supreme Court justice.

While Ginni may be a former never Trumper, she’s also a former cult member (true) so she probably feels right at home in the Trump cult. But, you don’t hear Trump calling for her husband to recuse himself from Trump cases despite his wife’s involvement with Trump. But then again, Clarence has a long history of not recusing from Supreme Court cases where there’s a conflict with his wife, as she is an attorney and lobbyist whose clients are constantly parading cases for her husband to decide on. When I say they “parade,” I mean they trudge through that D.C. swamp every Republican and Trump cultist scream about.

Attorney General William Barr was hoping Donald Trump would stop tweeting so much at legal cases, like where he’s attacking a member of a jury over his corrupt buddy’s trial. Barr’s hopes, or the act he put on, were in vain.

And for everyone who’s worried about Bernie Sanders praising Castro’s literacy program or wanting to turn us into a socialist state, it’s interesting that you don’t have any qualms over a president yelling for an equal branch to reduce their powers.

What’s next? Will Trump attempt to purge judges like his buddy, Recep Erdogan has done in Turkey? Or maybe, Trump’s allies on the court will remove their colleagues whom Trump considers “disloyal,” as the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has done.

Attacking the courts over and over is banana republic like shit. That’s headed to an authoritarian state and there aren’t enough Republicans, or people in general, having issues with it. What happens with our three branches if Trump wins reelection? Will the second branch help his branch weaken the third?

The Senate and courts are giving Donald Trump everything from stealing money from the military for his racist vanity project to asking foreign nations to help him personally to making money off his office to purging everyone he deems disloyal. While Republicans are worried that Bernie Sanders will turn us into Venezuela, Donald Trump is emulating Hugo Chavez.

The hypocrisy and double-standards are amazing. What’s unfair to Donald Trump is when he’s treated fairly.


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