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The Schamel Family


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I haven't seen this family mentioned at least for a while (and it didn't show up on a search). They are followers of Doug Phillips (is a tool), have 11 children, homeskool etc. Their blog is basically a compilation of their children's essays- each worse than the last although poor Grace, aged 10, may require some serious counseling

After they were done praying, Joy prayed by herself. “Dear Lord, thank you for bringing one more child to you. Thank you for letting me be a good example, and thank you for the life that I lived. Please give my parents strength while I am away (dead), and please remind them that they will see me again in another Jerusalem. In Jesus Name, Amen.†The people picked her up along with Zorn, and threw them into the thick hot fire.

Then there's Melody's (age 12) trip to Rome where she was found something unusual

On Sunday, we attended a small church in Rome. It was nice to meet Christians in Rome. After Church we had lunch with the congregation. We were able to have lots of fellowship.

I mean who would expect to find Christians in Rome, the center of the Roman Catholic faith? She was also surprised by how rich the Catholics are!

Lots of good anti-Obama stuff too. Radical Muslims are our friends and Israel is our enemy.

Doug (is a tool) would be so proud

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I don't think the little 10-yr-old girl really understands what it means to be kidnapped by a man and asked to "serve" and "admire" him. I wouldn't have published that on the internet.

Otherwise, it reads like a superhero story for the cloistered.

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Well at least they don't deny the Holocaust. And what's up with a video of Tiger Woods making a hole in one?

I never knew us Catholics were so rich either. Where's my share?

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There's enough to snark here for a good month. The family has 5 commandments that Must.Never.Be.Forgotten if their father died, they must be passed down to sons. No mention of daughters. And one of those is they must homeschool because........

Second, in school they are taught that romantic relationships are the thing to do, no matter how young you may be. This creates emotional baggage that our children must carry for the rest of their lives.

Maybe I feel asleep when that was taught. In first grade I learned to read and do math. I loved the Dick, Jane, and Sally books. I learned that a man is married to a woman, that a family has a dog and a cat, and that little girls have teddy bears. And I got to play Sally in our play because I was the only one with a yellow teddy bear.

And so it goes, The Box Car Kids in 2nd grade. Manners were stressed in 3rd grade by our teacher. 4th grade was The Civil War and I read Gone with the Wind. 5th grade our teacher taught us some Spanish, like Donde este el bano, and hola. 6th grade was the year all the girls read The Diary of Anne Frank. I can't even think of anything from high school that taught me romantic relationships are the thing to do.

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The mom prayed away her juvenile arthritis. She did this by thanking the Lord, out loud, every time she felt pain and firing all her doctors. .......what???

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Well, I will say that the children's writing (minus the 6yo's mistakes and punctuation errors that would be there normally) is on par for their age level from what I have seen so far. I've read a variety of 1st through 5th Grade writings and yeah, they're fine. So the homeschooling at the elementary level doesn't seem too bad.

Okay, now that I said something nice, I will say that it is obvious they are sheltered by their writing topics. There appears to lack of history or science education (real history and science anyway) and that's the parents fault.

I do not share his view that America is Arrogant;

- I do not share his view that America is not a Christian Nation

I'm American, born, raised and still living here. Probably always will. And yes, America has a whole is arrogant and no, we are NOT a Christian nation (why did he capitalize nation?). I swear these people have never read the Constitution.

I do not share his spiritual beliefs (at least the ones he has made public);

Nor do I, but one's personal spiritual beliefs do not make me hate them. Spiritual matters are personal.

I certainly do not share his plan to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran.

Bombing and fights are not working. I don't think sitting down with them to talk will do the trick either, but hey, it's worth a shot.

They have portrayed my America as a land where everything is tolerated except being intolerant

Your America? Pretty sure this country doesn't belong to you, asshat.

They have challenged capital punishment, the right to bear firearms, and the most basic principles of our criminal code!


I do not share his Abortion beliefs
Regarding Obama

So, you're pro-life yet advocate for the murder of others and the use of weapons by the public that only exist to kill people quickly? How...charming. (Not referring to shotguns and similar weapons used for hunting because those aren't in the bans that have come up)

They have attacked one of the most fundamental of all Freedoms, the right of free speech!

Oh, please. If that were true you wouldn't be allowed to say half the shit that comes from your mouth. Stop your whining, asshat and be glad you live where you do.

I refuse to retreat one more inch in favor of those whom I believe are the embodiment of Evil

That's a little harsh. I mean, I'm not a fan of Obama either, but calling him the embodiment of Evil (with a capital E no less) is quite a stretch.

Dr. David Barton has joined Phillips manly men group as a :music-tool:

Oh, and thanks for the link loveday

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The mom prayed away her juvenile arthritis. She did this by thanking the Lord, out loud, every time she felt pain and firing all her doctors. .......what???

I think it was a daughter, not the mother. Her first symptoms developed in 2003 when she was 13. Just checked, it was the oldest daughter Amber. They did several years of medical follow-up and treatment first. Auto-immune conditions are tricky to diagnose and to treat. She had a medical diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, more than one doctor was consulted. So if she thinks prayer cured it who cares? She's had several years with no recurrence.

