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Apparantly; Rape Jokes Aren't Funny.

Anxious Girl

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Solid Gold Bombs; an account on amazon; started producing "Keep Calm and Rape a lot" t-shirts. Who knew that the business would become no more? http://money.msn.com/now/post.aspx?post ... 46f8e8f481. You just gotta love the commenters; who have the vibe of; "Who cares; ignore this rape-culture and it'll go away;" to the other vibes that just scream; "If you don't like the tee-shirts, don't buy 'em!" when the accounts business became no more because of the rape tee-shirts. Seriously; I feel like people just like to ignore rape culture because it's not a personal issue for them; but if it effects somebody they know and love; then these types of people get all up in arms. People like that piss me off. Just because rape culture hasn't affected you or somebody you care about doesn't mean it's not an issue that shouldn't be addressed..

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IMO, the odds are, rape culture has affected (general) you or someone you know about- it's just that people don't realise the things that can arise from it, or are so privileged that they don't care how it hurts other people.

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LET THE MARKET DECIDE! (Except in the case of Planned Parenthood.)

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