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She hates feminism but still benefits from feminism


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True Femininity is sort of an odd duck in the SAHD movement. She blogs about all the popular SAHD topics but she doesn't live at home, she has a degree and works. I think she is basically twiddling her thumbs doing low paying work until she can meet her prince charming.

Anyway today she acknowledges how she can't be a feminist despite the fact that as a working, post-secondary degree earning, independent living woman she has directly benefited from feminism.

People often say it is hypocritical to be against the Feminist movement while at the same time benefitting from the changes it brought about in the past. After all, I have a college degree, work outside the home, vote, and even wear pants occasionally--all of which I couldn't have done unless the suffragettes and feminists had paved the way for me.

How could I be against Feminism and still do all these things? Couldn't I at least stand in support of First Wave Feminism? The answer, however, remains an unwavering, "No." Just because I vote, attend university, or work outside the home, doesn't mean that I agree with the motivation and attitudes in which Feminists acquired these rights.

Though the rights women now have--working outside the home, going to school, and voting--are not necessarily sinful in and of themselves (though they certainly can be misused or misappropriated), there is an issue, however, in the way that feminists went about taking their rights.

The Feminist movement was rebellious and shockingly indecent to the society of its time. Women were stepping outside their traditional roles, defaming the value in their children and homes, proclaiming that they needed more. That they were discontent, ill-used, and unhappy to be in submission to their husbands.

While it would be one thing to lend approval to this as an unbeliever, it is quite another thing to do so as a Christian.

To find Scriptural support for going along with the Feminist doctrine of self-fulfillment, rebellion, and the abandonment of children and husbands in sake of careers and personal glory, one would be hard-pressed (which explains why feminist "theologians" have to explain away many Biblical passages). The Bible as written simply does not support Feminism or the modern liberal ideology of seeking self in order to be a better you before you can help others or change the world.

Instead the Bible puts forth the radical notion that the less of you there is in you, the better off you will be in order to impact the world and other people.

The more I read the Bible, the more I am convinced that we are to be concerned with humility, submission, patience, hard-work, daily walking in quietness and contentment in our personal lives.

"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure...

Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world." ~ Philippians 2:12-15

"We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For Christ did not please himself." ~Romans 15:1

Contrary to popular opinion, this does not mean that Christians are to be doormats. We have an equally strong calling to be bold, but in a realm that is different than how many of us apply it. Our strength and boldness ought to be in our witness and in our defense of the Gospel and our God. It is He who lives in us now. Just as we once lived to defend our own opinions, pleasures, and rights, we now live to defend His laws, His will, and His right to have all the Glory. It is His honor that we must long for, rather than our own career advancements, freedom, or equality.

Philosophers as well as all humanity, have longed for the answer to the "good life." Feminists thought a slice of it could be achieved through equality and the betterment of the status of women. But decades later, women are still unhappy, frustrated, exploited, abused, and unfulfilled.

Modern day Feminists will tell you that the answer to this problem is more. More rights, more freedoms, more abortion, more women in corporate positions, more birth control, more sexual freedom, more women in universities and male-dominated professions, more, more, more.

But since when has more ever been enough? It never has and never will be, because Feminism like any other man-made ideology will never satisfy our hungry egos and lusts.

Contentment, joy, and peace are gifts from God given to those who follow His way of living. If we want to change our lives, our homes, our families, our personal relationships, and even our levels of fulfillment--all of it must be achieved in accordance with His laws and commands. Else we will find that all we have achieved--all we've built and acquired--has done so little to truly satisfy us, and in reality achieved very little.

The ideology of Feminism is built on principles antithetical to God's principles. Feminism pushes rights, entitlement, freedom from restraint, and personal fulfillment. Christ teaches humility, servanthood, self-control, and love for others that supersedes our own desires.

