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First GOP Presidential Debate


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The first presidential GOP debate is tonight at 8:50 pm. For those who don't know, the debate will include the top TEN out of a field of 17 candidates (almost a full Duggar set) which was determined by some poll. The bottom 7 candidates are "debating" right now. And by debating I mean everyone is Hillary Clinton and welfare bashing (based on the 5 minutes I listened to so far).

I figure FJ would be a good place to live discuss the debate, and for those who don't live in America to :popcorn: and wonder why Donald Trump is the GOP front runner.

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Anyone participating in the Debate Drinking Game? I don't expect to still be sober by the first commercial break.

I'm so tempted, but I currently live at home and I think my mom would be super disapproving. I'm sad my plans to make this debate into a drinking game with a friend fell through. She has work tomorrow, so I guess she wants to get enough sleep and not be hung over. Lame.

Santorum compared gay marriage to Dred Scott (a slave who unsuccessfully tried to sue for freedom in the grounds he lived in a state where slavery was illegal: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dred_Scott) and to "live birth abortions."

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The GOP is setting itself up to lose. 17 candidates? They are going to spend more time infighting than fighting with Democrats.

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just need 3 rings and a tent to make it complete. lets see how many act like adults.


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"Raise your hand if you will NOT pledge to support the elected Republican nominee and will not pledge to not run as an independent" *Trump is the only one who raises his hand* that's the asshole we all love to hate!

He says he won't run as an independent if he's chosen as the Republican nominee :lol:

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Bush says that since Trump wants to run as an independent if not chosen (which will 100% divide the republican vote) he's a secret Hillary supporter. Which is a conspiracy theory I've heard before.

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Marco Rubio is representing FL with a nice pageant tan! I spy many "I'm a Patriot!" flag pins.

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Fuckabee says that the federal government has no role in education and EPA. Rubio thinks parents should be able to go to the local school board to get the curriculum changed if they don't like it...because that's a great idea.

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"the purpose of the military is to kill people and break things" - quote of the night, from Fuckabee

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I'm obviously not a fan of Megyn Kelly or whatever her name was, but I cringed at Trump's comment when she said that he's said nasty things about many women, not just Rosie O'Donnell. To me, most of the debate was pure comedy gold. :popcorn2: :popcorn:

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Who got the crown, and who are the runners up? I give Miss Congeniality to Ben Carson.

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You know they're all assholes. It's a circus to the Republican party. Trump can talk shit and not give a fuck cause he has money already. He was also proud that he could give money to politicians and they would do him favors. He was literally bragging about corruption. Something the 9 other fools are afraid to admit. The Republican party can kiss the white house goodbye.

Fox attacking candidates instead of running a debate, typical faux news.

"I think future generations will look back at this history of our country and call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies"- Rubio. No I think future generations will look at bullshit like this and vote smarter and hopefully see history for what it is. Not water down and leave out important information.

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I'm obviously not a fan of Megyn Kelly or whatever her name was, but I cringed at Trump's comment when she said that he's said nasty things about many women, not just Rosie O'Donnell. To me, most of the debate was pure comedy gold. :popcorn2: :popcorn:

I wanted to high five her when she called Trump out for not answering the question he was asked.

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The GOP is setting itself up to lose. 17 candidates? They are going to spend more time infighting than fighting with Democrats.

Meanwhile, Hillary is checking her watch and asking "Are you boys done, YET?"

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Hilary must be enjoying the fun out of this. She doesn't have to do shit - the Republicans are doing all the work for her.

I love me some Bernie Sanders, but I don't see him getting the dem nomination - he's too far left to make it in a general election. :cry:

And I think Trump is just trolling the Republican Party - I actually kind of love it. He's doesn't try to wrap up the nastiness towards anyone who isn't an old white dude in a pretty box - he just says it. I hate everything that has come out of his mouth, but at least he comes across as more honest than most of the other candidates.

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I am currently back in Oz and had to wait until the debates where up on YouTube.

What the actual fresh hell did I just watch? :shock: That truly was a shit show of epic portions -- from the insane line of questioning from the hosts at Fox to the insane answers from the panel. There are too many men on that panel that claim to be pro-life but happily chimmed in to say women should die in the event a termination is needed to save her life. Yeah, so much for being pro-life there if you are advocating the death of women to save them babies. :roll: And Huckebee? Sweet hell. He wants constitutional protection to fetuses and those protections need to expand to personhood at the time of conception. Hello numb nuts of the GOP. Abortion rights have already been determined years ago. How about you jerk waffles start addressing the real issues like....I don't know....inequality, education and its high cost, healthcare, climate change and renewable energy, voters rights, jobs, gun control...you name it.... But no. Let's still talk about abortion and the gays.

The GOP is a mess, and tonight they but their mess out front and center for the world to see.

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just need 3 rings and a tent to make it complete. lets see how many act like adults.

The only things missing tonight from the debate was Hulk Hogan, a cage, and someone slapping into a Slim Jim.

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well as usual fox messed it up the venue was empty they had no one watching the debate they had all kinds go dumb things. closed captioning was done by a cat walking on the keyboard it seems (or me typing)





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I am currently back in Oz and had to wait until the debates where up on YouTube.

What the actual fresh hell did I just watch? :shock: That truly was a shit show of epic portions -- from the insane line of questioning from the hosts at Fox to the insane answers from the panel. There are too many men on that panel that claim to be pro-life but happily chimmed in to say women should die in the event a termination is needed to save her life. Yeah, so much for being pro-life there if you are advocating the death of women to save them babies. :roll: And Huckebee? Sweet hell. He wants constitutional protection to fetuses and those protections need to expand to personhood at the time of conception. Hello numb nuts of the GOP. Abortion rights have already been determined years ago. How about you jerk waffles start addressing the real issues like....I don't know....inequality, education and its high cost, healthcare, climate change and renewable energy, voters rights, jobs, gun control...you name it.... But no. Let's still talk about abortion and the gays.

The GOP is a mess, and tonight they but their mess out front and center for the world to see.

Duh, some of those fetuses are male and we must move heaven and hell to save penises from destruction! Women are just uterus containers and there's plenty more to choose from if yours get dented, gains weight, or grows a backbone. :wink-kitty:

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There was an episode of Battlestar Galactica called "The Farm," where the Cylons abducted surviving women of childbearing age, then forcibly impregnated and imprisoned them, connected to machines til they gave birth (Starbuck put the kibosh on that). My fear is that science fiction is about to become fact if we keep going the way we are. Apparently, the forced birthers won't be satisfied until women are stripped of any and all rights when it comes to bodily autonomy.

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So I don't like Megyn Kelly. I hate how easy she was on JB and J'Chelle, I hate how she was more sympathetic to Joshy-boo than a 13 year old black girl who was manhandled/beaten by cops over nothing, I think she is the poster child for white feminism.

But I have to say I was amused at how she actually used her brain and called Trump out. And amused at how Trump/his supporters got really butthurt about Megyn and Fox.

Though it's not nice to call women "bimbos."

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I'm calling it. The GOP just handed Hillary Clinton the presidency on a silver platter.

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