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Michael and Brandon Keilen: Part 4


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Michaela really seems to love children apart from being told/believing this is her whole purpose. 

And while I feel for her I am still happy for every child that is not born into those families. 

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Is Brandon still working for the cult? I know most of it has moved to the compound in Texas, so I'm wondering what he actually does if IBLP still employs him. 

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18 hours ago, Ivycoveredtower said:

Brandon and Micheal are taking a trip to DC to celebrate their engagement anniversary 

The 2nd picture that Michael posted is lovely--showing the cherry blossoms in bloom around the Tidal Basin as the plane comes in to land at DC National Airport


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On 4/12/2018 at 6:38 PM, formergothardite said:

Is Brandon still working for the cult? I know most of it has moved to the compound in Texas, so I'm wondering what he actually does if IBLP still employs him. 

As far as I know Brandon is still working for the cult and is still in Chicago.  I think his official title was videographer for Embassy Media at IBLP HQ.  He also did some rather impressive cartoons for one of Pecan's Christmas video presentations.

I've been keeping a beady eye on developments in Chicago.  I'm pretty sure that only the ATI branch of IBLP moved to Big Sandy.  Although the big HQ building in Oak Brook is shuttered, they are still definitely running things like Embassy Media, TELOS, and the JTTH activities out of Chicago.  IBLP must own a lot of property in and around Oak Brook. 

They made the big announcement of selling up in IL and moving all functions to TX when the lawsuit was first filed.  It was a rather obvious move to try to get assets out of IL ahead of the suit, and the IL real estate sales were blocked by a judge's court order back then.  Now the lawsuit is over it will be interesting to see whether they try to move other functions to TX.

ETA.  Or move ATI back to Oak Brook!


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3 minutes ago, Palimpsest said:

As far as I know Brandon is still working for the cult and is still in Chicago.  I think his official title was videographer for Embassy Media at IBLP HQ.  He also did some rather impressive cartoons for one of Pecan's Christmas video presentations.

I've been keeping a beady eye on developments in Chicago.  I'm pretty sure that only the ATI branch of IBLP moved to Big Sandy.  Although the big HQ building in Oak Brook is definitely shuttered, they are still definitely running things like Embassy Media, TELOS, and the JTTH activities out of Chicago.  IBLP must own a lot of property in and around Oak Brook. 

They made the big announcement of selling up in IL and moving all functions to TX when the lawsuit was first filed.  It was a rather obvious move to try to get assets out of IL ahead of the suit, and the IL real estate sales were blocked by a judge's court order back then.  Now the lawsuit is over it will be interesting to see whether they try to move other functions to TX.

I honestly can't see Micheal happy if they have to move to TX and be even farther away from her family. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Olivia Collingsworth and Emily Anne Raines are visiting Michael in Chicago and they posted some cute pictures sight seeing on Olivia’s public Instagram.

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The yellow house that they moved into on the show is right by that church and is owned by the church. Someone did a real estate record check and at one point the church owned a lot of homes in that neighborhood, sold some but still own a few I think.  

If they are living in a house owned by IBLP I imagine he is still working for them. I live outside Chicago and know nothing about their shenanigans!

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54 minutes ago, TeaELSee said:

The yellow house that they moved into on the show is right by that church and is owned by the church. Someone did a real estate record check and at one point the church owned a lot of homes in that neighborhood, sold some but still own a few I think.  

If they are living in a house owned by IBLP I imagine he is still working for them. I live outside Chicago and know nothing about their shenanigans!

The Wallers used to live in the same house, so i think its safe to asume the house is owned by the church. What i wonder is if they are there for free or they still have to pay rent, how that works basically. Its a shame that they are so into that cult, Brandon seems like a good artist, i saw his drawings and he could very much find a non-cult job with his skills.

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2 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Olivia Collingsworth and Emily Anne Raines are visiting Michael in Chicago and they posted some cute pictures sight seeing on Olivia’s public Instagram.

And a not so cute one


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49 minutes ago, VBOY9977 said:

And a not so cute one

It is nice when they remind us who they really are. 

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2 hours ago, VBOY9977 said:

And a not so cute one


I swear I click through pictures so quickly I didn’t even notice the Trump in the back. I imagine Michael would have never posted this picture on social media. It seems like she doesn’t like posting about politics on social media. Although of course we all know fundies mostly voted for Trump (there are a few who didn’t).

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I often wonder how these people sleep at night, knowing that the group most repeatedly and harshly condemned by Jesus were religious hypocrites.

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All the Bates seem to be Trump supporters, obviously its not like they openly say it, but you just have to see who their friends/boyfriends support, or even themselves in not so openly ways (Josie follows Ivanka Trump on insta for example, and is not like she follows a lot of people...)

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1 hour ago, VBOY9977 said:

And a not so cute one


For a second I thought you were making fun of how they look or something and I was about to go all downvotey on you. Then I looked at the background. And now I’m glad I didn’t downvote after all. :pb_lol:

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3 hours ago, VBOY9977 said:

And a not so cute one


Why are they so thrilled to support a man who  clearly doesn’t have a basic grasp of the Bible and goes against much of what it says? Idiots. 

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2 hours ago, singsingsing said:

I often wonder how these people sleep at night, knowing that the group most repeatedly and harshly condemned by Jesus were religious hypocrites.

I wonder if they even possess a basic knowledge about the bible. 

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The Bates hit the PR so hard in efforts to appear like a real family who, unlike their counterparts, are honest, up front, and education focused. They still have their harsh views. That is the bottom line I need to keep reminding myself. I am all about political freedom. But how someone could actually vote this man in... and then, after all that has been revealed about him personally and politically could boldly continue to support him is lost on me. It says so much about the characters of the individuals. Shame on Michael for supporting a man who goes against every thing she says she and her family stands for. Very hypocritical.

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Here are the hashtags included on Emily's public IG account just in case there was any confusion about why they took a snap shot of the tower. Smh.


4 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I swear I click through pictures so quickly I didn’t even notice the Trump in the back. I imagine Michael would have never posted this picture on social media. It seems like she doesn’t like posting about politics on social media. Although of course we all know fundies mostly voted for Trump (there are a few who didn’t).

After Trump's statement on the Charlotteville's riot, Austin and Joy saw fit to post a comment about praying for our leader. Nothing about how the groups related go against the very core of both Christian and American philosophy. No sympathy for the victims. Just an ambiguous statement showing they agreed with his foolishness. Immediate delete from all my stuff. They had towed the line before but that was it for those two. Also deleted Derick and his gross need to down someone else's family who have done no harm to anyone by existing. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stop supporting all of them including their shows. Enough is enough.

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Hugh even if i feel for her 'cause see all your younger siblings get married and have babies with no effort, when for you it seems impossibile and for no cause must be very hard, i can't suffer her political decision done just because some one says what You want to hear not because you belive in him or in his messagge. The fact that she seems to usually prefer post about family and God is what it makes almost forgot that She has the same ideas of Dwreck, her parents and The major parte of the other fundies as well. So post like this hit even harder 

sigh what a waste 

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Now I know why I didn’t see the Trump stuff. I wasn’t looking at Emily’s pictures on Instagram. I was looking at Olivia’s. The Collingsworths come across as very privileged fundies. They only have four children. They aren’t your typical giant family fundies. But they are just as insufferable. 

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That girl is thirsty if she's hashtagging her friends' names too. :pb_lol: 

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