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Happy Birthday Jackson Duggar!


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Happy Birthday Buddy. I'm sorry your birthday has been ruined over an incident that happened before you were even born.

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Happy Birthday! I hope you have a special day. :occasion-birthday:

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Oh god, his birthday is today :( Poor baby :(

I hope you at least have something today. It may not be as big as your usual birthdays, but I hope you have a lovely day :(

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I feel like Jackson has always been one of the forgotten ones. It makes me sad. He was always my favorite when I would catch glimpses of the older episodes. I hope they still find a way to make his day special even with everything that is going on.

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Jackson is adorable. I hope the poor guy gets to have a little fun today. Considering a "good" Duggar birthday already might be a trip to McDonalds, I'm not too optimistic. Now would be a good time for them all to get those passports out and take a vacation to somewhere faaaar away...

Happy birthday, Jackson!

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:banana-linedance: :occasion-cake: :banana-guitar:

Hope your special day is a happy one!

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Happy Birthday Jackson! I'm sorry things have unfolded, especially now. I hope you enjoy your day and get to do something special! :hb2: :occasion-partyblower:

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Happy Birthday, Jackson! I know things are confusing right now, but you will come out on top and still be happy (from one Gemini to another).

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Happy Birthday, Jackson! I hope you get to eat your favourite foods and you get a day to play and have fun

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Happy Birthday Jackson! My daughter wants to marry you one day, she is a little younger than you.

Though she says 'but he has to be willing to let me show him how to LIVE Mama'

and no worries there are some creepers in my family so I learned how to tell such people "F off" long ago and taught my cousins to scream bloody murder if said persons got you alone, EVER.

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Happy birthday, "Shack"! I hope you got all the candy you wanted today, I know you like it a lot! I hope you and Hannie were able to do something fun! You're a good, funny kid, and I hope you stay that way.

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I hope Jackson's birthday was full of fun and allowed everyone (but Josh and his parents, of course) to take their minds off everything that's been going on.

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Happy belated, Jackson. I hope they made it a good one for him, for the sake of everyone. JB&M/J&A didn't deserve a good time, but the rest of the family, including the M kids, sure did.

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Happy belated Jackson! Hope you still got to celebrate. Sorry your asshole of a brother ruined your day for you, by something that occurred before you were even born.

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Did the Duggars post anything about his birthday? They're probably on social media lockdown but it's still sad that Jackson's birthday is overshadowed by this.

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Happy belated birthday, Jackson! I'm sorry your asshole brother and your sperm and egg donor ruined everything for you over something that happened before you were born.

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