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Pants make women look like men from behind...


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Great post, worth considering. What would it be like if the men wore skirts? ha!ha! I'm wearing a navy polka-dot skirt right now. Today I ran errands and did chores at home. When I wear pants, I wear a VERY feminine top. I want to be spotted as a woman 50 feet away, :)

so here is what it would look likei men wore skirts.. Can you tell these guys are men? Yes? Well you can tell most women are women even in pants.



And I've not been to a formal or dressy wedding in at least 10 years that didn't have at least one man in a kilt and sometimes at social/charity events.


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and look who chimed in:

Lori, Lori...If women in jeans make you "sad" then you really have no problems at all.

Also, you don't get to wear an outfit like this:

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =3&theater

and then tell the rest of us how to dress ;)

Or, rather she does have problems! Namely, that she's a bossy cow who likes telling people what to do. I think she only cares so much because if she mistook a woman for a man, she might inadvertently treat her with the respect a human being deserves, and - shock horror! - we can't have that!

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I still can't believe someone would write this post... :wtf:

Like, what?! AND people keep agreeing with her... LIKE WHAT?!

I couldn't imagine if that was my butt on that blog. I would be irate. That's just rude.

Coming next week... Women, should only wear heals, because when you look at a woman's foot in flats it's too hard to tell if she's a man or a woman.

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I wear pants every single day. It is the rare occasion indeed when I don a skirt or a dress. I have never once been mistaken for a man (from either the front or behind). In fact, years ago one boyfriend used to claim he could spot me in a crowd, from behind, because of my behind.

I wrote: "this woman is such an ass" and then I laughed. So instead, I'll just say she has a fixation with asses.

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I was a leader in a Bible study and one time I was looking around the group of other leaders and many of them were in sweats, jeans, and t-shirts. All the women who lead singing in our church or give announcements always wear jeans and a t-shirt. This is sad to me.

OH NOES YOU GUYZ!!! People dressing comfortably makes Lori sad! Quick, someone call the WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHMBULANCE!!!!!

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OH NOES YOU GUYZ!!! People dressing comfortably makes Lori sad! Quick, someone call the WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHMBULANCE!!!!!

It just amazes me that two such "spirtual", "godly" women are so poorly focused on prayer and the actual message that they have time to feel sad about, and in one case take pictures of other women's asses. I mean what a weirdo. That no one has called her out on this absolutely stuns me.

Lori doesn't surprise me at all. We have kids starving in the streets, people dying from all manner of disease, tragedy of every kind. And Lori is sad about jeans.

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I don't get it. They claim people will treat you better if you wear skirts.

I went MONTHS wearing skirts only for a while, because I can make a skirt fit SOMEWHERE on me if its within one or two sizes from what I am currently wearing. I am having to control my weight, and so at the time it was easier to wear skirts than to go buy new pants a size up. I currently have to wear pants to work, so I had to stop wearing skirts all the time, but thats beside the point. The point is, I was never treated any differently wearing a skirt for months and months than I do wearing pants. As a matter of fact, at work wearing pants, a customer gave me his number. Out in public wearing skirts, nobody says anything to me... and the only difference is one is a uniform, the other is my regular work clothes.

I don't notice anyone treating me different when I wear skirts. Maybe because I don't wear anything above my knees without leggings or tights? I can be just as modest as Jana Duggar and nobody looks at me any different. I might get a compliment from an older man once in a while, but on a day to day basis, nobody treats me any different.

I even have a male friend who LOVES skirts on women and wishes women would wear more skirts, and he didn't even give me a second glance! Am I just ugly in skirts? Or does the majority of the population just not give a shit what women wear?

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Someone let her have it:

uuummm... maybe I am missing something here... but not a one of those women look like men.

I think we should dress up for certain events and looking feminine is great. I like skirts and I like dresses and I like pants.

Women's pants are designed for women and every single one of the women you posted looked like women. The problem is when women wear mens pants and men wear women's pants. We should just wear our own clothes.

And, I can tell you right now, if that was my butt being plastered on your page I would be LIVID right now. That's very disrespectful.

Maybe you should have taken a picture of your own butt in pants and a skirt and showed the comparison.

I am all for women looking like women and honoring God but to post someone else as an example is rude. Use your own butt next time.

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Have we discussed this blog before? A search brought up nothing.

It's a snark goldmine. Not only does she have freakish views, her flower-bedecked blog is center-aligned, randomly capitalized, and barely coherent. She seems to think in a limbo world between poetry and prose.

Here's an example:

We act like entering marriage is some sort of plague.

We always respond when our children reach 18 or 19 like,

They are way too young to marry.

I have heard stories of how Men act like boys, well past the time,

That they should be taking a wife.

They would much rather stay carefree doing what THEY want;

Video Games

Not wanting to work HARD

Using getting an education as a way of NOT growing up!

(I call this Educational Careerism!)

I once asked a few people who had gotten divorced one time if they,

Regretted this in hindsight!

