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Fundamentalist cleric/instigator reported killed (Islamic)


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A New Mexico-born fellow who preached (if that's the right word) in mosques stateside. His followers may have included the guy who killed and injured so many people at Fort Hood, Texas, as well as some of the 9/11 perpetrators.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44727191/ns ... ?GT1=43001

I post it here because to my mind, dominionism can and does adapt itself to many religious systems. Those of us who tend not to believe that people can be swayed to political actions from a pulpit -- and I tend to be one of those people, having grown up in a denomination that effectively forbade politics from the pulpit -- need to be reminded that "religious" leaders can have whole other agendae than helping their people find and worship God.

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I just heard about this as well. If this was a targeted strike on an American citizen by an American drone...in a country where we are not at war; how is this legal?

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Beeks, JMHO but we're at war. Whole different set of legalities.

That said, I hope this doesn't turn into a political conversation. In fact, I'm not sure what else it can turn into. My intentions, in posting it, are to prompt consideration of the extremes to which "home grown" dominionists of any stripe can go.

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