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Church of Wells Deacon arrested


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Richard Trudeau, a deacon from the cult "Church of Wells" was arrested in NY for threatening a woman. ketknbc.com/news/church-of-wells-deacon-arrested-in-new-york


His testimony page on the Church of Wells website is still up. thechurchofwells.com/deacon.html


I wonder if they'll release a statement? I kind of already expected a 10-page manifesto from them.


With regard to Trudeau, he is jailed in his hometown of Saranac Lake, NY. Guess he forgot that the Saranac Lake cops are not as worthless as the Wells TX cops. It's still confusing exactly how far he carried his harrassment and aggravated menacing.

Other CoW news:

It also appears from postings elsewhere that Catherine Grove has attempted to escape at least once, if not more times, and that Catherine was returned by the sheriff's office. At least one document has been photographed and posted on social media supporting this.

I (who am not in TX and do not have direct knowledge) can't help but wonder what the actual relationship between the sheriff's office and the CoW is.

And no charges have ever been filed in the death of the infant. The statute of limitations doesn't have much time left on this one.

I do not understand this situation. No way, no how.


That group is so creepy. I wish this would be the beginning of the end of their special little cult. Unfortunately I'm sure it will just be presented as proof of how "persecuted" they are by the "world." :violin:

  • 4 weeks later...

Now, apparently one of their "Elders" was arrested for criminal trespassing and resisting arrest.



well, i hope the arrest keep coming and stick.

Now, apparently one of their "Elders" was arrested for criminal trespassing and resisting arrest.


It looks like they drove 77 miles to get arrested. Wells, TX is about 20 miles southeast of Nacogdoches, while Sabine High School is located in Liberty City, TX, which is just north of I-20 between Tyler and Longview.

http://www.kilgorenewsherald.com/news/2 ... scipl.html

Other news articles weren't clear as to what was going on, but apparently the local high school had been rented out for a religious event, which the Wells preachers decided to crash. Because, well, only the church of Wells people are actually saved and everyone else, not so much. If you've ever spent any time in deep East Texas, I can just about guarantee you that will go over like a lead balloon. Religion is second only to football as a subject of true devotion.

Texas Monthly has a long story about the church of Wells in the current issue:

http://www.texasmonthly.com/story/is-th ... lls-a-cult

Added: I get the impression the locals are trying to starve out the church of Wells by refusing to patronize their businesses.


It looks like they drove 77 miles to get arrested. Wells, TX is about 20 miles southeast of Nacogdoches, while Sabine High School is located in Liberty City, TX, which is just north of I-20 between Tyler and Longview.

http://www.kilgorenewsherald.com/news/2 ... scipl.html

Other news articles weren't clear as to what was going on, but apparently the local high school had been rented out for a religious event, which the Wells preachers decided to crash. Because, well, only the church of Wells people are actually saved and everyone else, not so much. If you've ever spent any time in deep East Texas, I can just about guarantee you that will go over like a lead balloon. Religion is second only to football as a subject of true devotion.

Texas Monthly has a long story about the church of Wells in the current issue:

http://www.texasmonthly.com/story/is-th ... lls-a-cult

Added: I get the impression the locals are trying to starve out the church of Wells by refusing to patronize their businesses.

Did the Church of Wells website have the video of "The Testimony of Salvation and Baptism of Catherine Grove" up before the article was published, or is it a big f*ck you to the family? I don't remember seeing it before now but I don't check their website every week or anything.

Did the Church of Wells website have the video of "The Testimony of Salvation and Baptism of Catherine Grove" up before the article was published, or is it a big f*ck you to the family? I don't remember seeing it before now but I don't check their website every week or anything.

It has been up for a while, well before the article was published.


It has been up for a while, well before the article was published.

Thanks. Ugh, this group creeps me out so much.


Thanks. Ugh, this group creeps me out so much.

I have many concerns, also.

  • 1 month later...

I searched FreeJinger and didn't see any news about the upcoming Nightline Prime tonight.

Apologies if has been announced in another thread and I just couldn't find it.

Tonight, Sat, 4/05/14, Nightline Prime is featuring The Church of Wells...ABC 10 ET, 9 CT.

Following is a link to the preview clip.


