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Does Jessa dislike Ben's sister?


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I think Jim Bob was attractive around the time the oldest four were little. He was out of the goofy awkward teenage stage and hadn't hit the permanent face we all know and love.

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Jim Bob would look pretty average if he just put on a human costume for a day or two. If you put the guy in a tshirt and regular pair of slacks, gave him a normal haircut, took away the hairspray, and wiped the shit-eating grin off his face, he'd just look like any normal guy on the street who doesn't raise my blood pressure to fatal levels every time I see his smug face.

Now, he's a pretty far stretch away from handsome maybe. But under all the frump he's not especially ugly. I agree that he looked like a somewhat charmingly gangly, awkward teenager in their old photos. They're really a pretty good looking couple. It's a shame Gothard is their stylist.

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Jim Bob would look pretty average if he just put on a human costume for a day or two. If you put the guy in a tshirt and regular pair of slacks, gave him a normal haircut, took away the hairspray, and wiped the shit-eating grin off his face, he'd just look like any normal guy on the street who doesn't raise my blood pressure to fatal levels every time I see his smug face.[\B]

Now, he's a pretty far stretch away from handsome maybe. But under all the frump he's not especially ugly. I agree that he looked like a somewhat charmingly gangly, awkward teenager in their old photos. They're really a pretty good looking couple. It's a shame Gothard is their stylist.

I used to think that but I just cringe when I try to think of him as even remotely good looking. I think the years of disgust for him and the way he treats his kids have scarred me

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I don't think Jessa hates her. I think Jessa wants to be her. Give it a few years and Jessa will be in yoga pants, listening to country music and watching HBO.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Jessa thought side hugs and all that nonsense was stupid too. They have to keep parroting off the same stuff over and over again for their "brand" or else Benjermen would have to get a real job. I think Jessa can suck it up and talk about how great side hugs are if it means they get to sit around and twiddle their thumbs while they wait for their direct deposit to come in every month.


:worship: :worship: :worship: :cracking-up: :cracking-up:


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Yeah, I think Jessa enjoys the fire and brimstone aspect of her religion but doesn't give a damn about a lot of the things her parents do. I just can't imagine someone's with Jessa's temperament NOT thinking sidehugging, handsex and chaperones are really stupid.

how can one enjoy fire and brimstone anything of someone's religion ? explain that to me :cracking-up:

a lot of early episodes - she looks like she is barely holding it together -when JB constantly calls for those DAMN family meetings

I think she enjoyed forehead sex

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how can one enjoy fire and brimstone anything of someone's religion ? explain that to me :cracking-up:

a lot of early episodes - she looks like she is barely holding it together -when JB constantly calls for those DAMN family meetings

I think she enjoyed forehead sex

I think she's arrogant and dogmatic by nature. If she had been raised by PETA activists she'd be throwing red paint at people wearing fur and trolling food blogs that post meat recipes, kwim?

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Uhg, I know I'm truly not a baby person when people go crazy over these pics. I love kids once they hit 9 months or so, but tiny babies all look like soulless alien monsters to me. If I ever have kids, I'll have to really pray to Gothard that my body goes into overdrive with the hormones to get me through those early months...

I'm not so great with other people's babies either. Or their older children, come to think of it. Like if a kid in the seat in front of me on a plane hangs over the seat and looks at me I have to pretend I don't see them. Which is, obviously, ridiculous. But my children? Different story. Seriously, do not doubt for a second how you will feel if you have children. You will be amazed at how you feel.

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Uhg, I know I'm truly not a baby person when people go crazy over these pics. I love kids once they hit 9 months or so, but tiny babies all look like soulless alien monsters to me. If I ever have kids, I'll have to really pray to Gothard that my body goes into overdrive with the hormones to get me through those early months...

I thought my son was cute at birth (and beyond.) But I think most babies look like potatoes. And the first 6 months are not great, in general.

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:worship: :worship: :worship: :cracking-up: :cracking-up:


Nice triangle.

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Uhg, I know I'm truly not a baby person when people go crazy over these pics. I love kids once they hit 9 months or so, but tiny babies all look like soulless alien monsters to me. If I ever have kids, I'll have to really pray to Gothard that my body goes into overdrive with the hormones to get me through those early months...

Most babies remind me of the Seinfeld episode where their friends have an "ugly" baby. You are supposed to say isn't the baby so cute.... if the baby isn't cute, I usually say something about how big they are, how alert they are, what a cute outfit they are wearing...

I remember my son he didn't look like anyone in the family for the first couple of months, then after that he started looking like my side of the family, THANK GOD ! ( His father & I are divorced)...

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I just realized it's my 2 month anniversary on fj... time flies when you're having fun..

I'm going to celebrate like nst

:cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up:

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Of course jessa dislikes Bens sister I'm pretty sure she has the same invitation to hell that we all got for being liberal Christians of whatever you choose to affiliate with. But then again maybe Ben is too busy with jessa to even know he has a sister anymore.

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I would hope not. Jes and Ben seem super close, it would be sad if his wife hated his favorite sister.

I agree they seem super close

they edited out a scene where I think it was her talking to Ben and Jessa at the rehearsal dinner

I so wanted to know what she said - because Ben seemed really touched when he hugged her

I was hoping they would show it during the recount episode but they didn't

so that sucks

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Is there anything Jessa doesn't at least mildly dislike?

I like how we have a non-submissive, unique personality Duggar and all FJ wants to do is shit on her.

You know full well if you knew her outside of a fundie context and were her peer, she would be your snarky independent friend.


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I think she's arrogant and dogmatic by nature. If she had been raised by PETA activists she'd be throwing red paint at people wearing fur and trolling food blogs that post meat recipes, kwim?

PETA activists are not the same as animal rights activists, just so you know. We don't like their MO. They are an OK resource for recipes and transitioning to veg, but their marketing is shit.

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POST THE link please

I will bribe you with IDDY


Gah please tell me Jill has one of these.


It looks like she's bathing him in the tub instead of the sink? They still make those for that tho

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We just used a baby bathtub on our counter until he was able to sit up on his own. Then we put him in an inflatable duck tub inside our bathtub.

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I like how we have a non-submissive, unique personality Duggar and all FJ wants to do is shit on her.

You know full well if you knew her outside of a fundie context and were her peer, she would be your snarky independent friend.


I actually do kinda like her, shes one of my favourites, and if she wasn't fundie we would probably get on. I think its amusing that she went through all of her wedding planning giving exactly zero fucks about things like flowers and hates cake.

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I actually do kinda like her, shes one of my favourites, and if she wasn't fundie we would probably get on. I think its amusing that she went through all of her wedding planning giving exactly zero fucks about things like flowers and hates cake.

If Jessa weren't fundy - I could imagine us going to a zumba class and laughing ourselves silly and then going for sushi :D

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Yeah, the FJ hypocrisy over Jessa is unreal. She's horrible for being bitchy and "non-maternal" to children that are not her own but Jana is wonderful for being so sweet and submissive and "beautiful on the inside." Ok. And for all the protestations that Jessa isn't that pretty, I really do think that her looks are part of the reason people respond so strongly to her. If Jinger had the same attitude as Jessa people here would love it, because compared to her sisters, Jinger had a super long awkward phase and isn't that conventionally attractive even now. But Jessa's beautiful and not a sweetheart, so that means she's vain and horrible and people can't wait for her have a meltdown over getting fat and covered in stretchmarks. Nice.

I know that if Jessa weren't religious I'd probably get along really well with her. Her personality along with her beliefs make a really bad combination.

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