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Chick-fil-a + Fireproof = Date Night!


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Huh. I have never been to a Chick Fil A and I doubt my state has it according to my cousin's wife, who is a huge fan of their restaurant. I mentioned this to Hubby, and he apparently thought it was a Mormon restaurant, being from Utah and all. It made me wonder, if they are doing this for the Christians, what would the Mormons do in Utah? I don't know any Mormon movies, and I can't see them watching "fireproof" unless I am mistaken :)

My inner psychologist/social anthorpologist is dying to go do this but we do not want to waste our booze money on something like this when I can watch it from home for free with my own drink for the drinking game.

And for the record, Kirk Cameron was great until he got into the whole christian movie thing. I loved Growing Pains, LOL. :)

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Huh. I have never been to a Chick Fil A and I doubt my state has it according to my cousin's wife, who is a huge fan of their restaurant. I mentioned this to Hubby, and he apparently thought it was a Mormon restaurant, being from Utah and all. It made me wonder, if they are doing this for the Christians, what would the Mormons do in Utah? I don't know any Mormon movies, and I can't see them watching "fireproof" unless I am mistaken :)

My inner psychologist/social anthorpologist is dying to go do this but we do not want to waste our booze money on something like this when I can watch it from home for free with my own drink for the drinking game.

And for the record, Kirk Cameron was great until he got into the whole christian movie thing. I loved Growing Pains, LOL. :)

Eh I know a couple of mormons who loved fireproof

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I actually like Chick "Filla". I pronounced it incorrectly the first time I saw it in Arkansas, and three people corrected me. Lol. I have a weak spot for fried chicken. But if I am going to Arkansas, I will make the trip to Monte Ne Chicken. Now THAT is some dang good fried chicken. And it's endless. (But the BOWLS of gravy freak me out!).

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Chick filet. Like a filet

We generally call it Chick-olé...but only because that's how my little cousin pronounced it until she was at least 4 :)

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I have to admit I do like Chick-fil-a. I don't think we have any here in Milwaukee. The last time I was at a Chick-fil-a was when I was visiting my sister's family in Kansas City, Mo.

As for "Fireproof"-well, I think I'd get it from the library and watch it while drinking a cheap bottle of wine.

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Liltwinstar, my partner and I have a deal: he will go see any movie that has zombies in it, even if it's romantic comedy. Otherwise I'm on my own (luckily I have a bunch of friends in the same boat; one whose wife only watched disaster movies, one whose husband won't go to the theater if it costs more than $2. So I always have movie-watching company). BUT he is a sucker for fast food. I bribed him into seeing The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo with the promise of White Castle afterward.

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I went to a Chick-Fil-A once on vacation in Florida. They were super polite but that was all; no God or religious talk. I thought the food was good, but not great. We don't have any in Michigan where I live (which is why I went while in FL - wanted to see if it was as good as I'd heard).

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It made me wonder, if they are doing this for the Christians, what would the Mormons do in Utah? I don't know any Mormon movies, and I can't see them watching "fireproof" unless I am mistaken :)

For specifically Mormon movies, I know there's one called The Singles' Ward, God's Army, about the mishies, The Work and the Glory, and one I actually saw without knowing beforehand that it was a Mormon flick, called, Saints and Soldiers (which I actually enjoyed; the Mormon angle was relatively low-key, at least initially). Don't ask me how I know all of this.

And Chick-Fil-A... man, I could kill for some of that right about now. I remember when I did my college hunt, we toured a number of schools down south. Without fail, every time we went to the student union or the dining hall, the big selling point was, "... and we've got Chick-Fil-A here!" I ended up going to school in Delaware, and we had one in our student union. The waffle fries were great, and the chicken nuggets were good, too. I never got any of the super-Christiany stuff some people have experienced; I didn't even know that it was a Christian chain until I tried to go there on a Sunday once and they were closed.

Also, I had totally forgotten about Lotteria! It's been so long since I went to one, I don't really remember what the food was like, though.

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The only problem I have with Chick-Fil-a (which I love fried chicken and will never turn it down, ever) is that I always crave it on Sundays. I swear everytime I decide to drive out to a chick-fil-a its on a Sunday and I forget they're closed, and the I just get sad. :violin:

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My only problem with Chick-Fil-A is their "not open on Sundays" thing, even the one on my campus. Which sucked when the dining hall was serving fried ravioli for dinner and I couldn't get the rental car. Bleh.

