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Amy Duggar and Reed...no more.


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It seems just this year they were celebrating New Years Eve together and last year there was talks of engagement. [sigh] I thought they would have made it despite their passionate kissing and sleepovers. But, I guess the signs were there....

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How does that old Janis Joplin song go...

Take it!

Take another little piece of my heart now, baby!

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Where did you read about the demise of the relationship? I googled it and could not find a thing.

From some not so subtle clues on her Twitter and Instagram page:

Single?! Ha noI'm dating the world! Sometimes you can get so self absorbed. All week my prayer is for God to use me in Haiti!!! #justuseme
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How is Amy alive at this point? She's given away so many pieces of her heart, what pumps the blood through her veins now?

For real though, she needs to anchor down a man or get a real job or skill, can't mouch off the Duggar name forever.

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Amy was dating 23-year-old Reed Taylor from Oklahoma, but they’re taking some time out to concentrate on their careers.



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I wonder how Amy feels about Uncle JimBob's spitting in a cup analogy?

I.... what now??

I know of the bike analogy, but this is news to me.

I'm assuming Dim Bulb keeps her around solely for "what not to do" purposes...

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How does that old Janis Joplin song go...

Take it!

Take another little piece of my heart now, baby!

This woman had scattered pieces of her heart through most of the Mid-West, apparently.

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He's been reporting as talking about purity as being like a glass of water. As in, if you pass the water round and everyone spits in it, it will still look just as nice but would anyone want to drink it?

That sort of stuff must make Amy feel very disrespected.

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He's been reporting as talking about purity as being like a glass of water. As in, if you pass the water round and everyone spits in it, it will still look just as nice but would anyone want to drink it?

What is it with fundies and ridiculous analogies?

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  • 2 weeks later...
He's been reporting as talking about purity as being like a glass of water. As in, if you pass the water round and everyone spits in it, it will still look just as nice but would anyone want to drink it?

That sort of stuff must make Amy feel very disrespected.

I read that in their book and it just nauseated me. I have a thing about saliva. I can clean all kinds of bodily fluids without blinking an eye, but saliva triggers my gag reflex. I'm sure there are many things Boob and Chelle say that have made Amy uncomfortable or hurt her feelings. They don't strike me as the sensitive types. I mean if they'll record their kid in the bottom of an orchestra pit with a possible broken neck I don't think someone else's feelings are high on their priority list.

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I hope the next guy Amy dates is the right person for her, and they get married and are very happy, showing the Duggar kids that you can date and give away pieces of your heart, and still be happy.

I feel kinda bad for her, cause shes probably being used as a bad example by her aunt and uncle: "Of course you cant date, Jana, you dont want to be a whore like your cousin, do you?"

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I hope the next guy Amy dates is the right person for her, and they get married and are very happy, showing the Duggar kids that you can date and give away pieces of your heart, and still be happy.

I feel kinda bad for her, cause shes probably being used as a bad example by her aunt and uncle: "Of course you cant date, Jana, you dont want to be a whore like your cousin, do you?"

I think that's why he wants Amy around. To show them what not to do.

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I don't follow the Duggars except through FJ. What's the deal with the broken neck and the orchestra pit?

Edited to say: never mind, I googled it.

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Well to be fair to Reed, it seems that he is serious about establishing a career. He has a degree in construction technology and he had been working in construction in Oklahoma. His degree can help him in some ways. He recently took a job in Texas. Amy is the one who doesn't seem to be career driven. She says that she is a nanny, but I think she just babysits here and there. She has talked about wanting a music career, but I don't think she is serious about that. She has recorded stuff and gone around Nashville. But she doesn't do a whole lot outside of that. She doesn't play gigs and her website doesn't have booking info. Many people who want music careers are out playing various gigs or attending college or music schools to help the get ahead.

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He's been reporting as talking about purity as being like a glass of water. As in, if you pass the water round and everyone spits in it, it will still look just as nice but would anyone want to drink it?

That sort of stuff must make Amy feel very disrespected.

That is very revolting! And a horrible analogy :?

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I read that in their book and it just nauseated me. I have a thing about saliva. I can clean all kinds of bodily fluids without blinking an eye, but saliva triggers my gag reflex. I'm sure there are many things Boob and Chelle say that have made Amy uncomfortable or hurt her feelings. They don't strike me as the sensitive types. I mean if they'll record their kid in the bottom of an orchestra pit with a possible broken neck I don't think someone else's feelings are high on their priority list.

I just wanted to say I am the same way! My husband can't understand why it grosses me out so bad. Everything else, I'm fine. But saliva. *shudders*

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Well to be fair to Reed, it seems that he is serious about establishing a career. He has a degree in construction technology and he had been working in construction in Oklahoma. His degree can help him in some ways. He recently took a job in Texas. Amy is the one who doesn't seem to be career driven. She says that she is a nanny, but I think she just babysits here and there. She has talked about wanting a music career, but I don't think she is serious about that. She has recorded stuff and gone around Nashville. But she doesn't do a whole lot outside of that. She doesn't play gigs and her website doesn't have booking info. Many people who want music careers are out playing various gigs or attending college or music schools to help the get ahead.

One of my good friend is a musician. He went to school, got a degree in Computer Science and is currently working for an IT company. He doesn't have a huge passion for Computer Science compared to my boyfriend but he said he needs to do it to get money in. His plan is to work for this company for a couple more years and then hire a vocal coach to help him out and then get some recording in to send to various record labels. His passion is definitely music but he needed a backup "career" as well. It's a very smart move on his part. Amy is 26 years old and living in fantasy world, like a typical 13 year old girl. She likes to make people think that she's a hard worker but she's getting handed a bunch of stuff and mooching off her parents' income, while she sits there hoping a record label will pick her up and sign her. I moved back home a year ago after graduating but I'm also spending a couple hours a day, trying to find a Biotech research job. Amy, on the other hand, isn't doing anything on the side to help her out. She's just getting spoiled here and there while pretending to "nanny" to show how much of a hard worker she is. Quite honestly, I think Reed just got fed up with her and brattiness. I think he came to the realization that settling down with her would drain his bank account, something I doubt he wanted. Good for him for bailing out before it was too late. I hope one day Famy will come to her senses but we know the chances of that happening is slim to none.

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Jim Bob and Michelle might be nice to Amy to her face, but I bet when she's not around they use her as a warning to the Duggarlings of what happens when you "give away pieces of your heart."

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