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DHM at the Common Room decides to be willfully stupid


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The Common Room is rarely discussed here, but it's one of my favorite blogs because the DHM posts abundantly, and wackily.

Today, she has decided that this quote quote from [link=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vivian-norris-de-montaigu/texas-women-stop-having-s_b_3527188.html?ncid=txtlnkushpmg00000037]this[/link] article means that Texas women are being called upon to leave their babies in dirty diapers all day

Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge, do not iron that shirt, hell, do not change that diaper… do not make his life a little nicer this summer if he does not “get it†and learn to respect women!

Quite obviously, the author is suggesting that maybe the Texas Republican Male in your live could do with handling a few poopy nappies.

Also, there are "other things" wrong with the article. But she's not going to get into those right now. Also, this might have something to do with abortion (other than the obvious connection to abortion legislation).


(I had just come from reading the thread about visionary womanhood and logic when I encountered this, so I was a bit in the pick-apart-a-fundie-argument mode.)

P.S. Someone needs to tell her that most Filipinos are already Christian and she doesn't need to inflict her family upon them in any more "mission trips" where they have to eat 'weird' food.

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Ahhhh DHM! I will give her this: she sometimes has recipes that I like. And she does seem to actually teach her children - no SOTDRT from what I can tell. But on the whole, I cannot stand her blog. She is so profoundly and persistently condescending, to absolutely anyone who doesn't hew to her line of thinking, and the smug! I can't take how smug she is.

She's one of my hatereads, but I was starting to get a little too wrought up when I would read and had to take a break. Her kids seem to be turning out to be officious know-it-alls, much like their mother, which is unfortunate.

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I just can't take the POOR! POOR! all the time. She gives Abigail a run for her money. She is my reminder that you don't have to be rich to be materialistic. On and on about the POOR! POOR!, but then so much of her content is about STUFF. Food, thrift store purchases, etc. With various breaks for "People who don't stay home with their kids/don't have kids/use birth control do/don't because they can't go without STUFF, and I DO and I'm GREAT at it!!"

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If in your eyes, that makes sense, you should know that in the eyes of normal human beings, that makes you a horrible person with the moral compass of a narcissistic psychopath

:lol: That's rich coming from her. She's normal, ya'll.

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