I was shocked to hear all of them say they wish they had stayed in their fist marriage.

And that they still think about the younger years and the memories of their

First love!

They said they just gave up to easy; and they had waited too long to marry

And that they were both pretty selfish and had no idea on how to grow together!

Interesting, at least to me!


I'm giggling childishly at "fist marriage" -- I know, it's probably just a typo, but it's too funny to ignore.

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Have we discussed this blog before? A search brought up nothing.

It's a snark goldmine. Not only does she have freakish views, her flower-bedecked blog is center-aligned, randomly capitalized, and barely coherent. She seems to think in a limbo world between poetry and prose.

Here's an example:


I'm giggling childishly at "fist marriage" -- I know, it's probably just a typo, but it's too funny to ignore.

:evil-eye: :evil-eye: :evil-eye: Was she high when she wrote that?

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From the comments

so here is what it would look likei men wore skirts.. Can you tell these guys are men? Yes? Well you can tell most women are women even in pants.



And I've not been to a formal or dressy wedding in at least 10 years that didn't have at least one man in a kilt and sometimes at social/charity events.


Men in kilts! ::swoons::

Although the utilikilt isn't the most flattering on that middle guy.

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Before Lori helps her find her delete finger:

If a man had surreptitiously taken pictures of women's behinds at a church function, I think most people would be up in arms (and rightly so). I cannot imagine your friends (?) would appreciate your taking pictures of their bottoms without their permission and plastering them on your blog for an example of how NOT to dress. I know I'd be angry and hurt, and that would be the end of our friendship.

Please allow me to clarify. You were in bible study, but you began to focus on the fashion choices of other women instead of on the Bible? You even took photos, focusing on their backsides? That is horrible and I hope you realize now inappropriate that is. I think I would feel so violated.

Also, they absolutely look like women to me. Most men don't have those kinds of curves.

Jesus would have welcomed each woman with open arms. He would not judge them based on his attire. Maybe if you focused on the Bible in your studies and not on judging other people, you would have realized this. I mean, shouldn't you try to live like Jesus? Shouldn't you be happy these women are there at all. Aren't you afraid that something like this could frighten some from returning (if I knew somebody took a picture of my backside without my permission, I certainly would not).

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She responded to her naysayers:

"Dear Readers, Please know I did mention to these women that I was going to take the picture and do a post on this very topic! These very women had just finished praying for my blog. They all know how I have always promoted more skirt wearing over pants. I apologize for this post looking rude or inappropriate to anyone. I would rather everyone feel welcomed and not feel uncomfortable in any setting! I agree that this photo was not in the best taste!But my friends have a strong faith and wear pants in faith."

Somehow, I find it really hard to believe that she told them she'd be taking pictures of their butts and posting them while comparing them to men.

I also get a really strong body-shaming vibe from that whole post -- not just the fact that they're wearing *gasp* pants but also that their bodies don't conform to the proper womanly shape, whatever that is.

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She responded to her naysayers:

"Dear Readers, Please know I did mention to these women that I was going to take the picture and do a post on this very topic! These very women had just finished praying for my blog. They all know how I have always promoted more skirt wearing over pants. I apologize for this post looking rude or inappropriate to anyone. I would rather everyone feel welcomed and not feel uncomfortable in any setting! I agree that this photo was not in the best taste!But my friends have a strong faith and wear pants in faith."




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So we are supposed to believe she told the people to pose so she could take pictures of their rears, post them on her blog and then make fun of how they looked and they all said "Sure!"?

That did not happen.

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"I'm going to do an anti-pants post in which I say that you look like a man. Can I use a ridiculously unflattering picture of your bum as my header?"

Heck. No.

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She is messed up. That's all I have to add. I can't imagine sitting around looking at people's butts from the back and worrying about what they're wearing. :cray-cray:

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She responded to her naysayers:

"Dear Readers, Please know I did mention to these women that I was going to take the picture and do a post on this very topic! These very women had just finished praying for my blog. They all know how I have always promoted more skirt wearing over pants. I apologize for this post looking rude or inappropriate to anyone. I would rather everyone feel welcomed and not feel uncomfortable in any setting! I agree that this photo was not in the best taste!But my friends have a strong faith and wear pants in faith."

Somehow, I find it really hard to believe that she told them she'd be taking pictures of their butts and posting them while comparing them to men.

I also get a really strong body-shaming vibe from that whole post -- not just the fact that they're wearing *gasp* pants but also that their bodies don't conform to the proper womanly shape, whatever that is.

There's also no way in heck that she knew the women that were in the tea shop...and I can't imagine anyone saying 'sure, you can use that picture of my backside on your blog...'


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liar, liar, :liar1:

Not possible for someone so anti-pants!

Anyway ugh, how ridiculous and rude of the blogger to pull this kind of thing. And yeah, I don't believe for even half a second that she was honest in her intentions for the photo. Yeah, she may very well have asked permission for the photo. She may even have said it was for her blog. But beyond that? The lack of ethics is astounding.

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