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If you had to marry a Duggar....


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Hahahahahahahah! Oh come on, isn't that what we all think about in the end? Truthfully, I only keep up with this family just because I'm waiting patiently to see if anyone escapes and writes a tell-all book.

(Ok I do like to snark, not gonna deny it, but still, this is called ''Free Jinger'' after all!) ;)

Sadly, I think that the tell all book (if it's ever written) will be 3rd party or LONG after we've all but forgotten the Duggars exist.

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Hmmm, for the guys, I'd have to go with either Joseph or Josiah. Only because they're around my age.

For the girls, It's totally Jana. I don't even care that she's like 6 years older than me.

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Sadly, I think that the tell all book (if it's ever written) will be 3rd party or LONG after we've all but forgotten the Duggars exist.

I know. Totally dreaming out loud here. :P

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I think I will have nightmares tonight at this thought. However, I would love to save any and all Duggar children. So, rather than marry, I would adopt all renaming Duggar kids, adult or child.

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I'd probably have to say JD, however, if I were to bat for the same team, It'd be Jana, not even because I feel bad for her, but because shes a total babe.

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Jinger or Jana,

because they are beautiful and have calmer personalities than Jessa or Jill. Not so in your face!

Do I get a warning for this also?

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I find none of the guys even a tiny bit attractive or interesting, so they're out. As for the girls, honestly if she weren't religious I'd lean towards Jessa. She's gorgeous and I like strong personalities, though we might end up killing each other. Then maybe Jinger--I like to think she still has a personality when the cameras are off. Jana might be #2 instead just based on looks, but I'd need to get a sense of her real personality. If it's anything like her on-air insipidness---no f'ing way.

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can I pick a Bates instead? If not - I'd run like the wind.

I'd gladly take a Bates boy, even if they are all younger than me.

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I think this thread quickly became "who I would save first" :p

Yeah, that's what I was kind of going for. I hope people don't think I'm weird for picking the younger ones- I just think there's more of a chance for them! I feel like they haven't been fully emmersed in the quiverfull ways.

Sorry if I creeped anyone out!!

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Yeah, that's what I was kind of going for. I hope people don't think I'm weird for picking the younger ones- I just think there's more of a chance for them! I feel like they haven't been fully emmersed in the quiverfull ways.

Sorry if I creeped anyone out!!

Ironically, I think if the Duggars agreed to any of these pairings, it would because they thought they were the ones doing the saving.

On a related note, which family would be the better to marry into: Bates or Duggar?

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I don't find any of the Duggar boys at all attractive or interesting. They're all younger than me except Josh. John-David and I are closeish in age with him being 8 months younger. The rest are younger to the point that thinking of dating courting them is just gross. If I had to choose, I guess I'd go with Josh. He's occasionally kinda cute.

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I'm surprised at all the Joseph votes. When Joe was on the dishing with the Duggars segments he seemed to talk like he was 8, he didn't know what he wanted to be or what he was currently doing. I have always thought JD didn't like the camera or was shy and that is why his talking heads came across poorly but Joe's TH and interviews strike me as someone who really needs some more education and life experience(not his fault).

Since I can't bring myself to choose a minor, I'm going to say Josh! Yikes I can't believe I'm choosing him.

Josh I think really loves his wife and kids. Josh I think could have gone to college and done well and gotten his dream job if he had the opportunity when he was younger. Josh did get about as close to his dream as anyone in the family will. Josh gets to met people he admires and spread his word to the country.

All the stupid stuff Josh did , with his instagram posts, overeating of fast food, fooling around at the car lot, all those childish behaviors were what he should have gotten out of his system during his teens. Now at 27, Josh has a wife he loves, a job he loves, gets to travel , a nice house, 3+ kids and seems more mature (not perfect but way better then 5 years ago). Of course I'll stick with my husband who lets me be in control and is always proud when I take on and challenge the mostly all male religious(no separation of church and state) leaders of our community and win the battle!

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Ironically, I think if the Duggars agreed to any of these pairings, it would because they thought they were the ones doing the saving.

On a related note, which family would be the better to marry into: Bates or Duggar?

Bates for sure.

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I would pick JB's dad, the late Jimmy Lee Duggar. He was age appropriate for me, handsome, normal, and was perfectly happy having just 2 kids. Seriously, I feel for his widow, Mary. That hard working woman deserves an easier retirement with the loving companionship of JL.

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I'd pick John-David, if nothing else because he seems to have a life and other interests outside of the Duggar compound. I'd wanna be a challenge, though, not one of those girls who are easily wooed.

If we're talking girls, Joy in a heartbeat, even though I am a whole four or five years older (I think?). I'd love to show her so many things.

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Honestly, I think all the kids (besides Josh, because he literally works for a hate group) have a chance at being saved from the hell that is IFB. They're lack of knowledge is what's keeping them from forming their own opinions.

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I think the older boys look like potatoes.

I asked my 19 yr old because it's just wrong for me to choose and she said the Jer twins.

I would have been attracted to the Bates boys as a younger me. Definitely would have hung a tiger beat poster of a shirtless Lawson in my locker lol NIKE!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think the older boys look like potatoes.

I asked my 19 yr old because it's just wrong for me to choose and she said the Jer twins.

I would have been attracted to the Bates boys as a younger me. Definitely would have hung a tiger beat poster of a shirtless Lawson in my locker lol NIKE!!

How about this one? NIKE indeed!


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I've dated men and women so I'll do both --

John David: poor guy doesn't get enough love and I think he'd be a good husband... at least if he could get past my wearing pants and having a job :lol:

Jana: she's beautiful and kind and seems a lot more grounded than most of the other kids. Plus, with her probable hang-ups about sex and my relative indifference to it, we could have the perfect asexual romantic partnership :dance:

JOY. HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT JOY? It would totally be Joy.

Gosh, I guess I have a twin problem. I think I also have trouble visualizing the teen and younger kids as options, too, because they aren't actually grown up yet... but my favorites of the younger kids personality-wise are Jackson and Jordyn.


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