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Confederate Flag Prom Photo


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As the descendant of Confederates and slave-owners, I really don't get the"it's our history" thing. I find learning about the Civil War interesting, and I've enjoyed going to many reenactments over the years.

But the extant people take it in the name of "our history" or "our heritage" is just bizarre to me. They are either blind to the world around them and the feelings of others, or they really are racists and realize they can't admit it.

In either case, it's just mind-boggling to me.

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The parent who responded in the article, every adult who was present, plus the kids in the photo are all trashy, IMO. There's no excuse for this foolishness. This country has a long way to go.

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Fundies make me cautious but Confederate flag waving rednecks make me want to go the long way around to avoid them.

My neighbors across the street display a Confederate flag alongside their American flag. I give those people a wide, wide berth.

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The parent who responded in the article, every adult who was present, plus the kids in the photo are all trashy, IMO. There's no excuse for this foolishness. This country has a long way to go.

And to not even have it be part of their state's history, just a lifestyle to them. :angry-banghead:


Yankee Heart? :lol:

Guess it's just the path of least resistance for rednecks to show rebel pride in a culturally ignorant and offensive symbol. I'm glad they're getting flak for this because it will teach the more sensitive ones that even dumb stunts have consequences.

ETA i love Yankees, i married one. :lol: These days i'm ashamed of the rebel lifestyle, it's an outlet for a people full of ignorance and prejudice. But in a moment of stupidity i almost got a rebel heart with barbed wire tattoo, thank the stars that dumb decision didn't come to reality. So i kind of understand where they're coming from but the way they posed, with the guns, and then especially with the recent racial tensions in the last few years -- no. It's not a symbol of a southern good ol' boy lifestyle anymore, it's a stupid thing, and they were stupid to do that. I hope they learn from it.

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This is nothing more than attention seeking behavior. There is not historic ties to the south here...dumb kids who wanted to make a statement, and their wish came true.

I'm another one who had many ancestors who were Confederates (AFAIK no slave owners) and although I find the history of my family fascinating that doesn't abdicate them of wrong doing or the wrong way of thinking. You can still have pride and acknowledge your ancestors weren't always wise.

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Fundies make me cautious but Confederate flag waving rednecks make me want to go the long way around to avoid them.

My neighbors across the street display a Confederate flag alongside their American flag. I give those people a wide, wide berth.

Same ugh, one of the downfalls of living in Tennessee.The part I''m from actually left TN during that era. Most of my family wasn't over here yet. Only one I know for sure was a Cherokee Indian

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I live in Alabama. and surrounded by ignorant asses who fly the Confederate Flag with pride. One neighbor actually called me unpatriotic for not flying one on Robert. E. Lee's birthday.. I called her a racist ignorant bitch. We haven't spoken since.

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I live in Alabama. and surrounded by ignorant asses who fly the Confederate Flag with pride. One neighbor actually called me unpatriotic for not flying one on Robert. E. Lee's birthday.. I called her a racist ignorant bitch. We haven't spoken since.

Dang. Lived almost my entire life in the South and not once ever been aware of General Lee's bday. You must live among some kind of Confederacy super patriots or something.

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I live in Alabama. and surrounded by ignorant asses who fly the Confederate Flag with pride. One neighbor actually called me unpatriotic for not flying one on Robert. E. Lee's birthday.. I called her a racist ignorant bitch. We haven't spoken since.

Oh god, the ones who mourn the day Robert E. Lee surrendered are awful too.

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Oh god, the ones who mourn the day Robert E. Lee surrendered are awful too.

Again, been in the South like 40 something years and have never seen, met, heard or known of anyone who marked this in any way.

Maybe I should hang around re-enactors? idk but I've lived in city, small town and country and while I've seen plenty of flags, these ppl must be well underground to celebrate Lee's bday and the surrender.

Never not even one hint of a whisper.

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Again, been in the South like 40 something years and have never seen, met, heard or known of anyone who marked this in any way.

Maybe I should hang around re-enactors? idk but I've lived in city, small town and country and while I've seen plenty of flags, these ppl must be well underground to celebrate Lee's bday and the surrender.

Never not even one hint of a whisper.

Have you lived in NC, SC and Alabama?

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Connecticut Yankee born and bred. I'll never be able to understand the way some Southerners cling to the rebel flag. Like others have said, its possible to be proud of your ancestry and history, while also acknowledging that they made bad choices.

That said, these kids are stupid. The adults that allowed this situation to happen are even more stupid.

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Dang. Lived almost my entire life in the South and not once ever been aware of General Lee's bday. You must live among some kind of Confederacy super patriots or something.

You are joking, right? I was born, raised, and still live in Alabama. This shit is everywhere in the South. I know of what I speak. Perhaps you need to get out more.

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I personally celebrate MLK Day rather than Robert E. Lee Day. The former for civil rights. The latter fought to keep black people as slaves. Fuck Confederacy worshipers! May the next storm blow their Confederate flags (not people or prooperty)into outer space.

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I personally celebrate MLK Day rather than Robert E. Lee Day. The former for civil rights. The latter fought to keep black people as slaves. Fuck Confederacy worshipers! May the next storm blow their Confederate flags (not people or prooperty)into outer space.

