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Touching oneself


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I have been reading several threads that reference the fact that fundy people have been uncomfortable adjusting certain parts of their anatomy because it would involve touching that part. Breasts, penises, vaginal areas...they sometimes must be touched for cleaning, repostioning, an occasional itch must be scratched, sometimes an inspection becomes needed if something itches or hurts or there is a bump, wart, mole, ext that was not there before.

Is it specifically prohibited to wash and care for these parts? I am trying to wrap my brain around the stories of brides who cant put their boobs into their dress properly.

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Honestly I think that bride and her mother are oddballs even in fundieland.

And the one reference to no touching even in preparation for marital sex was from The Onion. I recall that article because I thought it was funny, even though I was a teen surrounded by I Kissed Dating Goodbye stuff.

Focus on the Family has some articles on self-gratification. family.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/25807/related/1

I'm sure many here would totally disagree with their overall view, but they're clear that even masturbation is not something a person should be condemned for. Given their position on masturbation, the other things listed in the OP would be complete non-issues, since they are not for self-gratification.

I don't know about those who are even farther fundie than FOTF, but I've been around all sorts of fundamentalism for a long time and seen nothing that would prohibit adjustment to fit better in clothes, let alone basic hygiene.

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I was thinking of the parody version that made the rounds in the wake of the Peewee Herman scandal some years back: "I don't date/Anybody else/So I go to dirty movies/And touch myself..."

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Here, have some Divinyls:

Mirele! It won't show me the video in the UK but I know which one you mean ;)

Don't understand why masturbation would be wrong for fundies unless it got compulsive. The sin of Onan was not masturbation. The closest I can get to a ban is certain prohibitions in the OT about "emissions" none of which apply to women. So what is the deal?

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Mirele! It won't show me the video in the UK but I know which one you mean ;)

Don't understand why masturbation would be wrong for fundies unless it got compulsive. The sin of Onan was not masturbation. The closest I can get to a ban is certain prohibitions in the OT about "emissions" none of which apply to women. So what is the deal?

They think sexual pleasure should remain between a husband and wife. If the husband or wife is not involved then it's evil.

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I can remember when I was in 4th grade and the Franciscan sister I had for religion told us to take baths or showers with our eyes closed so we wouldn't see our bodies. I kid you not. :roll:


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I can remember when I was in 4th grade and the Franciscan sister I had for religion told us to take baths or showers with our eyes closed so we wouldn't see our bodies. I kid you not. :roll:


That is creepy. Nobody should be afraid of their own body. I know there are people who have legitimate body disphoria, especially if they're trans and feel like a stranger in the body they were born in. But other than that, seeing your own body parts should be natural and acceptable. I think it's part of being a (physically and mentally) healthy human being that you know what you look like naked. You might not like and you might not like being naked, but how you look should not be a surprise to you and it shouldn't be something that you literally cannot stand to look at.

Not to mention, if I tried to take showers naked I would probably trip and hurt myself.

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I don't think it was *prohibited* in my house...but somehow I got the idea that I wasn't supposed to be touching my private areas, so other than wiping, my hand never went down there. Well, until I was liberated at age 22. :roll:

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I really don't understand why fundies are so against masturbation. I get that "oh nobody should touch a female's body unless if it's your husband" but that's how you're able to discover what you like or don't like. Am I saying everyone should do it? Nope, of course not, but it just seems stupid that fundies "preach" against that topic as if you've committed the greatest sin to ever commit.

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I think that fundies view any "playing" with the body sinful. I heard that L.D.S. wives don't even let their husbands see them naked during sex or childbirth or at all.

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Guest Anonymous
I think that fundies view any "playing" with the body sinful. I heard that L.D.S. wives don't even let their husbands see them naked during sex or childbirth or at all.

Mormons are weird, but that's stupidly untrue.

ETA: I heard that if I step in a ring of mushrooms, the faeries will carry me away! Let's exercise a little critical thinking here, please.

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I think that fundies view any "playing" with the body sinful. I heard that L.D.S. wives don't even let their husbands see them naked during sex or childbirth or at all.

In the book "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop, there's a chapter where one of the sister wives is giving birth and the husband and most (if not all) of the sister wives are gathered around her watching her. The author is also pregnant and tells Mr. Jessop that she will not be humiliated like that. She manages to get to the hospital on her own and give birth w/o the family audience.

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Oh my goodness. I still remember the horrible lecture from the pastors' wife that my 11s and 12s class at church got. A lot of us only halfway understood what she was talking about because sex ed. (such as it was) wasn't until the next year. The main takeaway from that lecture was that you should never touch "down there" unless you cleaning yourself up and you should not touch anything for very long because that was a sin.

Oh, and then there were stories about girls who liked to touch themselves and all kinds of Bad Things happened to them such as disease, infertility, God punishing them by not sending them husbands, and becoming a drug-addled prostitute. It was like the Four Horsemen of the Fundie-Girl Apocalypse.

I also remember all of us being both mortified and somewhat amused because of the way in which the talk was given. Whenever this lady had to mention a body part, she always whispered it like it was something really awful.

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I distinctly remember being told once that having sexual thoughts was the same as cheating on you spouse and that God watches everything you do and think, and one time was enough to condemn you to hell. I wasn't even raised Christian. It wasn't from my parents mind you, though my mom did inform me once that touching yourself was bad if you're a girl but not if your a boy. :?

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I think that fundies view any "playing" with the body sinful. I heard that L.D.S. wives don't even let their husbands see them naked during sex or childbirth or at all.

That's not true at all, even though Mormons have garments, they're allowed to remove them for sex. The Mormon church does teach that masturbation is a sin, and I think most just learn to lie about it so they don't get judged for not being able to participate in the sacrament/communion.

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No, but they can use Playtex Gentle Glide.

Tampax and Playtex Gentle Glide are both tampons. Why would one brand be OK, but not another? Makes no sense.


Edited to spell sense correctly.

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Great. So now we have a bunch of women that would literally be unable to tell if there was a significant change in one of their breasts; y'know, like a big ol' tumor. :doh:

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Tampax and Playtex Gentle Glide are both tampons. Why would one brand be OK, but not another? Makes no sendse.


Pretty sure that was a joke :D

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