So when people ask me if I have a problem with First Wave Feminism and the suffragette foremothers, the answer is, yes. The underlying principles upon which they built their movement are everything that I seek to put off as I follow Christ. I could not have agreed with the spirit in which they undertook their work, nor would I have joined them in their labor.

ETA the link.


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I think she has liberals all wrong with this:

The Bible as written simply does not support Feminism or the modern liberal ideology of seeking self in order to be a better you before you can help others or change the world.

If anything, conservatives are more about helping yourself before others, while liberals are more collectivist. It is hard to make firm statement on the United States parties because there is too much mischief on both sides, but on a global and historical level, these are the definitions:

Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, "of freedom")[1] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, free trade, and the freedom of religion.

Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve")[1] is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to the way things were.[

First wave feminism sought to remove institutional discrimination against women. If she likes being a second class citizen who cannot own property or vote, then she should absolutely not call herself a first wave feminist. Somehow I doubt this is the case.

First-wave feminism refers to a period of feminist activity during the 19th and early twentieth century in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. It focused on de jure (officially mandated) inequalities, primarily on gaining women's suffrage (the right to vote).

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So when people ask me if I have a problem with First Wave Feminism and the suffragette foremothers, the answer is, yes. The underlying principles upon which they built their movement are everything that I seek to put off as I follow Christ. I could not have agreed with the spirit in which they undertook their work, nor would I have joined them in their labor.

So she's not down with abolition then, considering that most of the first-wavers/suffragists came directly from anti-slavery work?

Good to know. :roll:

Philosophers as well as all humanity, have longed for the answer to the "good life." Feminists thought a slice of it could be achieved through equality and the betterment of the status of women. But decades later, women are still unhappy, frustrated, exploited, abused, and unfulfilled.

Well, at least there are laws against that now. Oh, and women's shelters. Because of feminism.


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I do not know any feminists who are for "more abortion." Safe and legal abortion, yes; more abortion? No. She makes it sound like all the feminists want to gather up every pregnant woman and force her into an abortion clinic!

What do want? More abortion!

When do we want it? NOW!


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So, we should discount first-wave feminists because they *shocked* people? Such shocking, terrible behavior, all that pamphlet writing and speaking and marching :roll:

Does she not realize that Mary Wollstonecraft wrote a book that, among other things, defended the right of women to breast feed their own children????? If that's not a fundie value, I don't know what is!!

Arguments like hers make me really angry.

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So... the first wavers were awful 'cuz they broke some rules and were 'obscene' or whatever? Does that mean the abolitionists were wrong? They were loud, crude and heck even broke laws...

*sigh* I used to like her...

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To find Scriptural support for going along with the Feminist doctrine of self-fulfillment, rebellion, and the abandonment of children and husbands in sake of careers and personal glory, one would be hard-pressed (which explains why feminist "theologians" have to explain away many Biblical passages).

Yeah, because this is really feminist "doctrine". OMG, she is such a moron.

Another stupid bitch perfectly willing to stand on the shoulders of those who made so many sacrifices while crapping on their heads the whole time.

I have less and less patience for nitwits like this every day. The younger women who refuse to identify as feminists annoy me to a degree, but I just don't think they know any better. There's hope for them. They've not yet had the experiences, and the things that they thought could never happen to them. . . actually happen to them or women they love. After awhile, the smart ones connect the dots.

But these types, like this blogger, are just willfully ignorant, gulping the kool-aid with great hubris and arrogance and bragging about it. So nauseating.

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Austin, my mother (a former bra-burning protester) recently has been disillusioned with feminism and refuses now to identify as such. I don't really understand what is going on in her head, and I am really trying.

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Guest Anonymous
Well, maybe Prince Charming will show up and marry her....

With any luck, this is what he'll look like:


I can dream, can't I?

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So she's not down with abolition then, considering that most of the first-wavers/suffragists came directly from anti-slavery work?

Good to know. :roll:

Well, at least there are laws against that now. Oh, and women's shelters. Because of feminism.


