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Linda Harvey on LGBTQ People: There are no such humans

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Guest Anonymous

Woo hoo, I don't exist! And you might not either!

http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/ha ... 8/27/25958

Linda Harvey, head of the anti-​gay, anti-​witchcraft (seriously), Christianist, almost-hate group Mission: America, actually says of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, “there are no such humans.” Harvey claims there has never been any proof.

“There’s one big fact that’s not backed up. There is no proof that there’s ever anything like a gay, lesbian or bisexual or transgendered child, or teen or human. One of the other things you’re gonna see as I mentioned is a big campaign GLSEN’s gonna roll out this year calling for ‘respect,’ respect! Not just for people, but for homosexual lifestyle. The PR campaign to hold up gay as a good thing: the lifestyle, not the person, because there are no such humans.”

Chances are pretty good, if you’re reading this, then, you do not exist. Sorry.

Linda Harvey actually wants to trample on our civil rights so much she is going to the ultimate extreme of denying our right to exist. Who does that sound like?

Last week, also on her weekly radio show, Harvey actually said that ending the concept that people are gay would “make a serious dent” in ending HIV, and called for government shut down of gay bars.

“So what could we do to make a serious dent in the HIV and syphilis disease track?,” Harvey had asked. “One obvious approach is to stop promoting homosexual behavior to kids and falsely calling it an identity like race. We could also close down homosexual bars and bathhouses, that would be a start. God never created people to engage in these unnatural acts.”

Harvey has also said schools should ban openly gay and lesbian teachers and classified the It Gets Better Project as “evil.”

“Kids should not be put in the confusing position of having a teacher they like and respect in many ways who’s also known to be practicing homosexual behavior,” Harvey said, and added, “Out and proud homosexuals should not have jobs that involve children.”

Really. Where do these people come from?

I say we start a new movement: The “conservative bible-​thumping bigoted anti-​gay anti-​science religious zealots do not exist movement.”

Who wants to join?


Here's the "purpose statement" from Mission America in regards to LGBTQ people. Basically it's a load of horrible rage inducing lies.

Mission America supports the time-honored tradition of marriage as a commitment between one man and one woman. We oppose coercive, deceptive messages communicated to children, as well as same sex "marriage," for the following reasons:

1.No biological cause for homosexual or gender-variant desires or behavior has been found in humans. Claims to the contrary are founded on wishful thinking, not scientific fact. There is much evidence that homosexual desire and identity develops, although usually not consciously, out of one's life experiences. Child sexual abuse is frequently a factor.

2.There is growing evidence that bisexual identity and practices are developing as a popular trend among some middle school and high school students as a result of the promotion of homosexual experimentation. The "package" of fluid sexual practices, featuring oral sex, is being sold to kids through many sex education programs and the popular culture. This trend has disastrous public health implications.

3.There are thousands of ex-homosexuals whose lives attest to the ability of humans to overcome homosexual desires and practices. This is a choice which should be open to all young people without criticism, prejudice, attempts to withhold this information, or attempts to discredit the life stories of those formerly involved in these lifestyles.

4.Homosexuality involves practices that are dangerous and high-risk to the body, which is designed for heterosexual function, so the first priority of adults who really care for youth should be to help them at all costs avoid these behaviors. Some of these unsafe practices are anal sexual intercourse, foreign objects used in sexual intercourse, anal or oral sex with strangers, and promiscuity. Because of such activities, countless health studies have documented that sexually transmitted disease and injury is much higher among homosexuals than in the population at large. Since such practices are well-accepted within homosexual circles, it does not make sense to enable or encourage students in homosexual attractions, since they are likely to begin engaging in some or all of these unsafe activities. No method exists, despite the insistence of condom advocates, to effectively "manage" these high risk behaviors.

5.All major world religions and civilizations have historically condemned the practice of homosexuality. Nothing that is now known changes the reasons for that heritage of disapproval. Millions of religious and non-religious taxpaying Americans find homosexuality abhorrent, and do not want it promoted nor condoned in discussions with their children. Finding homosexuality repulsive is a natural human instinct to protect oneself, and is common to most humans, not just a few conservatives. Within the bounds of kindness and civility, students, teachers and parents who find the behavior personally repugnant should continue to have the right to express this opinion. This is not meant to imply support for derogatory labels or insults.

6.The best way to protect students who are drawn to this behavior is give them facts about the risks. Those who believe it is wrong should not be discredited, nor should all disapproval be erroneously associated with violence or labeled as "hate." Because of the community's concern and love for youth, adults should support them if they wish to change homosexual desires and behavior. Any other approach puts children at high risk of disease and even premature death, and we should love our children too much to let that happen.

7.Because of the great risks involved, and our concerns about the welfare of ALL students, every student who reveals homosexual attraction deserves to know that he or she has a choice. This is both humane and sound public health policy.

8.Failure to disclose these facts or attempts to discredit them is the equivalent of educational and medical malpractice. Educational programs that in any way condone or support homosexuality should be stopped immediately in all U.S. schools.

9.Because of the dysfunctional, unhealthy and changeable nature of homosexuality, legitimizing it as "marriage" constitutes irresponsible and reckless public policy that endangers the future of our children and grandchildren.

missionamerica.com/ -- Be aware, if you spend more than five minutes on this site you will probably want a shower and a gallon of brain bleach.

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I've always wanted to be imaginary:) I would very much like to join the “conservative bible-​thumping bigoted anti-​gay anti-​science religious zealots do not exist movement.†I'll be treasurer? President is too much responsibility

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Almost-hate group?

Nah, I think this one is all-the-way there. :shock:

I don't get these people, so no, I do not think there be humans such as them.

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Guest Anonymous
Almost-hate group?

