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The stepson and his Creation Museum shirt...


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I am a long (loooong!) time lurker that doesn't post much, but figured this was worth sharing...

I picked up my stepson from daycare today after he had spent the last two days with his mom. His mom lives with her parents, and they (the parents) are very religious. Stepson told me last week that his grandma and grandpa were on vacation, and I bet I can guess where they went, since stepson was sporting his new Creation Museum shirt today. :?

A picture, that hopefully you will be able to see:


The front has a picture of a dinosaur and says "Created on Day 6." :roll:

I had never heard of the Creation Museum before FJ, so I thought I'd share :)

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It's a crying shame about the shirt, and the trip, of course, but man, that looks like a cute kid!

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It's a crying shame about the shirt, and the trip, of course, but man, that looks like a cute kid!

Thanks! He is a cutie, yes. It's his saving grace some days! :lol:

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So. Are you going to toss out the shirt, or let him keep it?

"Created on Day 6", indeed.

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So. Are you going to toss out the shirt, or let him keep it?

"Created on Day 6", indeed.

Maybe embellish it, with a fabric marker? Something like

*1 Day = approx. 38 million years


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I'd have to say let him keep the shirt (and I love NQNC's suggestion), because taking it away isn't all that different from the Duggars and their ilk refusing to acknowledge anything that doesn't support Creation. This adorable child is likely too young to grasp a serious discussion of both sides of the issue, but as he gets older, he will probably appreciate the opportunity to study both sides.

My sister's two kids were raised in the Catholic Church, and one is now openly atheist. However, I'm glad he was given the opportunity to learn about faith and make the decision for himself. JMHO.

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D'aw, cute kid!

I say keep the shirt-- if anyone comments, just tell them he's wearing it ironically :) It's never to early to pretend to be a hipster.

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I'd have to say let him keep the shirt (and I love NQNC's suggestion), because taking it away isn't all that different from the Duggars and their ilk refusing to acknowledge anything that doesn't support Creation.

The Duggars refuse to acknowledge. However, you can tell a kid he can't wear a shirt while also teaching him other people choose to ignore science and believe something different.

Send him on his next return trip there with a Darwin fish eating a Christian fish, and see what they say.

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He's adorable. Let him keep as a special shirt to wear to- or leave at grandma's if he has a set of clothes there.

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That's totally the kind of thing some hipster types I know would wear ironically. I don't see a problem with keeping it, and it might be an item he finds pretty funny later on.

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Maybe embellish it, with a fabric marker? Something like

*1 Day = approx. 38 million years


ha ha ha Excellent, suggestion. :)

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In the end, we just sent him back to his mom's in the same clothes he arrived in, just like we always do.

(But I really really wanted to make the 1 day=38 million years edit and see if they noticed. :D )

My husband jokingly said we should burn the whole outfit and say the dog ate them, since the shirt was paired with skinny jeans, which he dislikes on any gender person. But I told him we wouldn't want her dictating the clothes we put on him (for religious reasons or otherwise), so we can't very well do it either. Ah, the joys of shared parenting.

ETA: But I did certainly change him to a different shirt right after I took that picture.)

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Shared parenting with step children can sometimes be challenging - I'd leave the T-shirt alone and pick my battles :D

No point starting anything when he's so young anyway, it's just a T-shirt (though it'd make me want to write on it, too!)

Spoken by a step mum to three now adult girls with my ex, and now a step son with my current hubby.

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My in laws bought Christmas presents from there two years in a row. I just let it be a nice gift and cull at the next season.

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