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She may be in remission right now, even a several year remission, but it most likely will be back. JRA can often make charming appearances at times of great emotion stress or after childbirth. But it won't be the disease, just Satan testing her faith. :hand:

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Amber has written a book if anyone wants to spend 99 cents on the Kindle version. I'm not wasting money. There are no reviews so it would be worth it to write a review. I don't like allegory and I have too many books in my TBR pile.

http://www.amazon.com/The-Foolish-Princ ... er+schamel

Seems like a bad sign when the author bio is longer than the book description.

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Holy cats! They've named their kids' kids and they pray over them! Talk about being controlling and not letting go!

Edited to add-- how sad that the eldest girls' marriage date has passed, apparently without prospects.

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Holy cats! They've named their kids' kids and they pray over them! Talk about being controlling and not letting go!

Edited to add-- how sad that the eldest girls' marriage date has passed, apparently without prospects.

I missed that. What part of the blog was it on? Dale's mother married at 13! I found the obituary while looking for the aunt's obituary. His mother was born the same year I was but 10 months later. And she married at 13, about 3 months before her14th birthday. That just boggles my mind. She belonged to a Christian Tabernacle church.

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It's under Life Lessons -- Multi Generational Thinking.

Holy Mother of God, not only do they have their children's children named (elsewhere I found where the kids chose their own future kids' names) but they have the year their current children are dying. Stephani was supposed to marry in 2011, sadly she's due to die at age 69. But Amber, who was to marry in 2012 lives to be 120 years old! Lucky her. Benjamin is going to live to 113, and John until he's 112. Who does this? As a 11 and 12 y.o. I used to make a list of names for the 12 children I was going to have. While it would be fun to see what the names were that list disappeared long ago. My DH and I made a list of names for potential children, we did this one night our first year of marriage. I found the list recently, it was fun to look at and while we didn't name any of our 3 kids an exact name we'd chosen (which was 8 years before our first arrived) some of the names were used as a 1st or middle name. I have never heard of anyone telling their kids to start naming their kids like this family has done. And writing down their year of dying, OMG, that is just sick. For all their belief they sure don't seem to want to trust God. Isn't there some verse about neither knowing the day or hour of dying, and death coming like a thief in the night? Sorry, I'm Catholic, I can't quote chapter and verse.

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Has Stephani fled the coop? She is listed on the multigenerational list, was to marry in 2011 and die at age 69. In the wedding anniversary photo on their blog there is no Stephani. It was the parents' 25th anniversary and the oldest child in the photo is 21 y.o. Amber. Stephani was older I think since she is the first name on the multigenerational list. I bet she flew the coop, I hope she did.

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Holy Mother of God, not only do they have their children's children named (elsewhere I found where the kids chose their own future kids' names) but they have the year their current children are dying. Stephani was supposed to marry in 2011, sadly she's due to die at age 69. But Amber, who was to marry in 2012 lives to be 120 years old! Lucky her. Benjamin is going to live to 113, and John until he's 112. Who does this? As a 11 and 12 y.o. I used to make a list of names for the 12 children I was going to have. While it would be fun to see what the names were that list disappeared long ago. My DH and I made a list of names for potential children, we did this one night our first year of marriage. I found the list recently, it was fun to look at and while we didn't name any of our 3 kids an exact name we'd chosen (which was 8 years before our first arrived) some of the names were used as a 1st or middle name. I have never heard of anyone telling their kids to start naming their kids like this family has done. And writing down their year of dying, OMG, that is just sick. For all their belief they sure don't seem to want to trust God. Isn't there some verse about neither knowing the day or hour of dying, and death coming like a thief in the night? Sorry, I'm Catholic, I can't quote chapter and verse.

They've also named spiritual qualities for each of those kids. Way to leave your womb open to the Lord. :roll:

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In 2008 the mother wrote this:

This is Stephani, my eldest daughter. She is the most responsible person you’ll ever meet. If you need something done, give it to Stephani, and she’ll have it done above your expectations. She is a great organizer and researcher. She is our go-to girl.

So, where is she in 2013?

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Holy Mother of God, not only do they have their children's children named (elsewhere I found where the kids chose their own future kids' names) but they have the year their current children are dying. Stephani was supposed to marry in 2011, sadly she's due to die at age 69. But Amber, who was to marry in 2012 lives to be 120 years old! Lucky her. Benjamin is going to live to 113, and John until he's 112. Who does this? As a 11 and 12 y.o. I used to make a list of names for the 12 children I was going to have. While it would be fun to see what the names were that list disappeared long ago. My DH and I made a list of names for potential children, we did this one night our first year of marriage. I found the list recently, it was fun to look at and while we didn't name any of our 3 kids an exact name we'd chosen (which was 8 years before our first arrived) some of the names were used as a 1st or middle name. I have never heard of anyone telling their kids to start naming their kids like this family has done. And writing down their year of dying, OMG, that is just sick. For all their belief they sure don't seem to want to trust God. Isn't there some verse about neither knowing the day or hour of dying, and death coming like a thief in the night? Sorry, I'm Catholic, I can't quote chapter and verse.

Those verses are when Jesus is specifically referring to the second coming (its context makes it clear).

I do believe we're not to know when we die, though. There's no way we COULD know that.

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Those verses are when Jesus is specifically referring to the second coming (its context makes it clear).

I do believe we're not to know when we die, though. There's no way we COULD know that.

Thanks, I didn't realize that. What about death like a thief that comes in the night?

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