Nah, I think this one is all-the-way there. :shock:

I don't get these people, so no, I do not think there be humans such as them.

I 100% agree with you, Austin. I'm hard pressed to see how anyone could read that "purpose statement" and not come to that conclusion.

I mean, for fuck's sake:

Finding homosexuality repulsive is a natural human instinct to protect oneself, and is common to most humans, not just a few conservatives.

If that isn't hate then I don't know what is.

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Harvey has also said schools should ban openly gay and lesbian teachers and classified the It Gets Better Project as “evil.â€

Well that should be pretty simple. Seeing as gay and lesbian teachers, apparently, do not exist it should not be too difficult to ban them. Did someone check to see if all their ridiculousness even made sense with all their craziness?

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There is growing evidence that bisexual identity and practices are developing as a popular trend among some middle school and high school students as a result of the promotion of homosexual experimentation

Am I missing something? IF there is no such thing as homosexuals, how can there be kids who are doing things that disturb her? I thought it was all imaginary.

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So if my ex-BIL doesn't exist, does that mean my nephew and neice that he fathered don't exist? I don't know how my sister is going to take it being told that she only has one child, not three. And I will have to tell her that it is a ghost or something that is eating up all her food and leaving dirty dishes in the family room. She isn't going to like hear this. :snooty:

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Guest Anonymous

Is there a school where all of these people learn to perfect their crazy eyes? I mean, she has it, and so do Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich's wife. Maybe it's a consequence of ideology?

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Well, the upside is that imaginary people do not usually pay any taxes. . .

Now I want to be imaginary, even more :D I would like to be a figment of everyone's imagination so i don't need to pay taxes.

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Is there a school where all of these people learn to perfect their crazy eyes? I mean, she has it, and so do Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich's wife.

Which wife? ;)


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Yowzers. What a nutjob. Facts are not her friend.

This also cracks me up because while there is no doubt LGBT folks exist, there is absolutely zero scientific proof that any gods exist.

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Is there a school where all of these people learn to perfect their crazy eyes? I mean, she has it, and so do Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich's wife. Maybe it's a consequence of ideology?

Why, yes there is.


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Damn it! So, my super awesome gay best friend who does my hair, make up, gossips with me and is my go to person for fashion advice is all in my head?!

Yay,I have an imaginary gay friend!


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Now this is interesting:

Mission America has a program called "School Risk Audit", which is conducted JOINTLY by American Family Association , Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council , and other groups since its launch in 2006. This group assists Christian organizations, churches and parents in determining whether they're placing their children at risk by having clubs, sports, programs, etc which influence children that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle.

Really people?! Please, tell me how a gay, bi or lesbian person affects your life in anyway? I seriously do not understand why these stupid fundamentalists are so obsessed with stuff like this when it has no direct effect on their lives whatsoever. Kids are not going to be influenced to be gay, bi or lesbian just because they see it with their eyes. One of my guy friends, who is gay, knew he was gay since he was little; it wasn't like he saw two gay guys kiss and felt "influenced" by it. Dumbasses.

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Guest Anonymous
And they're calling their hate campaign " a new civil rights campaign" :puke-front:

Flora, The New Civil Rights Movement website is a marriage equality/pro-LGBT rights website that is reporting on the evil, hateful people at Mission America.

The first quote in my original post is from TNCRM, the second is from Mission America.

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Guest Anonymous
Who is Linda Harvey?


If you read the first line of the quoted article you'll have your answer.


Linda Harvey, head of the anti-​gay, anti-​witchcraft (seriously), Christianist, almost-hate group Mission: America
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wait, if homosexuals don't exist, why can she write 15 points on how they are evil and hate on them? I thought you didn't exist! Plus, if gays can become straight, as she says, doesn't that mean that they were homosexual to start with? Wow talk about circular arguments. These people are morons

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If you read the first line of the quoted article you'll have your answer.

Got it. I've never heard of her or the organization. I'm certainly getting an education here. I've never known any fundies IRL. It was watching the Duggars that made me aware of this lifestyle, and now reading here and several blogs I'm getting quite the education. I still can't comprehend why people chose such a lifestyle but to each his own I guess. Unless you're LGBTQ of course :o

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Flora, The New Civil Rights Movement website is a marriage equality/pro-LGBT rights website that is reporting on the evil, hateful people at Mission America.

The first quote in my original post is from TNCRM, the second is from Mission America.

Whoops, shoulda clicked the link. Though I wouldn't put it past them to be "oppressed" by not being allowed to oppress others. It's been known.

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I 100% agree with you, Austin. I'm hard pressed to see how anyone could read that "purpose statement" and not come to that conclusion.

I mean, for fuck's sake:

If that isn't hate then I don't know what is.

It's completely moronic paranoia is what it is.

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These people are beyond crazy. I have been straight my whole life. It was never a "choice". I have lots of gay friends. Being around them does not make me upset or repulsed, nor threatened. It also has not made me gay. My kids were raised to be comfortable around all kinds of people, including gay people. They are straight. My little cousin is gay. We knew it from the time he was a toddler. It was not a choice for him either.

Have any of these nut jobs actually gotten to know a gay person? No, don't answer that. They would deny it if they did. Have they studied history? Gay people have been documented since the beginning of documenting.

We have so many important things in this world to worry about. You know, like hunger and disease and poverty. Why why why are they so fixed on something that is a private and personal matter? Do they know that AIDS is spreading most rapidly amongst heterosexuals? That it poses the greatest danger in societies that oppress women?

I worry about what happens to children of these nutbags who discover that they are gay. No honey, it doesn't get better. Closet yourself and be miserable. If you can't do that, then go way. We don't love you anymore.

These people piss me the f off

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