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Ob takes pics of patients over 20 yrs & labeling a uterus

Chowder Head

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so I fell down a rabbit hole and came across an article about a doctor that secretly took pictures of his female patients over his 25 year career. Instant thought of Zsu and other fundies and their paranoia of male doctors seeing their magical hooha. Which lead me to another article about a doctor "branding" a patient's name into her uterus.

http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/21/us/hopkin ... ?hpt=hp_t2

http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/14/do ... ts-uterus/

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The first story is horrific. I feel bad for Johns Hopkins because they have to pay for his grossness. The second guy, not so big. It was out of her body, it was going to be burned, no biggie.

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I feel bad for Johns Hopkins because they have to pay for his grossness.


They are responsible for the fact that this happened on their premises for 25 or so years. You cannot tell me that nobody knew.

I'm a healthcare professional and I have worked my entire adult life in hospitals (and I am far from young). As hospital employees we (rightly) are held to a standard of behavior.

A blind eye gets turned to a lot of things from doctors that would get anyone else fired.

Johns Hopkins is *SUPPOSED* to be best of the best. If they didn't have processes in place to prevent this way before now, not only did they not live up to their reputation, but they deserve to have to pay out every penny of that settlement.

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This is horrific. I expect a blog post from Zsu and other fundie women in 5, 4, 3....

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The article sais insurance will cover the cost.

What the holy heck!

That actually makes sense to me. The hospital needs to cover its butt in case something like this happens. Obviously they are responsible for who they allow to practice at the hospital, but let's face it - some people are nuts and will do things like this. In the case that the hospital is sued, they would rather insurance pay for it than take the money out of funds that can be used for research and to help people live better, healthier lives.

I am in no way defending this doctor, BTW. I agree with the above poster in saying that someone must have known or suspected something long before this.

And I too dread the obvious forthcoming Zsu post in which she discusses her magical vajayjay.

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