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San Antonio cop gave shit sandwich to homeless person


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This just made me retch. Very glad this man has been fired. That poor person who he did this to. Like their lives aren't hard enough.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that he's a supporting of the Orange Supremacist.

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What in hell is wrong with some people? What a sick mo'fo.

I wonder if he was inspired by the movie "The Help" (that situation WAS justified, though; this asshole's actions were not)?

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I feel so terrible for the person he gave it to.  This asshole deserved to be fired

They should do like they do for sex offenders and have a bad cop registry so that people know when they move into a community
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First Doug Phillips is a rapist, then a shooting at a Halloween party, and now this... San Antonio, you have GOT to chill.

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