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Reality TV and Conservative/Fundie Beliefs


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I was born into a Cuban/German-Catholic family. Beliefs are all over the place. I didn't know my grandmother but I knew my great aunts...they were sorta spooky...they had a crucifix in their home and would change the loin cloth on Jesus to match the liturgical cycle. My mother's generation were quietly devout...daily mass for some of them, daily rosary. My generation went to Mass on Sunday and did whatever we wanted to the rest of the week. None of us were "fundie-Catholic". Faith was one thing, displays of it were another. Its not like we beat people over the head. My mother was the scandalous one, she was pro-choice! The rest weren't very vocal about anything, they just lived their lives, had their faith and that was that.

But...any excuse was a good excuse for a party! Christmas, Easter, Three Kings day, birthdays, even, Hey! It's Friday! The Lenten fish fries on Fridays were a party waiting to happen, good food, good booze, Father Joe dancing the Macarena with the Bishop!

The fundie-Catholic bloggers I have read would fall over if they saw the "real" Cuban/German-Catholic festivities...yeah, one thing we knew how to do was PARTY!!!!!

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I was born into a Cuban/German-Catholic family. Beliefs are all over the place. I didn't know my grandmother but I knew my great aunts...they were sorta spooky...they had a crucifix in their home and would change the loin cloth on Jesus to match the liturgical cycle. My mother's generation were quietly devout...daily mass for some of them, daily rosary. My generation went to Mass on Sunday and did whatever we wanted to the rest of the week. None of us were "fundie-Catholic". Faith was one thing, displays of it were another. Its not like we beat people over the head. My mother was the scandalous one, she was pro-choice! The rest weren't very vocal about anything, they just lived their lives, had their faith and that was that.

But...any excuse was a good excuse for a party! Christmas, Easter, Three Kings day, birthdays, even, Hey! It's Friday! The Lenten fish fries on Fridays were a party waiting to happen, good food, good booze, Father Joe dancing the Macarena with the Bishop!

The fundie-Catholic bloggers I have read would fall over if they saw the "real" Cuban/German-Catholic festivities...yeah, one thing we knew how to do was PARTY!!!!!

I have very fond memories of the St. Patrick's Day parties at my parish (and this was deep in the bible belt south). All three of our priests were old school Irish, as were both of the nuns that were attached to the parish - accents and all. They could put away some beer - when they weren't drinking Irish Whiskey, that was.

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Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium is Catholic. It has been brought up on the show several times, but she and her family don't appear to be hardcore/conservative Catholics.

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Reality TV in general fills the void that the freak show once did in that it gives the public an excuse to gawk at those considered different. In this sense, extreme or unusual forms of religion can be just as "freakish " as someone with a physical deformity or disability. Much like how the workers in old-time freak shows were often too disabled to do "regular work" even if they wanted to, the children roped into the modern day freak show of religious reality TV are often lacking in the kind of education or skills needed to do something outside of religion /reality TV (the same thing could be said for child stars in general).

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Reality TV in general fills the void that the freak show once did in that it gives the public an excuse to gawk at those considered different. In this sense, extreme or unusual forms of religion can be just as "freakish " as someone with a physical deformity or disability. Much like how the workers in old-time freak shows were often too disabled to do "regular work" even if they wanted to, the children roped into the modern day freak show of religious reality TV are often lacking in the kind of education or skills needed to do something outside of religion /reality TV (the same thing could be said for child stars in general).

You nailed it! The problem for TLC is their marketing. They market their programming as "remarkably relatable real-life stories without judgment". Relatable???? To whom?

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Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium is Catholic. It has been brought up on the show several times, but she and her family don't appear to be hardcore/conservative Catholics.

I can just imagine her, in the middle of Mass, interrupting the priest: "You know, I'm a medium, and....." :lol:

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You nailed it! The problem for TLC is their marketing. They market their programming as "remarkably relatable real-life stories without judgment". Relatable???? To whom?

Without judgment?? They deliberately edit the shows so that there's a shitload of judgment from viewers.

Here was the first Honey Boo Boo appearance on Toddlers and Tiaras. The whole purpose was to make viewers say to themselves, "well, at least I'm not like THAT mom!" They made her look like a freak in the commercials.

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I can just imagine her, in the middle of Mass, interrupting the priest: "You know, I'm a medium, and....." :lol:

That would be funny. I have wondered about her reputation and relationships at her Catholic parish, if she attends regularly. There is debate in Catholic communities over mediums or people claiming to be psychic. Some Catholics might fully embrace Theresa's claims about being a medium. I knew a Catholic priest years ago that said he believed that some people can sense evil or spirits. He mentioned people asking him to bless their homes because they sensed something was wrong and he said he agreed with them and believed them.

When Long Island Medium first started, I did wonder if the family were Italian Catholics. Then later on, I noticed a Virgin Mary statue near the house. In later episodes, Theresa mentioned being Catholic and in one episode she showed her daughter's first Holy Communion picture. Theresa's son also attended a Catholic college. I doubt TLC will ever film the Caputos in Mass and probably Catholic parishes and leaders would object to it unless it the Caputos were attending a Wedding mass, baptism, or First Holy Communion. TLC did film Zoe and Will's baptisms on The Little Couple.

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Great points, thanks!

Teresa C. interrupting the priest is priceless.

As for fixer upper (love her designs btw) they have mentioned that they courted several times and they mention fundie lite beliefs (and send their kids to a conservative Christian school) that I don't think they mean the old fashioned southern terming of courting.

Kate G. definitely is, all 8 kids have always gone to a conservative Christian school even when she was broke.

As for the Catholics (and I agree never heard Bill say anything agnostic, I think he may have been saying her illness was testing his faith, he obviously loves Jen a lot) it shows how prevalent the Catholic church is the US in urban areas (just like Fundies/conservative dominant the rural areas) that people are saying Catholic isn't conservative....Ummm yes it is! Anti LGBT, anti premartial sex, anti abortion, anti women in leadership roles...Just because A LOT of Catholics are fallen/non practicing doesn't mean it is not a conservative religion. The current pope seems more open minded but that is a first.

As for the wedding and house hunting shows, no one but the owners of the salons are making money off of those shows. Though I do credit house hunters for getting a lot of mainstream Americans to accept Gay relationships. They are the first show I recall showing Gays in an everyday American positive role.

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I watch Bravo shows (Real Housewives, Vanderpump Rules--hey, they make me feel like a sane, upstanding citizen in comparison!). These shows are sponsored by the Anti-Christ, I suspect.

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