I searched FreeJinger and didn't see any news about the upcoming Nightline Prime tonight.

Apologies if has been announced in another thread and I just couldn't find it.

Tonight, Sat, 4/05/14, Nightline Prime is featuring The Church of Wells...ABC 10 ET, 9 CT.

Following is a link to the preview clip.


I don't have TV, do you think this will be available online? I'm so fascinated with COW.


I didn't realize how young these people are! So young for such crazy!

I searched FreeJinger and didn't see any news about the upcoming Nightline Prime tonight.

Apologies if has been announced in another thread and I just couldn't find it.

Tonight, Sat, 4/05/14, Nightline Prime is featuring The Church of Wells...ABC 10 ET, 9 CT.

Following is a link to the preview clip.


I saw this preview on the news last night and felt so bad for her parents. Must remember to watch the rest of the story, thanks for the heads-up.


I didn't realize there was a thread for this. I'm about an hour away from Wells, so this is very interesting to me. I'll definitely be watching tonight.


I don't have TV, do you think this will be available online? I'm so fascinated with COW.

I don't know Ladyamylynn. I did a quick web search for past Nightline Primetimes, but wasn't successful. But it seems in the past I've been able to pull up some older NL Primetimes...maybe just need to dig a bit more.


The show was really sad. All these families desperate to find their children who've joined the church and cut off contact. It's weird to see these twenty-something your old you g menwho look like average semi-hipsterish guys, who are in charge of a crazy cult.


Here are links to the Nightline Primetime report, in 3 parts:

Part 1: abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/church-wells-tracking-controversial-religious-group-23210454

Part 2: abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/church-wells-worry-motivations-23210504

Part 3: abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/church-wells-confronting-elders-23210553

Also, from some FB pages, the public can (at least for now) read about an apparent physical altercation on Saturday at the Town of Wells 50th Annual Homecoming Wells Parade. Some CoW members were hollering their hell fire teaching at the children in the parade. According to one of the links below, children were crying and traumatized. Apparently some of the fathers got physical with the elders. It sounds like CoW has pushed the Town of Wells close to its breaking point.

(Maybe some hell-fire pulpit bullies will take note...and not holler "everlasting fire" so much from the pulpit. But I know that's a big maybe.)



I hope that at least one follower within the Church of Wells decides to leave...that this exposure will put that last bit (and enough) doubt in their minds and hearts to make the break....as scary as it might feel for them to make that exit.

I hope it'd be one of the main loyal followers...and that would conjure (more) doubt in the minds of others.

I have no doubt though, that the leaders (and other true believer followers), will look at the exposure as more persecution on their "church;" yet, rationalizing CoW's own abusive tactics...justifying those tactics with their doctrine.


BTW: I don't live near Wells and am not friends with anyone involved in CoW. Partly due to my past and due to interest in cultic groups and due to the fact that this group is so young (as a group and in the ages of the leaders and members), I took an interest in it middish-March and have been reading CoW's website (mainly the testimonies and rebuttals) along with other news articles.


I'm posting the following...just in case (as unlikely as it might be), a CoW doubting member takes the chance to google search CoW. I figure the more exposure, the better...especially for the current CoW followers that are having doubts.

Following is an excerpt from some dialog that was shared in some personal correspondence last week. (Note: it is not about CoW, but the same issues often apply when one is considering (often with great fear) an exit from a coercive group, (as I know people here already know and I'm sure many have experienced)....

[Excerpt begin:]

Every person's exit is individual...depending on the person's depth of involvement, length of time involved, local leadership (regarding larger groups which then meet in more local contexts of smaller groups), the person's own temperaments, and I'm sure other factors that I can't think of now. With all that in mind, the following are factors that I was confronted with. I know other former cult members have had similar, if not the same, experiences on one level or another.

Fear..."Who can I trust "out there?" "Where can I turn?" "How can I leave my spiritual family?" "Will I become 'mark and avoid'?" "How will I hold my own family (husband and children) together?" And on and on. I can list lots more of the fears. Who can I trust beyond the group was HUGE for me, and I know it has been the same for others.

