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Matt Powell : ‘Atheists drink coke all day and are addicted to video games’


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"Matt Powell is a young Christian preacher with only a small YouTube following, but one of his videos is getting a lot of attention this week. In a video uploaded to his own channel titled, “22 Year Old Preacher Rants Against Atheist Losers,” Powell laments how atheists “freak out” whenever the subject of evolution is brought up.

“Why would I [believe in evolution]? It’s stupid,” Powell said, adding that atheists who believe in evolution “actually defy science.”

“Because we live in a school where it’s just ‘fill in the blank,'” he continued. “They’re not taught to logic, they’re not taught to reason. I thank God I was in a home where I at least got taught how to logic.”"


Article: http://deadstate.org/young-christian-preacher-atheists-drink-coke-all-day-and-are-addicted-to-video-games/



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That made no sense whatsoever. 

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I don't drink any soda and don't play video games. I do like Harry Potter, but I'm not obsessed. I do know how to logic.  He was vague about what was said to atheists to make them question evolution. 

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I rarely drink any carbonated beverage because it hurts my stomach, and I don't know how to play video games. Never have.

This is what happens when you make (ludicrous) blanket statements about people. 

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1 hour ago, DangerNoodle said:

“Because we live in a school where it’s just ‘fill in the blank,'” he continued. “They’re not taught to logic, they’re not taught to reason. I thank God I was in a home where I at least got taught how to logic.”"

Too bad he wasn't taught how to grammar.

I chug Coke in disturbing amounts and I love video games, but I wouldn't categorize myself as an atheist. WHAT AM I, O WISE 22YO?

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I drink Pepsi, but not every day; I haven’t played any video games in 30 years because I found them boring; logic is one of my strong skills; yep, this guy’s talking out of his blowhole. 

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I drink Diet Coke sometimes but I can’t play video games. I thought I was a Christian, but now?!


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What a tool.  I don't play video games (I watch make up videos) and I drink Diet Coke all day.  

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1 hour ago, DangerNoodle said:

I at least got taught how to logic

Look, linguistics is my jam.  I know that verbing nouns is a thing, because internet, but this particular use hasn't really made the jump to most people's daily offline speech*, and it just ends up sounding like Matty here either genuinely thinks of "logic" as a verb (not yet, dude; give it another decade or so to catch on), or is putting it on in a "hello, fellow kids" way to sound hip and cool.

Also, I don't play video games, and drink (non-Diet) Coke about four times a year, mixed with rum.  I've thought and read about the science of evolution, and I'm willing to bet that the "oh, I never thought about that" response he gets is a polite version of "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard; why would you even mention that?"

*Except my 6'4", thirty-something male coworker, who, I swear to God, talks like a teenage girl's chat history.

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I drink Mountain Dew (a lot of it) because my neurologist says to.  The only video games I play are puzzle games and the old Super Mario World.  I've been told I'm really logical.  I identify as a Christian.  

I learned early on that it isn't wise to make sweeping judgements on groups of people.  We're all people at the end of the day, we have the same wants and needs, and none of us are always right.  Treat others with respect.  

As my Grandma (bless her soul) would have said, "That asshole makes assholes look bad.  Don't be an asshole, young lady there's plenty of them bastards already."

I like to think she'd be proud of me.

I did inherit her sailor's vocabulary. 

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I don't drink a lot of coke/soda, but Coke brand is the one I usually will drink.  (Texan language here - we generally call all soda "coke." Also Dr. Pepper is the more popular soda in Texas) I'm a Christian, and I have been known to play a video game or two. I have no problem believing that science is real.  And I also know that this guy is way out there and not in a good way!

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This atheist just finished a Coke Zero Sugar, but I haven't played a video game since I played QuadraPong at a bar in Athens Georgia 40 years ago.  I majored in anthropology so, damn right, I believe in evolution.  (Wrote a paper on the skull KNM-1470, found by Richard Leakey.)  I've read some  creationist shit and it does not line up with the scientific facts -AT ALL.  

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I once work with a Pentecostal, no cable, no watching tv shows, skirts only, long gair, etc.  yet her and her husband were AVID gamers. .... yeah this 22 yo is a stupid, asshat with no critical thinking skills. 

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I will admit that I love to laugh at the youngins that have it all figured out. It’s just fun. You know he is going to be so embarrassed in 20 years. But he posted that shit online! So he can’t ever get away from it. Fun stuff.

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Most of the atheists I know have jobs and a couple of them don't watch much let alone play video games.

I don't see this guy getting a big YouTube following like Jefferson Bethke. There are some things that piss me off about Bethke, but he's doesn't spout very dumb shit like this.

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I drink Diet Pepsi and I do play video games(actually one per year, MLB The Show), and I’m a Christian.  Although, as an Episcopalian(aka “Catholic-lite”), probably not the Right Kind Of Christian™️.

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Christian (Episcopalian), drinks more Coke than I want to, and I am more likely to listen to opera and knit than play video games.

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Diet Pepsi and diet Dr Pepper drinking Buddhist here, I wouldn’t mind playing an old school game of Frogger or Centipede.  Instead, I’ll be doing laundry and cleaning my kitchen. :pb_neutral:

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3 hours ago, smittykins said:

I drink Diet Pepsi and I do play video games(actually one per year, MLB The Show), and I’m a Christian.  Although, as an Episcopalian(aka “Catholic-lite”), probably not the Right Kind Of Christian™️.

Frankly, sometimes with these people, I don't even think Jesus was the Right Kind of Christian.  He was probably too Jewish, WAYYYYYY too Middle Eastern, actively participated in the fermenting of beverages, didn't show supreme loyalty and obedience to his civic ruler (don't tell JRod!), advocated for the poor, advocated for women, advocated for children, advocated a socialist distribution of wealth among Church communities, didn't own a gun, made a zombie, didn't bind children to the sins of their parents (looking at YOU, Gothard), etc.  

Also, I think he probably would have been fine with Coke.  


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So all us atheists drink Coke and play video games all day, huh? Well, I guess it's better to drink Coke than snort or smoke it, cuz boy you are high on somethin nasty. Mmm. 

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I try not to drink sodas,they don't agree with me.I haven't played a video game,in years.Jeopardy and Galaga were my favorites,and Diet Dr.Pepper.


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11 minutes ago, melon said:

I try not to drink sodas,they don't agree with me.I haven't played a video game,in years.Jeopardy and Galaga were my favorites,and Diet Dr.Pepper.


A big hello to you Melon, from another atheist with whom soda doesn't agree and hasn't played video games in years, 

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