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Criticizing Lori is NOT Biblical

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Yes, you heard that right. Criticizing Lori is NOT Biblical unless you do so via email. Now granted, Lori uses her blog as a means to attack her readers (sometimes dedicating a whole post to one comment instead of simply emailing the person in question). In this very post she referred bottle feeding moms as "selfish", but that's beside the point because Puritanical Godly Mentor Lori deserves special treatment.


Lori Alexander:


If any more of you have critical comments about me and the way I write or respond to people, please email me privately. I don't think your purpose is truly constructive but rather to try and tear me down in front of others which is not biblical. Thank you!


This comment followed this exchange with a reader:




Hi, I explained how my original comment related to the post. I also clarified that I never said that the author of this post did any of the things listed in her reply. I also clarified that my intention was not critisim of the author specifically, or anyone else for that matter. That comment was not published-so your responses look like you are manipulating this conversation to make it look like I am looking for a debate or argument. Neither of my comments contradicted anything in the post nor were they rude or disrespectful. I am sorry that you seem to be mispercieving them. In the future, I will refrain from commenting at all.


Lori? Leaving out pertinent parts of a conversation??? Say it ain't so! :o


Lori Alexander:


I am not sure what you are talking about, Ann. I didn't publish your last comment because it said the exact same thing that you said in your previous comment. I wasn't sure why you wanted to reiterate the same thoughts.


psssttt Lori...you're true colors are showing agian :roll:

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lori is a fucking idiot. her blogs posts are hateful, unoriginal, and offensive at times. she is truly ignorant to any issue she tries to present and has zero skills at blogging. as a writer, i feel i can say that her writing is dull, unimaginative, redundant at times, ridiculous, and just flat-out bad as far as quality goes.

i don't care if i'm not being biblical or not, cuz guess what, i don't follow the bible! :D so, lori, i guess your argument falls flat with me. unless i find something similar in the prose or poetic edda, i get a free pass... :nenner:

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Do you think... sometimes between 10 minutes of lube and paging through MRA blogs... Lori sits down on her sofa, cuddles a big cushion and dreams of reigning over her very own Bhagwan- or Ron.L.Hubbard- like-cult? :lol:


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she'd more than dumb, she's ignorant and uneducated

it's worse than that. she's willingly ignorant. she thinks whatever comes out of her fingers onto the computer is the be all end all of the truth, and any evidence to the contrary either doesn't exist or isn't true. she never bothers to research anything and it's obvious she makes zero effort on that front.

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it's worse than that. she's willingly ignorant. she thinks whatever comes out of her fingers onto the computer is the be all end all of the truth, and any evidence to the contrary either doesn't exist or isn't true. she never bothers to research anything and it's obvious she makes zero effort on that front.

Man, can you imagine having this monster as your mother in law?

Or worse--your mother?

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Why is she so obtuse?

Always learning, indeed. Learning what? How to cover your ears and hum loudly?

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Man, can you imagine having this monster as your mother in law?

Or worse--your mother?

Imagine the joy of having her as your spouse-- your life partner--your one and only! Of course you'd be thrilled if she directed her venom and nagging and purposely obtuse anger and christian judgey rage and hubris at her own mothering and wifing skills on strangers on the internet and moved some of it away from you!

If you take divorce off the table, people can treat you as badly as they want.

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It's clear that this woman simply took the venom she used to "make their live miserable for 23 years" or whatever and now directs it at the young women she seeks to "counsel"...AKA, young women she views as icons of her former self and now tears down in her offensive posts, which makes her feel better about herself. Problem solved.

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Through some trial and error, I've found that the following formula generally gets my comments posted unless she's in a particularly bad mood:

1. Start off by complimenting something - even if it's as general as saying "your post may me think" or "this is a really important topic".

2. Use an "older woman" tone yourself. Channel your inner Godly mentor.

3. Give some practical advice where you can. Lori doesn't take criticism well, but she does admire women who seem to be a bit more committed/hard-core than she is.

4. Slip in any criticism after the first paragraph. She has the attention span of a flea. Also, if you simply write your disagreement without actually saying "I disagree", she doesn't always catch on.

5. Quote scripture. If you go to the Bible Hub website and type in any word, it will pop out a list of bible verses on the topic. This will establish that you are following her rules, aren't just a Godless detractor and may prompt her to call in Ken for reinforcement.

I'm not a troll - I don't give fake information, use only one identity to comment and won't post anything that I don't believe. I'm just a whole lot more diplomatic and save my snark for here. I also haven't come right out and announced that I'm not Christian or American. If you google my name, the first two images that come up are for ladies in the US who like to wear large crosses.
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Kiss my ass, bitch! If anyone is tearing you down it's you and Ken with your own words.

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