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"Evangelicals More Scorned Than Gays" Say Evangelicals

happy atheist

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This is so stupid.


Direct from the school of, “Counter-Intuitive Thinking,” I bring you this question: When it comes to the issue of same-sex marriage, are Evangelical Christians actually the ones more ridiculed than homosexuals?

In the media’s narrative, you would think that homosexuals are the poor souls who have been banished by society like ugly stepchildren and are now rising to overcome incredible odds.

But what about today? Let’s be honest: If you are a conservative evangelical who believes in the biblical definition of traditional marriage then guess what? You are one of the following: An outcast, a bigot, narrow-minded, a “hater” or all of the above. It's a different type of ridicule but it's still ridicule.

The tables have been turned. Evangelicals are now the ugly stepchild. In our American culture today, you can easily make the argument that it is harder to stand for biblical truth than it is to be a supporter of gay marriage in today's society.

I feel so bad for the poor, poor bigots!

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I've never seen a group of people so anxious to cry persecution. They don't even know what persecution is. Not the foggiest vaguest clues. That cross is getting awfully full, and I bet it really pisses sweet 6 lb 8 oz baby Jesus right the hell off. Too much competition.

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Ugh so many things wrong with this post!

If you are a conservative evangelical who believes in the biblical definition of traditional marriage

Um, traditional marriage... huh. Like trading women for sheep. Or polygamy. That's traditional marriage.

You are one of the following: An outcast, a bigot, narrow-minded, a “hater†or all of the above. It's a different type of ridicule but it's still ridicule.

Ding ding ding. You've hit the jackpot. You ARE considered a "hater" because not ONCE did Jesus once preach about homosexuality. Not once. However, he did talk A LOT about Love, Compassion, and Acceptance. Everything that these Christians are not doing.

The tables have been turned. Evangelicals are now the ugly stepchild. In our American culture today, you can easily make the argument that it is harder to stand for biblical truth than it is to be a supporter of gay marriage in today's society.

It's hard to make an civil argument based off of a religious book, because we aren't, you know, the Taliban.

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Oh, somebody call the waaaahmbulance :auto-ambulance:

As much as it sucks to face scorn and ridicule, at least evangelicals can legally marry within their traditions.* Or have sexual relationships outside of marriage, which are technically illegal for gay people in many areas. And if evangelicals really thought their life sucked that badly, you'd think it would give them a little empathy for gay people facing the same derision.

*Assuming they are not trying to marry their sister or a 12yo. Sometimes you don't know.

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Yes, because it is only legal for Evangelicals to marry each other in a few states, and because all the other states refuse to recognize their legal standing in any way, shape or form. Because gays get all the tax breaks, obviously, and Evangelicals have to pay taxes on their tithes and stuff. Because Evangelicals are so much more likely to commit suicide after being bullied by gays.

And so on and so on.

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When I taught in an "interdenominational" fundy lite Christian school, I heard multiple chapel speakers preach to the high school kids about how if you are really following Jesus the world will come against you and you will experience persecution and that if you are not, then your faith is lukewarm and God will spit you out (there is a reference in Revelations with that metaphor that Evangelicals LOVE). So they have to cry persecution. It proves that they are good enough.

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"Anti-semites more scorned than grocery store cashiers", say anti-semites.

Makes about as much sense. On one hand you have a group that hates and discriminates against innocent people versus a group of people who, as a whole, are generally just normal, harmless people.

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Yes, because it is only legal for Evangelicals to marry each other in a few states, and because all the other states refuse to recognize their legal standing in any way, shape or form. Because gays get all the tax breaks, obviously, and Evangelicals have to pay taxes on their tithes and stuff. Because Evangelicals are so much more likely to commit suicide after being bullied by gays.

And so on and so on.

And because Evangelicals are forever getting kidnapped, tied to a fence, tortured, and left to die.

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well if you don't want to be hated and persecuted well don't do it to others why is that so hard to understand? But In their minds it is perfectly ok to force your faith down others throats and if someone fights back well then they are terrible people.

