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Facial Hair Is EVerywhere!


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First the Duck Dynasty dudes.

Then the Manly Bearded Maxwells.

Now, pencil-necked Kevin Swanson?!

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.1493120

Link unbroken bcz it's a paragon of journalistic credibility ;)

I'm beginning to sense a macho maleness machine manifesting its masculine manhoody self.

That is all.

OH, wait, no it's not - I seem to remember that Dad Serven added a beard to his moustache at some time recently.

OK, that's it, I've got the day off and I've spent enough of it looking at weirdnesses on this glowing screen. :naughty:


I wonder if Gothard has changed his stance on beards, or if he's having a kitten over the recent facial hair trends.


I don't know if it's the Duck Dynasty effect or what, but everywhere I go lately I see men with DD-style beards and clothes. It's the worst at Walmart, of course, which I try to avoid as much as I can, but I've even seen these beards on men at the Navy commissary (they're retired, of course, or they wouldn't be allowed to wear beards like that!). Who is telling them that this is attractive? Who?? :angry-banghead:


I love bearded men so im way more than ok with it.

I am not attracted to men without beards or at least some facial hair


Beards are just in style right now. Fundies aren't as above trends as they think they are.


What's the only thing worse than a hipster? A Christian hipster.

ETA: That happens to be the only thing in the whole wide world that Tim Bayly and I agree on.


You're going to be really confused really fast if you assume that every guy with a beard is a hipster... :)

I love bearded men so im way more than ok with it.

I am not attracted to men without beards or at least some facial hair

I like a beard that is kept trim and neat. My husband grew a goatie when he left the military but I have to get after him to keep it trim. His hair defies the laws of gravity and grows out instead of down so, if he doesn't trim it up, his beard makes him look like a chia pet on steroids.


beards are def "in" right now and dirty-man beards are super popular with the hipster set.



I like a bit of a beard, too, short, neat, trimmed, etc. It's the long, shaggy, ZZTop beards that I'm seeing everywhere lately. The ones that look like they can hide an entire meal, plus a birds' nest or two. Those are the ones I just can't quite understand. :think:

You're going to be really confused really fast if you assume that every guy with a beard is a hipster... :)

I don't, but if you lived in the neighborhood I live in... Well, let's just say that that assumption would be correct about 95% of the time.


The anti-beard prohibitions among fundies originated in the 1960s, when beards (and long hair) were associated with hippies, the counterculture, and an overall rebellious attitude. But that was over forty years ago. Older fundies like Gothard might think of hippies when they see a man with a beard, but fundies under fifty won't necessarily make that connection (unless the guy with the beard is a senior citizen who also sports a long, gray ponytail). Thus, it's OK to have a beard now.


I personally think all men look better w/some sort of facial hair. True story: Tall, kind of geeky guy at work grew a moustache and goatee and I thought he looked so attractive. I was all, 'That's Dave?' LOL.

My hubby grew his out about 2 1/2 years ago and he gets a lot of 'Duck Dynasty'-like comments, even though he had it before they were mainstream famous. He also gets either some approval nods from other bearded men or a few 'I wish I had a beard like that' comments. I find it funny and strange, almost like it's a secret society.

What about Jesus? He is always depicted as having a nicely-kept beard or goatee. Or do the fundies treat facial hair like his having long hair (like that of a woman, LOL) and ignore it?


I prefer chest hair over a beard. There's just something sexy about hair on a man's chest....well...on my man's chest anyway. :romance-inlove:


RosyDaisy, I like chest hair too! Today's manscaped models do absolutely nothing for me. I like all body hair--so a man looks and feels like a man.


I'm also someone who loves chest hair on a man. As for beards, they've been going in and out of fashion for centuries at least. Even Jesus is usually depicted as having facial hair.


I did read a comment on a fundie preacher's channel where the commenter said that he was growing facial hair so people didn't mistake him for a sodomite (his word not mine!) I was tempted to leave a comment asking what beards had to do with sexuality but Google plus wouldn't let me reply directly to his comment so I didn't bother though perhaps I should have done.

Anyone else heard of this logic or is this just one loon?


Brother better not wander into any Bear conventions. Ive know plenty of hairy gay men. (ot: women who hang around bears are called "goldilocks." )

I like beards, and chest hair. They don't cancel one another out.


I like beards, as other posters have said, neat and tidy. I don't like the beards that are long and straggly. They are odd looking, and look gross to me.

My husband has a short beard, and has has one for a while.


Swanson would be better off with a neckbeard. It would suit him more, the douche.

Pandora Moon, he'd be aghast at the amount of men with facial hair in gay porn. I can confirm that it's mildly popular, at least. :D


Ugh! I am so not into facial hair! I hate the feeling of hair when I kiss a guy. Also it creeps me out that beards could contain remnants of food and spit. There is just something unhygienic about them.

I also am not into body hair either. That's probably because I'm cursed with plenty of body hair of my own (I'm a walking Italian stereotype) so I like my men to not look like me. :lol:

Swanson would be better off with a neckbeard. It would suit him more, the douche.

Pandora Moon, he'd be aghast at the amount of men with facial hair in gay porn. I can confirm that it's mildly popular, at least. :D

I managed to find the video this comment was on. youtube.com/watch?v=YFwC4ktFms4

Ri K: Nice beard by the way, I have been growing mine for few months so people don't mistake me for a sodomite.

Ri K isn't the preacher in the video he's just a commenter.


I like facial hair on men. I like hipster beards and lumberjack beards. I do not like the duck dynasty beards, which I've always associated with motor biking and ugly 80s leather and bandanas with skulls on them. However, I don't care how other people style their facial hair or how they attire themselves. It would be very boring to live in a world where everyone looked the same, thought the same, did the same things.

RosyDaisy, I like chest hair too! Today's manscaped models do absolutely nothing for me. I like all body hair--so a man looks and feels like a man.

If this quote came from a man regarding breasts...."I like breasts--so a woman looks and feels like a woman", I have a feeling some here might get upset. Yet, it gets no notice when it's about men. Incidentally, my husband has little body hair and can only manage to grow a short goatee. Despite this, I still think he looks and feels like a man. I understand personal preference and all. But the wording implies "real" men have body hair, which is too close to the "real" women have curves garbage for me.


Interesting to know all the spectrum of opinion on facial hair!

My "take" on Swanson's new hirsute-ity is that he wants to look all patriarchal and imposing and authoritative. Which a guy with his geeky countenance/build is going to have to work on, heh. His voice is surprisingly basso - from his bespectacled thin appearance, I expect him to have a squeaky, Steve-Urkel nasal tone.

I'd look to see if that wannabee patriarch to beat all wannabee patriarches, Steve Maxwell, still has his beard, but I'm in a bad enough mood as is, at present (go 49ers!!!!!! Bring it back!) :pull-hair: :pull-hair:


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