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Mother adds note to thermostat


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A Michigan mother's note regarding the 'stat got a bit more exposure then she intended....



In a Facebook post that has since been shared by thousands, Autumn Brandon, of Michigan, wrote a note to her family with a checklist of questions to ask before turning the thermostat up.

Among the questions she asked were:

1. Are you wearing a hoodie, pants, socks?

2. Is it November?

3. Do you pay the gas bill?

Here's the note..


What if I have icicles hanging off body parts?  Then may I turn the thermostat up? 


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"There is no autocorrect with a pencil"?

Umm, yes there is.  It's called an "eraser." 

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Meh. It's cute and all I guess, but I don't see how "Just don't touch it" actually teaches her children anything about conserving energy. I suppose it depends on their age and maturity level, but if they're old enough to understand a snarky multi-step note, they should be old enough to start learning to determine if they're actually cold, steps to take before turning on the heat such as putting on a sweater or moving around a bit, and how to keep the thermostat set at a reasonable level.

This honestly just sounds like Mom being passive aggressive. I would much rather see Mom helping her children learn the skills they'll need when they're adults managing their own households.

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I kinda hate how all these viral messages go viral. If you stick a note to your thermostat don't post it on Facebook or twitter or others. Like the Mom who put her kids stuff and trash bags, then got mad that she got hate comments for it. You do you woman whatever works but don't post stuff like that and not expect backlash if it gets big. I don't understand the world.  

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I left the Midwest in 2006 and just moved back again in January. My kids have largely grown up in warmer climates including Key West so I'm having to teach them about layering. Thermal under a t-shirt, hoodie or flannel tied around the waist, thicker socks. We've had highs in the 60s-70s, lows in the 40s and have not turned on the heat yet. 

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This is a constant battle in our house.  Not with the kids.  With the husband.  He grew up in a house that was so hot year round that they all walked around in underwear, condensation on all the windows and we live in a cold climate.  I grew up in a house were we kept it cool.  if you were cold too bad.  So he tries to turn up the temp now, but I say I can't cool off but you can put some damn clothes on.

I like to keep the house at 20 c year round.  I have come home to it being 26 c after he has been at the thermostat.

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When I was in school in Michigan I had a roommate who kept turning the thermostat to 80 degrees. I put a stop to that. I was dying of heat, the heating bill was insane, and no way in hell was I going to buy a fan to keep me cold in the Michigan winter.

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My kids aren't allowed to touch it.  We live in Ontario where hydro (electricity) bills are through the roof because of total government mismanagement.  If they want it warmer, they can put more clothes on.  Or somehow find a job and help pay the bill (which since they're not yet legally old enough to work, won't be happening).  

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