I love that image! I'm totally stealing it and showing it to some female acquaintances (one who wants to become a doctor :roll: ) who claim they aren't feminists and that feminism is teh ebil.

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The ones who claim they HATE the ebil feminists, yet are mainstream and in the workplace, tend to change their tune pretty fast the first time they are sexually harassed, passed over for a raise or have someone comment on their dress.

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Personally, I don't like to identify myself with labels, because as soon as you say, "I'm a X," somebody is going to make assumptions about you based on stereotypes of whatever you've just declared yourself to be. I think what a lot of those "I'm not a feminist" people really mean is "I'm not any of the stereotypes that are often associated with feminism."

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I had a friend who went through a antifeminism phase when she deplored the devaluing of traditional values and the rise of career women. She was very anti-daycare, and was only too happy to find a low paying job because she wanted to stay home after children anyways. I feel this fundie is in a similar vein (albeit far more conservative) plus this fundie obviously takes for granted even the basic changes feminists have fought for.

I wonder how she'd feel if she was trapped in a horrible marriage, or if she was unable to open up her own bank account or own property in her name. I wonder how she'd feel if she was constantly harassed at work, with the expectation that this was the norm for girls who put themselves "out there" (aka outside of home work). I bet she never thought about how it would feel to HAVE to hand over her own hard-earned cash to her husband/father.

It's like those fundies that think slavery wasn't "all that bad" since the owners clothed and fed the slaves. Yet how many would feel ok with getting paid in food, housing and clothing as stipulated by the generousity of another person? Yeah, if you actually had these fundies endure those indiginities, they'd change their tunes pretty quickly. These people need to review their history again. Life was not all grand when only white male protestants were treated like first class citizens.

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The reason people call this girl hypocritical is because she is hypocritical.

If she truly disagrees with feminism she should quit her job, go home/marry and follow her father's or husband's orders and she should never vote again. She should immediately sign over all property, cash, valuable she has to her husband/father. She should stop thinking of her self as a person and accept that she is her father's/husband's chattel. At the very least she should just shut up.

edited because apparently I can not use the space bar correctly

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So, we should discount first-wave feminists because they *shocked* people? Such shocking, terrible behavior, all that pamphlet writing and speaking and marching :roll:

Does she not realize that Mary Wollstonecraft wrote a book that, among other things, defended the right of women to breast feed their own children????? If that's not a fundie value, I don't know what is!!

Arguments like hers make me really angry.

Yes, abortion protesters never shock or offend anyone. :roll:

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Oh look, another person who has obviously never studied feminism talking smack about feminism. I'd at least do some homework before I made an ass of myself. And some of the comments... ugh. I'm so confused by this gal.

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I guess I was raised in a liberal bubble, but what exactly is wrong with feminism excluding the whole taking women away from the home thing?

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Actually, she makes sense, in her own perverted way: Feminism isn't based on Godly principles; ergo, I don't accept the concept of feminism, even if I engage in activities that were made possible by the efforts of those women who called themselves feminists.

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Actually, she makes sense, in her own perverted way: Feminism isn't based on Godly principles; ergo, I don't accept the concept of feminism, even if I engage in activities that were made possible by the efforts of those women who called themselves feminists.

But then...she is engaging in activities that aren't based on Godly principles either, so I still don't get it. Maybe my fundy logic skills are broken :lol: But if she wants to hate feminists, she would be more effective doing it by at the very least stopping work and finding a man to act as her authority.

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Guest Anonymous
I guess I was raised in a liberal bubble, but what exactly is wrong with feminism excluding the whole taking women away from the home thing?

"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." - Rev. Pat Robertson

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I wish people who were against civil rights were required to give up their own. So, if you are Zsuzu, you could not marry or vote or own property. I know it's mean, but I am a mean person by nature. :)

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Guest Anonymous

"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." - Rev. Pat Robertson

Also kick abusers to the curb, demand equality in the workplace and jaywalk.

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