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Jessa's going on tour


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We have those here -

the majority of them are chefs trying to sell their crap


so imagine Jessa off to one side of a large room with probably 20 chairs lined up and a stage and a microphone and a little desk and chair for her to sign stuff - with Ben in the background looking all important in his hat and tshirt :cracking-up:

next to a booth selling the newest weight loss gadget :D

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Ben's a nice-looking lad, but he's dumber than a box of rocks. Pretty just don't cut it for me, a man's got to have some brains to keep me interested.

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The more I read about this bedazzled wimmins extravaganza, the more I hope there are mimosas backstage that Jessa mistakes as just orange juice + sparking water.

Do we really think Ben Bob will be there? Although I guess she really does need a chaperone.

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The more I read about this bedazzled wimmins extravaganza, the more I hope there are mimosas backstage that Jessa mistakes as just orange juice + sparking water.

Do we really think Ben Bob will be there? Although I guess she really does need a chaperone.

she is Mary Tyler Moore of the New Millennium :D

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Guys, be careful about posting details if you do decide to go... in fact, it would probably be a good idea to not even mention publicly that you are going until after you go.

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So is this the show in which she jumps on the couch and screams "I'm pregnant!!!" Or is she just going to talk about how fab it was to be so horny she wanted to die all the way until they did the deed on their wedding night how Godly it is to WAIT....

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Seriously this "girl" has been married for a hot minute. Come give me "relationship advise" when you have actually lived through your relationship. When you can talk about the things that really put a strain on a marriage ( financial hardship, having an ill child, lack of communication, addiction, lack of trust and so on and so on) then maybe you should open your mouth and speak.

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Jessa is not high on my list of likeable people, but I do think she's breaking away from her sheltered bringing up, for which I give her credit. And she doesn't seem to be pregnant, for which I give her more credit. Unfortunately, in her current re-invention of herself, she does seem to be moving toward Palinesque vulgarity, rather than maturity.

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What aI want to know is, since when is going to 3 events considered a "tour"? I guess when I have 3 doctors appointments in a few weeks' time, I'm doing a "tour"? Maybe I should get some t-shirts that say "SnarkyKitty's Hospital Tour" and sell tickets.

The hubris of these people on reality shows is sometimes too much. It's why people like Kate Gosselin seems to feel like she's too good for a "regular" job and continues to try to make television appearances on shows like "Celebrity Apprentice" and "Dancing With the Stars".

I know that I am just supporting these efforts by watching...so I guess I can shut up now, lol. :angry-banghead:

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I don't remember exactly when Jill is due but, Jessa probably won't be there right ? She will be "on tour" ?

The timing is weird

Baby Dilly is due on March 24th while Jessa's tour dates are the 7th and 14th. Jill may go into labor early but otherwise Jessa will likely be at the birth.
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Baby Dilly is due on March 24th while Jessa's tour dates are the 7th and 14th. Jill may go into labor early but otherwise Jessa will likely be at the birth.

Thank you, i thought Jill was due around march 10th

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I don't get the sense, at all, that Jessa is comfortable in front of the camera. That clip (for the Southern Women's Show) isn't 5 seconds, but she doesn't even hold her gaze until the camera cuts. I do think, though, that she LOVES attention that comes through all her many selfies.

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Baby Dilly is due on March 24th while Jessa's tour dates are the 7th and 14th. Jill may go into labor early but otherwise Jessa will likely be at the birth.

I doubt she will be in the room while Jill is giving birth - she can be on tour and hear about it and skype with her :D

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So will Jessa cook a turkey at the women's show while simultaneously talking about relationships? Blessed multi-tasking!!

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I don't get the sense, at all, that Jessa is comfortable in front of the camera. That clip (for the Southern Women's Show) isn't 5 seconds, but she doesn't even hold her gaze until the camera cuts. I do think, though, that she LOVES attention that comes through all her many selfies.

Im the same-I think she is kinda like me in that way. I absolutely hate being the centre of attention and am not particularly social in real life, because I am shy and awkward and not that confident...but online I am happy to get plenty of likes and comments on things I have posted online, and want people to notice me. Mainly because I can control things online-if I run out of things to say in a debate on an internet forum, I don't have to reply. If someone is not being nice to me I can control that situation better than I could when at school-I can block them, or I can just get up from the computer and do something else. I am on the same footing with people because I am bad at reading body language and tone of voice and stuff, but nobody can read that online either, so it isn't a disadvantage. I can also think more about my responses to people, and work things out before I even post them, even do research on issues-like on here, I can debate religion. When cornered by a missionary passing out tracts when out and about, I can barely give only the barest, most inarticulate explanations as I am not prepared at all. I cant put my thoughts into words very well, but on the internet I can write it out, then read it and if it sounds wrong I can correct it before anyone ever sees it.

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Has it been confirmed that that is what she'll be speaking about on this tour? Jessa, who didn't have her first boyfriend until she was nearly 21, married that same boy just over a year later, which took place a little over three months ago? This woman-girl thinks that gives her the authority to talk about relationships in any way, shape or form? Oh, I guess by the time these shows actually take place she'll have been married for 4/5 months. WELL SIGN ME UP TO LISTEN TO THIS EXPERT.

If this were a talk about SIBLING relationships then I would agree that all 19 Duggar sprogs are experts, yes. But as far as romantic relationship advice? I think the only Duggar I'd listen to about that is Amy because she's at least experienced them.

It is so funny how these Duggar kids think they are experts on marriage and life when the girls have been married for less than a year and Josh is still in his twenties. Come back after 25 years and tell us, not now.

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what makes it a riot do tell :D

if she didn't want to subject her personal life to the public she sure as hell will now

Playing catch up on this thread... I went once to the Nashville SWS. $10 ticket to get in. I don't remember much of it... but there were a LOT of booths with diet pills/wraps/get skinny quick treatments. And a LOT of free samples of (surprisingly strong) wine cooler slushy type drinks. That might be why I don't remember much...

Plus, if they have it in the same place... it's right down the street from the Nashville strip, which is full of debauchery - even by my very secular standards. If they hold it in the new conference center, it's even closer. Sometimes that spills in. Southern ladies like their wine coolers.

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The reason Jessa is going on tour simply because their is money too be made! Even a medium size church will pay a couple of thousands plus all expenses. Wouldn't surprise me if some of mega churches pay 5-10 thousand for her appearance. It's all about money, money, money!

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Plus, if they have it in the same place... it's right down the street from the Nashville strip, which is full of debauchery - even by my very secular standards. If they hold it in the new conference center, it's even closer. Sometimes that spills in. Southern ladies like their wine coolers.

She might see Famy roll in from the strip!

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Playing catch up on this thread... I went once to the Nashville SWS. $10 ticket to get in. I don't remember much of it... but there were a LOT of booths with diet pills/wraps/get skinny quick treatments. And a LOT of free samples of (surprisingly strong) wine cooler slushy type drinks. That might be why I don't remember much...

Plus, if they have it in the same place... it's right down the street from the Nashville strip, which is full of debauchery - even by my very secular standards. If they hold it in the new conference center, it's even closer. Sometimes that spills in. Southern ladies like their wine coolers.

:happy-partydance::happy-partydance::happy-partydance::happy-partydance::happy-partydance: :martini: :martini: :martini: :martini: :martini: :violence-smack: :violence-smack: :violence-smack: :laughing-rolling:

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She might see Famy roll in from the strip!

That's what I was thinking...we'll have to sit through another episode of Famy Meets Nashville. Kill me now.

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