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Well, bless their hearts! Wait. How exactly are they being persecuted?

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Well as a group gay people are not annoying, but evangelicals are. Maybe they are mistaking the way people react when a stranger tells them they will go to hell if they aren't saved, as persecution?

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Oh, cry me a fricken river. People don't choose to be gay. Evangelicals choose to be assholes, which is their right. But it is everyone elses right to call them on their assholery. So, yeah, I think people should call them out, loudly and often.

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I'm So Persecuted is a common theme in my chats with my evangelical friends and relatives.

One guy I know changed his name on FB to Emmanuel Goldstein, because he thinks poor widdle white, Christian maies are America's scapegoats these days. :roll:

After one of my young relatives posted that nice pro-SSM video by Macklemore my fundie niece posted this response.

it is videos like that that are part of the problem. Underneath all of the beautiful music and fancy editing is a message of hate against Christians. We have done so much good in the world for so long and now because of thing like this we no longer feel safe because there is so much hate. It is sad that people fighting against this for themselves are using tactics to push others down.

I don't even know what to say to these people anymore, it's all so ludicrous.

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One guy I know changed his name on FB to Emmanuel Goldstein, because he thinks poor widdle white, Christian maies are America's scapegoats these days. :roll:

That is hilarious to me. I hope he can cobble his hurt widdle feelings back together someday.

And when an evangelical gets denied the right to visit their partner in the hospital because of their religious lifestyle is found offensive to said partner's bio-family, I will bother to care about their plight. Until then, I will continue to heap my scorn on their bigotry.

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They are? Good.

It means that equality is finally becoming to the forefronts of people's minds and everyone is realising that these evangelicals are bigots.

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Well, bless their hearts! Wait. How exactly are they being persecuted?

Persecuted = people disagreeing with your opinions. Of course.

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Wiping tears of laughter.

Go figure? Being a hateful bigot is hateful! Luckily for them, it's not inborn and if they wanted to stop acting like utterly evil fuckwits they could.

Snarktastic, I'll persecute evil fucking bigots all the day long, and enjoy it. I only wish I had some sort of business to exclud them from.

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When I taught in an "interdenominational" fundy lite Christian school, I heard multiple chapel speakers preach to the high school kids about how if you are really following Jesus the world will come against you and you will experience persecution and that if you are not, then your faith is lukewarm and God will spit you out (there is a reference in Revelations with that metaphor that Evangelicals LOVE). So they have to cry persecution. It proves that they are good enough.

I think this is very true. Read Rapture Ready forums for a week. Those freaks have two great hopes in life: to be raptured immediately, and to suffer horrible sufferings to prove how devoted to Tea Party Jesus they really are. They all post stories of horrible persecution, which are generally something like "an atheist looked at me!", and get at least 2 pages of "how brave for Jesus you are! Truly, you are a Christian among Christian!" in reply.

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That is hilarious to me. I hope he can cobble his hurt widdle feelings back together someday.

And when an evangelical gets denied the right to visit their partner in the hospital because of their religious lifestyle is found offensive to said partner's bio-family, I will bother to care about their plight. Until then, I will continue to heap my scorn on their bigotry.

I can't believe there are families out there that actually do this. I would never, ever, ever do this to my son. If he ends up being gay, then his partner will always be welcome in my house, in the hospital if my son is ill/injured, at family gatherings, etc. because I love my son and would never treat someone he loved like dirt. People disgust me sometimes.

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because evangelical Christian youth constitute nearly half of all homeless youth in this country

because evangelical Christian youth frequently drop out of school to avoid mistreatment at the hands of their peers

because evangelical Christian youth have an average GPA a full letter grade below their peers, with this trend being more common for those who are regularly harassed for being evangelical Christians

because evangelical Christians are frequently denied housing and employment for being evangelical Christians

because evangelical Christians are often subject to corrective rape in order to change their religious faith

because evangelical Christians often see suicide as the only way out of their persecution

Cry me a goddamn river.

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