Bet a lot of Native American's would feel the same way about the Yankee flag, too. Honestly, a lot of flag flying "patriotism" is pretty shallow.

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Have you lived in NC, SC and Alabama?

You are from Texas, right BM? Sorry, but that is NOT the south!

My family has been in the south since the first days of the 18th century and owned slaves straight off the boat. The entrance to a national park that was the site of a major Civil War battle is flanked on the right side by my family's old church and cemetery. I have photos of my great grandmother standing on the monuments at that battlefield as they were being constructed. My grandfather, who was born in 1902, had tales of his own teenaged grandfather being hidden in the fields by slaves as Sherman marched through. My grandfather hated both Yankees and Republicans with equal passion. He also never flew a Confederate flag or celebrated Lee's birthday. He hated the KKK and loved Jimmy Carter. His best friend at work was black and came to our house all the time. This is really my history in a very real way. But I was not brought up to think the Confederate flag or cause were holy things. I am confused by these people claiming my history as theirs.

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Bet a lot of Native American's would feel the same way about the Yankee flag, too. Honestly, a lot of flag flying "patriotism" is pretty shallow.

I can't tell if you are trying to defend flying the Confederate flag or if you are saying you are personally against flying the American flag. You are calling it the "Yankee flag" which makes me think you are still in the mindset that the Confederacy(need I remind you that the cornerstone of it was that black people are only fit to be slaves?) was the good guy.

ETA: I do think that most of the patriotism in America is shallow and we need to acknowledge that there has been a fuck ton of horrible things done under this flag including stealing from and murdering Native Americans. But that is a separate issue than trying to pretend that the Confederacy wasn't the bad guy in the Civil War and that the Confederate flag stands for anything but enslaving people, which is what people are doing when they wave it around proudly. They are trying to whitewash history.

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There are a few people, not the majority at all, but a handful here and there, that fly or have plates with confederate flags on them in my home state. They never seem to appreciate it when I ask about the whole "southern pride" thing and remind them that WV split from VA to be part of the Union during the Civil War. Facts are such stubborn things always getting in the way of ignorant people's ideals.

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Bet a lot of Native American's would feel the same way about the Yankee flag, too. Honestly, a lot of flag flying "patriotism" is pretty shallow.

Fuck you, you racist, fundie piece of shit! By the way how much Confederate merchandise did VF stock? You and Perry would know wouldn't you.

This is what you get for pissing me off, asshole. I'm tired of playing nice with fundies like you.

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I can't tell if you are trying to defend flying the Confederate flag or if you are saying you are personally against flying the American flag. You are calling it the "Yankee flag" which makes me think you are still in the mindset that the Confederacy(need I remind you that the cornerstone of it was that black people are only fit to be slaves?) was the good guy.

ETA: I do think that most of the patriotism in America is shallow and we need to acknowledge that there has been a fuck ton of horrible things done under this flag including stealing from and murdering Native Americans. But that is a separate issue than trying to pretend that the Confederacy wasn't the bad guy in the Civil War and that the Confederate flag stands for anything but enslaving people, which is what people are doing when they wave it around proudly. They are trying to whitewash history.

That wasn't a pro-Confederacy post. Point is, if we are honest we could be embarrassed by our current flag as well depending on how and why it is being used. I think they were probably not trying to make a racist pro-slavery statement any more than a Vietnam vet would be trying to antagonize a Cheyenne or Cherokee descendant. I've seen plenty of white and even Hispanic kids using that flag because they are proud "rebels" - and not against the Federal government. Plenty of ill-informed or uneducated people out there who don't understand how others perceive them. Lots of people just see it as a symbol of rebellion which is ironic considering many of those who originally flew that flag would have seen it entirely differently.

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Fuck you, you racist, fundie piece of shit! By the way how much Confederate merchandise did VF stock? You and Perry would know wouldn't you.

This is what you get for pissing me off, asshole. I'm tired of playing nice with fundies like you.

Bless your heart. No offense intended or taken.

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That wasn't a pro-Confederacy post. Point is, if we are honest we could be embarrassed by our current flag as well depending on how and why it is being used. I think they were probably not trying to make a racist pro-slavery statement any more than a Vietnam vet would be trying to antagonize a Cheyenne or Cherokee descendant. I've seen plenty of white and even Hispanic kids using that flag because they are proud "rebels" - and not against the Federal government. Plenty of ill-informed or uneducated people out there who don't understand how others perceive them. Lots of people just see it as a symbol of rebellion which is ironic considering many of those who originally flew that flag would have seen it entirely differently.

That is the thing though, it is ignorance and shouldn't be tolerated or encouraged. The truth needs to be told to people with no justifications allowed. The people who flew the Confederate flag flew it as a battle flag in a war where they were trying to start a country whose foundation was that black people were only fit for slavery and that it would be illegal to ever give black people equality. That is what it needs to be treated as.

Why exactly did you call the American flag the "Yankee" flag if you weren't trying to be pro-Confederacy? I have never heard anyone talk like that unless they were siding with the Confederacy.

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