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VF former intern wedding this weekend


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(Long time lurker, posted randomly on the old board - and I'm going out of town for the weekend so this is a post and dash, unfortunately.)

It appears that Caleb Hayden (VF Intern "Brigade" member) will finally get to join the land of 'real' men tomorrow when he takes place as Lauren Jones' headship. For her sake, I hope Lauren isn't just a beard, but CS Hayden doesn't exactly give off the most hetero vibe. I'm also hoping that CS is enough of a fundie star to get someone posting pics of the wedding - curious where they would fall on the spectrum from the pageantry of the Bradrick/Brown nuptials to the whatever bizarro classification one would give the cultlike Botkin wedding events.

http://registry.weddingchannel.com/coup ... _JONES.htm


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Sigh... yet another match made in VF heaven. Homely (possibly un-hetero) male weds very pretty SAHD. Boy, these guys really have it made! Some fundies that court and marry you could kind of see how they would be an even match in the "real" world, but then other's. Yikes. NO WAY! And this I'm afraid is one of them. I'm sure this Lauren girl is just another desperate SAHD worried that this might be the only ship cruising by. Sad really.

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Now Dougie just needs to find a biddable wife for Nathaniel Darnell.

If that happens, will the entire "First Brigade" of interns be married finally?

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