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60 Minutes report on Valley Forge Baptist missionaries in Australia


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Not sure if this belongs here or in Snark so feel free to move if necessary.


60 Minutes in Aus had a segment on a missionary couple from America. The woman had experienced multiple rapes in one day, every day, with her husband using the 'wives submit' verse from Ephesians. They were briefly whisked away to America for 'counseling' from the church, then sent back to Australia where the rapes got worse.


Eventually the husband was charged and convicted. Some family members blame the wife for the rapes - the son is interviewed and while he is forced to say no, it's clear he believes otherwise. He comes across as arrogant and heartless.


As horrific as it is, one thing about the report kind of struck me - the show made out like this particular phenomenon of subjugating women through bible verses and faith is unique to this specific church/religion. It's not as if Valley Forge Baptist Church rewrote the bible. We have churches just as conservative in Australia, if not more so. Could it be that it's easier to blame an influence from far away?

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There's a Quiverfull compound in New Zealand called "Gloriavale" which has been the subject of some documentaries and news specials. Really interesting but disturbing stuff!

I looked on Youtube and there's a new 60 Minutes thing called "Sins of the Father" about churches in Australia. I'm just about to watch it now, so I'm not sure exactly what it's about.

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Sorry, but I can't figure out how to edit my previous post. The video does appear to be the same story. The Missionaries came from America but moved to Australia, so I guess that's why they had it on the Aus version of 60 Minutes. 

At least their church ended up condemning the fathers actions. I feel really badly for the children of that son who thinks his *mother* needs to repent.

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