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What is it you guys say? I was "defrauded" by Kirk Cameron in that movie. He's a fireman. The uniform looks good on him. That being said, $30 to see a movie that came out in 2008 and eat fast food seems expensive. Is part of this $ going to the church that funds these films?

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I won't patronize there because they actively campaign against civil rights and treat gay employees like second class citizens. Since I don't believe in giving money to people who hate me if I know about it or can help it, I won't eat there.

There's tons of writing it hit the news recently. One article: http://www.metroweekly.com/news/last_wo ... rover.html

I understand that they might be a "good" fast food option, but by lining their pockets you're directly contributing to limiting my rights and supporting a restaurant that is linked to FamilyLife, Penn. Institute of Family, World Congress of Christians, Exodus International, and other scary organizations that make gay kids feel like killing themselves and support discrimination.

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I avoid chik fil a like the plague. Too many little kids...too much religious muzak....I like Zaxby's. They make chicken that tastes like something my mama would fry up. And they are open on Sundays.

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I'm Canadian, so the first I read about this chain my first thought was "WTF, what a stupid name." That's still my thought, even though I now know it's not pronounced "chick filla". Didn't this movie come out years ago? Why is it still in theaters? The more I read FJ, the more I deeply feel for you Americans. It seems as though you have the bible and Christianity shoved down your throats everywhere you turn. In my neck of the woods, this kind of stuff would make the vast majority of people seriously uncomfortable and probably lead to boycotts. It definitely wouldn't fly.

I live in a very diverse area in the US, so it doesn't feel like there's a dominating "white evangelical Protestant" culture here. We do have Chick-fil-a, but I'd be really surprised to hear an employee say "God bless you" after I ordered.

Chick-fil-a is yummy, especially the nuggets and fries, but I rarely eat it; there isn't one nearby. No matter how good it tastes, though, it seems like $30 is a big ripoff for a meal that would probably cost $5-$7 per person and a bad movie that's been out on DVD for ages.

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I'm surprised nobody's mentioned In-N-Out yet: it's owned by a conservative Christian family, and you'll find discreet references to Bible verses on the packaging. I haven't heard about In-N-Out sponsoring anything anti-gay or the like, though.

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I'm surprised nobody's mentioned In-N-Out yet: it's owned by a conservative Christian family, and you'll find discreet references to Bible verses on the packaging. I haven't heard about In-N-Out sponsoring anything anti-gay or the like, though.

That's probably because in-n-Out Burger is a mostly Western chain. Very few states have both Chik-fil-A AND In-n-Out (Texas, for example). Most people have experience with one or the other.

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That's probably because in-n-Out Burger is a mostly Western chain. Very few states have both Chik-fil-A AND In-n-Out (Texas, for example). Most people have experience with one or the other.

AZ has both Chik-fil-A and In-N-Out. :-D I think they are both pretty delicious... but I like almost all fast food. LOL

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The Chick-fil-as around here (NC) are good and I've never heard any employee say God bless you to me. I guess I give off a strong heathen vibe :)

I couldn't stomach watching Fireproof though. BLEH

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I won't patronize there because they actively campaign against civil rights and treat gay employees like second class citizens. Since I don't believe in giving money to people who hate me if I know about it or can help it, I won't eat there.

There's tons of writing it hit the news recently. One article: http://www.metroweekly.com/news/last_wo ... rover.html

I understand that they might be a "good" fast food option, but by lining their pockets you're directly contributing to limiting my rights and supporting a restaurant that is linked to FamilyLife, Penn. Institute of Family, World Congress of Christians, Exodus International, and other scary organizations that make gay kids feel like killing themselves and support discrimination.

While the owner of the rights to Chick Fil A does in fact do that, my local, on my way to work one is quite progressive (although still conservative Christian).

It is about the same as saying you lined the pockets of Meg Whitman who supported prop 8 if you had ever bought something from ebay.

If Chick-fil-a was a corporately owned chain I would feel worse about it. As it is, much like boy scouts, I don't think you can encourage change from the outside. So I have opted to support the one in our town who does right by the community and is non-discriminatory. Yes, some of the money I spend there goes back to Chick fil a corporate in the form of franchise fees and cost of supplies, but some of the money stays in the locally owned one who is doing the right thing.

Do I support people who opt to not go to Chick-fil-a? Sure. I just don't feel strongly "convicted" about it in the particular instance I am in. And it is a firm no-god bless you resturant!

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