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Explosion in NYC


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I hate to say it... another attack?


I have read varying reports of injuries, from 2 to 25.

Apparently an explosive device went off at a race location in NJ this morning as well.


Hope all FJers are safe.

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Just want to take a moment to caution against jumping to any conclusions just yet - no one has, but still. Let's try to wait for more information before speculating on who or why.

I hope all those harmed make quick and full recoveries and all our FJers in the New York/New Jersey area stay safe!

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Could of course be Islamic terror, but with just bombs and no persons involved, I don't know how it would be determined. Good that injuries in NYC are minor and none in Jersey. Hard to figure who is responsible. Not huge events as reported so far. 

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That's crazy. I just heard about it. From CNN: "Gas has been ruled out as the cause of the explosion, a law enforcement source said. Officials are still trying to assess what caused explosion the source said." No secondary device was found. I heard someone claim it was an IED. No life-threatening injuries, thank goodness. No deaths, I believe.

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I'm getting updates from my friends there. One is saying that 2 bombs have been found and they're looking for a third...

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I just put this in spec, but...Y'all, my soul is tired. I've been dealing with the Pulse tragedy for three months, and tonight my best friend called to say she was home tonight when the Chelsea explosion occurred- right across the street from her apartment. She is scared. And I hate to say that I know I have no true comforting words (though I try) just like there were no comforting words in the beginning days after Pulse, when everything was just horror and fear and grief. Other friends in the city are safe, but still my heart is aching for this all to stop.

Also, having worked Pulse with the media...(no finger pointing but for anyone who may not know this!) the media outlets are not always right. Better to follow government outlets than media by far. The stories of how they've twisted what we released and said verbatim in writing and continue to do so... I just don't want fearmongering to catch on before we know more. But I'm so hungry for an answer NOW. About everything. It's so frustrating.

The counterterrorism office just said: "There are now 29 injuries being reported. One may be critical. We remain on the scene. #NYPD #Chelsea #Vigilant"

They're saying no connection to NJ incident in prelim presser. Just released this on NYPDNews Twitter:3852d88861772767b9c1d3898911c4ba.jpg

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9 minutes ago, FundieFarmer said:

I just put this in spec, but...Y'all, my soul is tired. I've been dealing with the Pulse tragedy for three months, and tonight my best friend called to say she was home tonight when the Chelsea explosion occurred- right across the street from her apartment. She is scared. And I hate to say that I know I have no true comforting words (though I try) just like there were no comforting words in the beginning days after Pulse, when everything was just horror and fear and grief. Other friends in the city are safe, but still my heart is aching for this all to stop.

Also, having worked Pulse with the media...(no finger pointing but for anyone who may not know this!) the media outlets are not always right. Better to follow government outlets than media by far. The stories of how they've twisted what we released and said verbatim in writing and continue to do so... I just don't want fearmongering to catch on before we know more. But I'm so hungry for an answer NOW. About everything. It's so frustrating.

The counterterrorism office just said: "There are now 29 injuries being reported. One may be critical. We remain on the scene. #NYPD #Chelsea #Vigilant"

They're saying no connection to NJ incident in prelim presser. Just released this on NYPDNews Twitter:3852d88861772767b9c1d3898911c4ba.jpg

sympathy, f.f.  It must have been very difficult dealing with Pulse and now this.  Look after yourself. There remains much good in the world. 

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CNN just said that the second device was a pressure cooker with wires coming out of the top. Considering the damage the ones in BOS did, I think if I stayed in that area, I'd stay away from the windows.  This has been such a strange day. The stabbings in St Cloud, the bomb in NJ and now these in NYC. 

Not being political but I think the negative rhetoric being spewed by a certain orange man has caused a lot of people to act like fools and be dangerous. 

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Oh men another?? I'm so sorry for all those Who are affect. Glad to know that there is no death and all Fj are safe 

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There's also reports of bombs being found at a train station in Elizabeth, New Jersey (late last night/early this morning), but last I read none had gone off.

