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Pickles & Hairspray 2: Banning at Random, Banning at Will


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Continuing on from here: 



I would definitely be sad if I ever got kicked off of Free Jinger for any reason, because I feel like you guys are kindred spirits in so many ways, but with that said, I don't think I'd be "start a rival place online to talk about the Duggars & emit constant butthurt" level sad. 

@TeamDefraudinSquad, you'd be surprised how often this happens. We've had Facebooks, Reddits, whole other forums, and more created just about FJ butthurtedness alone. :pb_rollseyes:

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Pickles, don't go away mad, just go away!    And the pickle humpers :leghumper:

Omg.  They act like she knows all.  It's their fault, the fed the beast.

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Pickles Facebook page, at the very beginning, was outstanding at calling bulldooky bulldookey . She's also very knowledgeable about the Bible.

If she saw that someone was jumping to wild conclusions or was claiming something that hadn't been proven or was just wrong,  she would call them out on it. I guess there was plenty to talk about without adding conjecture and rumor.

Lately her posts have gotten nasty!  She posted something along the lines of "hoping a Jill's bad decisions didn't harm Samuel"  I was floored! With zero information provided she jumped to the conclusion that Jill may have endangered the life of her son!! She knows perfectly well that her leg humpers take anything she says as the gospel as told by pickles. Her careful wording means nothing. Her humpers read it as proven fact. She knows this.

Not long after, she posted a link to an Amazon wish list for charity using Joe and Kendra's name and likeness as a way to get donations. Buy this for a poor stranger in need instead of giving to those who need nothing.

It states on the page that they are not affiliated with Joe and Kendra. Again pickles posted this and suggested it was their reaction to the backlash from their actual registry.  Anyone who read the page knew this but you can imagine most of pickles followers don't read. They go by what she says alone as fact.



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Pickles isn't actually all that knowledgeable. She's very loud and confident, so she makes people believe she is. It's amazing what people can make other people believe about themselves just by projecting confidence. "I am very knowledgeable about the Bible, and I can tell you that X means Y." "Wow! You're so knowledgeable about the Bible, Pickles!" "Yes, I am." "Yes, you are."

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If I am remembering correctly, she wasn't that into Catholicism in the beginning.   As Ben, Derick and Jeremy hate on Catholics more, the more Catholic she has become.  Defending the Catholic church more.

She always stated she grew up Catholic but was critical and was not attending services for quite some time.

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@AlwaysExcited. I'm not sure if your laughing with me or at me. Lol!

I'm not sure if she rededicated herself to the church or is just using it to pontificate ( pun intended : )

Reminds me of some of my friends and family that suddenly became staunch republicans this past election and love 45.  Like, I know for a fact they don't do politics, haven't voted often ( if at all) and certainly never claimed to be for any party.  Now, they know all it about via faux news, claim they always have been Republican.   Um....BS!  Know what I mean? :my_biggrin:

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1 hour ago, Beermeet said:

@AlwaysExcited. I'm not sure if your laughing with me or at me. Lol!

I'm laughing at Duggars ineffectiveness.

Yap, people seem to suddenly become lifelong X lately. I guess, in current political climate you are taken more seriously that way? Like, it's not enough to say "I didn't use to think about it, but then this happened, I was forced to think about it, and now I'm a republican/conservative/liberal/feminist". No, it's "I was born with a protest sign in hand, and my middle name is FakeNews".


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Lifelong moderate over here. I was born shrugging my shoulders while my mother sat on a fence.

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1 hour ago, AlwaysExcited said:

I'm laughing at Duggars ineffectiveness.

Yap, people seem to suddenly become lifelong X lately. I guess, in current political climate you are taken more seriously that way? Like, it's not enough to say "I didn't use to think about it, but then this happened, I was forced to think about it, and now I'm a republican/conservative/liberal/feminist". No, it's "I was born with a protest sign in hand, and my middle name is FakeNews".


That makes much more sense!  Typing and reading thoughts can be weird for me!  Lol

Yeah, I can totally repect changing one's mind, just don't pretend you've always been something when life long friends/family know the truth!

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1 hour ago, singsingsing said:

Lifelong moderate over here. I was born shrugging my shoulders while my mother sat on a fence.

LMAO!  It's truly the way to be imo.  Like any politicians or wall street dudes or whoever runs things give a flying fuck about the middle class down.  

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2 hours ago, singsingsing said:

Lifelong moderate over here. I was born shrugging my shoulders while my mother sat on a fence.

Not saying this to you specifically I don't recall if you are American or not, and I have no idea your voting  history nor is it any of my business.  Just commenting in general. 

This apathy toward our country (America) is what lead to this cluster fuck of a presidency.  To many people saying meh, they are both the same, they are both bad they are both going to do the same thing.  No they both clearly weren't.  Hopefully when the shit hits the fan and we have to clean up the mess, and we will, more people will wake up and start really paying attention.  Not only that but stop believing everything they are told if it comes from xyz, and question what they heard and not just accept it at face value. 


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35 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

Not saying this to you specifically I don't recall if you are American or not, and I have no idea your voting  history nor is it any of my business.  Just commenting in general. 

This apathy toward our country (America) is what lead to this cluster fuck of a presidency.  To many people saying meh, they are both the same, they are both bad they are both going to do the same thing.  No they both clearly weren't.  Hopefully when the shit hits the fan and we have to clean up the mess, and we will, more people will wake up and start really paying attention.  Not only that but stop believing everything they are told if it comes from xyz, and question what they heard and not just accept it at face value. 