Once a person decides to exit, s/he might exit via a "splinter" group of the larger org...via others who have defected. And the person may continue with that splinter group the rest of their lives. But, in that case, tactics are at least eased. Shunning being one of the first tactics to go. Once the 'walkaway' knows s/he can trust someone; that trust will grow toward others. They will learn that the larger world is not a place lurking with devil spirits or suppressive persons in every corner, but rather a place filled with diversity...some of that diversity includes things to beware and much of it things to investigate and some to embrace.

Once a person exits, s/he is also quite vulnerable for a time, depending on many factors including the ones listed previously. S/he may at some point jump wholeheartedly into activism in an anti-cult-type arena. And that may be great for them. But, certain anti-cult groups can be harmful as well.

After a person exits, s/he may experience overwhelming grief and loss...and miss their former group and/or belief system...both which gave them great purpose. There would have been what seemed wonderful and genuine experiences in the group. If all was bad, in all likelihood, the former member wouldn't have stayed with the group. If the person can learn to embrace the loss and not stuff it and learn to incorporate that loss into their life experiences, health awaits on the other side.

[Excerpt end]

For CoW members wanting to know where to turn, but not sure...following is one avenue (set up specifically for CoW members) that may be helpful. (Note: I am not associated with the following email or phone number. I found it online.)

churchofwellsexitplan@hushmail.com and 206-984-6859

Also, from some FB pages, the public can (at least for now) read about an apparent physical altercation on Saturday at the Town of Wells 50th Annual Homecoming Wells Parade. Some CoW members were hollering their hell fire teaching at the children in the parade. According to one of the links below, children were crying and traumatized. Apparently some of the fathers got physical with the elders. It sounds like CoW has pushed the Town of Wells close to its breaking point.

One of the FB links explained that there was a Head Start float in the parade with kids on it, and that the CoW boys (I refuse to call those who do this men) followed along with the float screaming at the kids that they were going to hell and the kids were upset and crying. Even when asked to stop, they continued, I guess even circumventing one man who attempted to position a fire truck between the float and the CoW boys. When that didn't work, and the useless law enforcement also did nothing, it seems that some of the Wells men had finally had more than enough. Supposedly Sean Morris is now missing a few teeth.

So far, nothing on any news links about this. I am sure that somebody somewhere has to have cell phone video. I wonder if it's being kept private for a reason. The area law enforcement can't do anything about the death of an infant, they returned Catherine Grove to her abusers when she attempted to run away, and they obviously refused to stop the CoW boys from harassing little kids, but I could imagine them arresting the men who finally took action.


One person posting on a public FB page said that tickets were given to the guys who took action. (not confirmed elsewhere)

I really wish that someone would get to the bottom of the hold CoW seems to have over the area's law enforcement.

I really feel for the original Wells residents, for what has happened to their little community.


Yes. It's quite sad...and has now caused close-to riot...which is understandable.

I can understand why the law officer had to abide by Catherine's wishes when she was found in the woods. OTOH, if the law officials were more knowledgeable of how cults work, there may have been something he could have done to not return her to CoW so quickly. (I'm not condemning the law official; I think he did as best he knew how.)

My resources are (mostly) limited to what is available online. I haven't searched yet the reason the TX Supreme Court did not rule for child negligence in the death of Faith. That one has me stumped...and stunned. I can only speculate why they made such a ruling...until I search deeper or more is made public.


Yeah, I'm speculating, too.

But -

The same area was quick enough to charge these folks:

http://www.ktre.com/story/24693827/auto ... s-homicide

Yet no charges in the death of baby Faith.

Apparently they can charge the exasperated men who had enough of Sean Morris, but it was OK for the CoW boys to scream at preschoolers that they were going to hell.

They easily returned Catherine to CoW, without investigating why she was running away in the middle of the night.



I watched the Nightline episode as well as some of the testimonies on their website.

1) they walk and quack like an IFB church but instead of trying to convert their families, they dissociate completely. It appears to me as though they're taking the doctrine of separation even further.

2) they might be hyper-Calvinist. The testimonies I watched were of people who thought they were saved because they made a commitment to God but they weren't truly saved until God saved them in a scenario where the individual didn't have a choice, God just did it.

3) I'm very curious about their recruiting methods. Their members are around my age and were previously religious in a mainstream way, so I can relate.


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