I hope that this madness ends. :: le sigh ::

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I live in NJ. One office shot but wearing vest and okay. Another hit by shrapnel in the face but okay. Third sent to hospital RE high blood pressure concerns. They guy was sleeping in a doorway and someone called it in. Good job on everyone's part. Police have been amazing. Sent out pic of suspect to all local cellphone users. 

He had a business and one wonders why he gave it all up for nothing. And screwed his other family members over. I don't get it. 

I live in South Jersey, which is wonderful, haven't been here long. People are so nice. 

Off to the dentist. Yuck.

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I'm kind of confused by all of this, this guy is sizing up to be the dumbest criminal ever.

- fingerprints

- cell phones track back to him

- DNA on bombs (this seems unlikely that they would 1) have his DNA and 2) be able to test it that quickly)

Something seems too obvious.... I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Probably not linked, but there was also a stabbing at a shopping mall in Minnesota somewhere. Don't think there were fatalities...

This is just depressing now.

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    FFS. I barely watch tv or listen to the radio. I have no clue as to what's going on in the world. I need to reconnect with the outside world a bit more.

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I live in NYC on the Upper East Side. It hasn't affected anything other than transit for the most part. Obviously my prayers are with the people who were injured.

My friends and I agree that this buzzfeed article has summed it up nicely.


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17 hours ago, caitiedid313 said:

I live in NYC on the Upper East Side. It hasn't affected anything other than transit for the most part. Obviously my prayers are with the people who were injured.

My friends and I agree that this buzzfeed article has summed it up nicely.


Its funny, my brother (who is also on the UES) had a similar reaction.  They went to a carnival with their kids on Sunday and laughed when I told him to stay away from trash cans.  He said he has a better chance of getting mowed down by a cab or killed driving out to Long Island than blown up by "a douchebag."

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2 hours ago, Buzzard said:

Its funny, my brother (who is also on the UES) had a similar reaction.  They went to a carnival with their kids on Sunday and laughed when I told him to stay away from trash cans.  He said he has a better chance of getting mowed down by a cab or killed driving out to Long Island than blown up by "a douchebag."

Yeah, that's the thing reich wing douchenozzles fail to understand is that you're more likely to be killed by lightening than terrorists.

This site had specifics on the statistical probabilities



According to the U.S. State Department, the number of U.S. citizens killed overseas by incidents of terrorism from 2001 to 2013 was 350.  If you’re thinking home is safer, compare that number with the 3,030 killed in the U.S. by terrorism during the same period.  In terms of street crime and gun violence, most of the U.S. cities we live in are statistically more dangerous than the places we visit abroad.  Your risk of being killed in a car crash (one in 19,000), drowning in your bathtub (one in 800,000), or being struck by lightning (one in 5.5 million) far exceed your risk of dying from terrorism (one in 20 million).


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That's why I love New Yorkers. Everyone else can be freaking the fuck out and they're just like, "But did it delay my train? No? No biggie." :pb_lol:

I'm not a New Yorker myself. I married one though and we live close enough to the city to do day trips. Neither of us were or are overly concerned about these attacks. Yes, we're glad no one died and we're very glad the suspect is in custody - but there's no point in panicking over attacks like these.

So, to the media and the rest of the country:

Kindly move on with your lives and maybe start worrying about stuff that actually matters - like having to learn Russian if Comrade Trump wins the election or something. 


A pasty white lady from suburban Connecticut who fears her dog refusing her snuggles more than she fears terrorist attacks.

11 hours ago, Buzzard said:

Its funny, my brother (who is also on the UES) had a similar reaction.  They went to a carnival with their kids on Sunday and laughed when I told him to stay away from trash cans.  He said he has a better chance of getting mowed down by a cab or killed driving out to Long Island than blown up by "a douchebag."

Generally speaking, New Yorkers have seen and experienced far worse than this. It's toughened them up more than ever and it's very tough to rattle them now. I follow the same philosophy that many of them do - that the best way to combat hate and extremism is by continuing to live your life without fear. Giving in to fear is what people commiting these acts want - I'm enough of an asshole to not give them what they want out of pure spite. :pb_lol:

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