1. I'm not an American.

2. I thought it was pretty obvious that I was being facetious. 

3. I agree that apathy is a huge problem and contributed/contributes to the clusterfuck that is the current political climate in America. But being a moderate does not necessarily make you apathetic - far from it. Black and white thinking is just as much of a problem.

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49 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

apathy toward our country (America) is what lead to this cluster fuck of a presidency.  To many people saying meh, they are both the same, they are both bad they are both going to do the same thing.

It wasn't apathy that got Trump elected. Far from it. It was the Democratic party choosing Hillary over highly electable Bernie.

Hillary was too divisive and untrustworthy; Trump was a political outsider.

With the electoral college being what it is (which pisses me off - it should be abolished, IMO), the public stated they were tired of the same old political bullshit, and now we have Trump. 

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2 minutes ago, SapphireSlytherin said:

It wasn't apathy that got Trump elected. Far from it. It was the Democratic party choosing Hillary over highly electable Bernie.

Hillary was too divisive and untrustworthy; Trump was a political outsider.

With the electoral college being what it is (which pisses me off - it should be abolished, IMO), the public stated they were tired of the same old political bullshit, and now we have Trump. 

Trump was also divisive and untrustworthy. They were the two most unpopular candidates in history. Bernie Sanders was never taken seriously by the Republicans because he was not expected to beat Hillary. Had the Republicans seen him as a threat, they would have destroyed him. That doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't have beaten Trump, but it would have been a close thing, especially with the scary "socialist" stigma hanging over him. I agree that he probably had a better shot than Hillary, but 'highly electable' is pushing it a bit. Trump and Clinton were both hated, but one of them had to win, and Trump managed to squeak through. The Democrats did themselves no favours by nominating Hillary Clinton, but blind partisanship, an us-vs-them mentality, ignorance, fear, and a broken electoral system ultimately got Trump elected. 

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We have a politics section where this discussion would more properly belong.  Please take it there.

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@Coconut Flan I don't know how, but I somehow managed to forget all about the Politics forum! Thanks for the reminder. :) 

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I still don't understand why people get up in arms about Pickles.  It isn't like you have to go to her page.  And she runs the page on her own, and imo, she can ban who she wants. 

Pickles is  quick stop to see any recent news or pictures.  Free Jinger is a discussion site where we can really dig into things.  They serve different purposes and  yet are united in their mission to expose the patriarchal dominionist and pathological fundie culture.  ( not saying all who are fundie are pathological, but Gothardism and others similar are). 

Let Pickles do Pickles and FJ do FJ.  There is room enough for both, and obviously opinions enough for both

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So I have been lurking on Pickles for a long time and since a while also on this page. I finally signed up because I wanted to ask something:

I see that Pickles is completely convinced that the story about Jed and Kendra is true, but a lot of other gossips are called 'fake news'. Is there really any 'evidence' that this one is true? Or is she really thinking that her guts are the best and only way to tell the truth about the Duggar's?

I keep on following her though, always a fast way of getting some updates. Although I mostly read on the visitors' posts now.

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1 hour ago, CarrotCake said:

So I have been lurking on Pickles for a long time and since a while also on this page. I finally signed up because I wanted to ask something:

I see that Pickles is completely convinced that the story about Jed and Kendra is true, but a lot of other gossips are called 'fake news'. Is there really any 'evidence' that this one is true? Or is she really thinking that her guts are the best and only way to tell the truth about the Duggar's?

I keep on following her though, always a fast way of getting some updates. Although I mostly read on the visitors' posts now.

I think we've never found any official source on that one (not that we ever would IMHO), but maybe come say hi in the Joe & Kendra thread (I'd link it for you, but I'm relatively new at posting too and I don't know how), there's bound to be someone there who can help.

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I think what bugs me about Pickles is her arrogance. She usually claims to have insider info, then doesn't admit to getting details wrong, like when she said Joy and Austin were getting married on one day and they didn't. She is ALWAYS right and everyone else is wrong.

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She's changed. They're was a time when she would keep the speculation to the discussion in the sidebar and proven fact in the comment section. Now she's acting like she's angry about something and starting her own rumors. I wonder if she's tired of the page or has something else going on in her life.

There's a new discussion page on Facebook about the Duggars that claims they won't ban you like that other site. I checked it out. There's not much content and it's all garbage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My apologies if this has been asked before and I missed the answer but why does Pickles & Hairspray dislike FJ? ETA: Maybe the clearer questions is: what is the issue between P&H and FJ?

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18 minutes ago, flyonthewall said:

My apologies if this has been asked before and I missed the answer but why does Pickles & Hairspray dislike FJ? ETA: Maybe the clearer questions is: what is the issue between P&H and FJ?

I've read so many posts about this, and recently too. I just can't remember where. :/

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1 hour ago, flyonthewall said:

My apologies if this has been asked before and I missed the answer but why does Pickles & Hairspray dislike FJ? ETA: Maybe the clearer questions is: what is the issue between P&H and FJ?

Here is a post in the last thread that sums up the issues with Pickles pretty well. The rest of the thread gives additional info as well. In short, she was a poster here, was dramatic, broke the rules, had a sock account (allegedly, as she denied it), got banned, and has hated FJ ever since.


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