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Lori (accidentally) links to something remotely useful

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Yes, yes, it comes AFTER she suggests Matt Walsh and Mark Driscoll for the men, but the Art of Manliness site wasn't (as I feared) an MRA blog.

It's actually sort of a cute and fun site.

I liked this video, and thought it would be useful for some of the MRA types. The basic message is that if a girl's not into you, stop bothering her and graciously move on.

http://www.artofmanliness.com/2013/08/1 ... ule-video/

I also like the idea that men should learn to cook. [OK, this doesn't always work out well in my house, because my husband happens to be visually impaired and lacks both depth perception and visual spatial skills. Sometimes (like earlier this week), this means that he'll make a smoothie that explodes and spills everywhere, and then he'll attempt to clean off the mess from the gas stove with a paper towel while one of the burners is still on. That, however, is the same reason that he doesn't use power tools or attempt to park the car in the garage when it's a tight squeeze anymore. I'm glad he can occasionally feed himself, and there are plenty of non-dangerous ways to contribute and show off his manliness.]

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I think it is meant to be a joke site, which makes it even more comical Lori linked to it.

In all seriousness, I wonder if the brain tumor has affected Lori's ability to judge tone. I don't think she's stupid, but there's something....off. She gets sucked in by Mercola and other quack sites. If they make bold, crazy claims, she accepts it at face value, even though her father is a doctor. She seems to like the louder and more extreme religious stuff too. It's like there's a switch in her mind, and once she decides that something is "biblical", any sort of nuance or tone or critical thinking goes out the window.

Ageing or brain damage can impact the part of the brain responsible for doubt, which is why seniors are often targeted by scam artists. I wonder if this is the case with Lori?

http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/769397 (unbroken link, medical article)

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