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Girlfriend Charged For Encouraging Boyfriend's Suicide


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@roxy7 asked for a new discussion thread to be started on this topic.

This is the first non Daily Mail link on the subject that came up in a google search:


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@roxy7 asked for a new discussion thread to be started on this topic.

This is the first non Daily Mail link on the subject that came up in a google search:


This story made me sick. Reading the transcript is painful.

I do believe I read somewhere (possibly in this same article) that Michelle Carter had previous been in some sort of treatment center prior to Conrad's suicide? I could be making that up and entirely wrong about that, not that it validates what happened.

She is at least somewhat responsible for this. The fact that he got out of his truck and she told him to get back in is utterly horrifying to me. The poor kid.

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She is at least somewhat responsible for this. The fact that he got out of his truck and she told him to get back in is utterly horrifying to me. The poor kid.

Yep. I've read a couple of articles on this and her lawyer is saying that the prosecutors are only focusing on the texts where she was encouraging him instead of the many more alleged texts where she tried to discourage him. However. In those final moments... she told him to get back in the truck. Holy shit. That is scary cold.

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Yep. I've read a couple of articles on this and her lawyer is saying that the prosecutors are only focusing on the texts where she was encouraging him instead of the many more alleged texts where she tried to discourage him. However. In those final moments... she told him to get back in the truck. Holy shit. That is scary cold.

It is. She is a monster, no doubt.

And of course they are focusing on the fact that she told him to get back in...the other alleged texts don't matter to me. If you tell your friend to not drink and drive all night, but then, in a sober state hand the keys to your wasted friend, you are responsible for the drunk driver killing someone. Possibly not legally, but possibly...and when you have texts to back it all up...well, wtf.

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Wow- sounds like she had problems of her own, but I am still shocked someone would do that.

Is it bad I'm not shocked someone would do this?

Don't get me wrong - what this girl did is horrific by any standards. It just doesn't surprise me that there are people out there who would do this. I mean, people do it constantly to one another online - whether its to a celebrity or a public figure or a random stranger they've never met. The only difference here is she knew this young man personally.

There are so many dangerous people in the world and technological advancements (like the internet and cell phones) have just made it easier for them to reach vulnerable victims.

I hope this young man is at peace. I hope his family is able to heal. And I hope she burns in fucking Hell.

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Not saying it's right but what crime is she being charged with? Granted she should've gotten him help but how can she be charged with his death?

Valid question. I believe she is being charged with involuntary manslaughter. It is too bad she can't be charged with "being a terrible human".

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Thanks for starting this thread for blessalessi.

I have tried and tried to find any information about this girl and the situation that isn't from people magazine or the same basic ap article floating around. I think we all pretty much agree on that this girl is sick in the head. I'm sure Charles Manson has her picture hanging up in his cell as his idol.

What I am wondering about is this a crime? Yes by all means it should be. I have found that there was a bill at one time that was trying to pass (maybe suzanne law or something similar ) but it wasn't. This type of crime is fairly new and I just don't think we have the laws in place that make it easy to prosecute. Involuntary manslaughter is barley more than a slap in the wrist. What she did is equally has horrendous as murder 1. No her hands didn't actually do the crime but what she did was just as cold.

Without sharing to much on the interwebz I and my family are going through something like this right now. We haven't even buried them yet. Right now we are waiting to see if any charges are going to happen. The world is a scary place right now. With the internet people are coming into our homes that we wouldn't let walk through the front door. Scary

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Thanks for starting this thread for blessalessi.

I have tried and tried to find any information about this girl and the situation that isn't from people magazine or the same basic ap article floating around. I think we all pretty much agree on that this girl is sick in the head. I'm sure Charles Manson has her picture hanging up in his cell as his idol.

What I am wondering about is this a crime? Yes by all means it should be. I have found that there was a bill at one time that was trying to pass (maybe suzanne law or something similar ) but it wasn't. This type of crime is fairly new and I just don't think we have the laws in place that make it easy to prosecute. Involuntary manslaughter is barley more than a slap in the wrist. What she did is equally has horrendous as murder 1. No her hands didn't actually do the crime but what she did was just as cold.

Without sharing to much on the interwebz I and my family are going through something like this right now. We haven't even buried them yet. Right now we are waiting to see if any charges are going to happen. The world is a scary place right now. With the internet people are coming into our homes that we wouldn't let walk through the front door. Scary

I am sorry you and your family are going through a similar situation. I started to read that girls texts and I was so disgusted and horrified by the extent of her goading him. My teen is dealing with depression so this rattles me to the core. That girl is a monster.

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I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through, roxy7. I will keep y'all in my thoughts and prayers.

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Those texts are so disturbing. I can't imagine what this girl was thinking. One minute she's saying he's the love of her life, the next she is mad he won't kill himself. Completely baffling. I don't know what I would think or do if I was her parent.

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This reminds me of the Suzy Gonzalez case she was severely depressed and found an online pro suicide community and was encouraged by one of the members to commit suicide going as far to give her the instructions on how to make a cyanide laced cocktail. No charges were filed against the website user and her parents have tried to get legislation to make those who encourage and give those directions to kill themselves culpable, but their efforts have failed.

http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/A-VI ... 611315.php

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Thanks guys. We are waiting to see if any charges are coming. I think the suzy Gonzalez case is the one I was thinking about. Suzy's law but it didn't pass. These things are happening more often so our laws have to change.

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Thanks guys. We are waiting to see if any charges are coming. I think the suzy Gonzalez case is the one I was thinking about. Suzy's law but it didn't pass. These things are happening more often so our laws have to change.

Losing a loved one to suicide is unimaginable to me. I can't say enough how deeply sorry I am. I hope you and your family are seeking help if you need it.

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http://www.theslateonline.com/article/2 ... nd-to-have

^how I feel RE this.

Honestly, I'm wondering how sound the criminal case against her is. Hopefully if she doesn't get held criminally responsible (or even if she does) the parents of this boy slap her with a nice fat wrongful death lawsuit. She not only deserves the shame she is getting heaped onto her, but legal repercussions.

Well, I hope you're happy, Michelle. Conrad's dead. Hope it was worth all this, you evil cunt.

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  • 1 year later...


She's going to stand trial, but it's going to be a bench trial instead of a jury trial, which I think is a smart move on the part of her lawyers. 


The below link has several texts in detail. They were unreal. Having had suicidal ideation before, they were honestly so triggering. What kind of person would say those things to someone?


I wonder if a criminal conviction doesn't happen, if Roy's family could do a wrongful death suit? Maybe they wouldn't get money out of her right away, but it'd cripple her financially for the rest of her life. That is, if anyone wants to hire her after this. 

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I just read about this, a lot about it, and I hope she gets tossed in jail to rot for 20 years.  She kept tearing him down when he was already suicidal!  Without her, he wouldn't have done it.  Even with her, he tried backing out until she manipulated him!

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