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Duggars lie and think we can't figure it out!


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Because I want to torture myself- I decided to listen to 20 and counting with Michelle's voice on audio CD from the library.


The beginning was bad, dissing Jim Bob’s dad and the whole I was a sinner stuff, but it wasn't until the end of chapter 4 when they said Discovery Health approached them to do a special AFTER the Johnson road home was sold and demolished and they were living in the rental. I SWEAR that they must think we are stupid and not see in the first special that they are living in the Johnson road home and it is demolished after.


They also said the sale of that house helped fund the campaign.


They also only talk about the first 5 or 6 children and their personalities etc. then after a while just name them off like "Oh Josiah was born"


This just angers me that the leghumpers never question them!

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Of course they lie. This isn't news. They lie about spanking, blanket training, ATI, who actually parents the children, leaving the size of their family up to god (anyone that charts their cycles is purposely trying to get pregnant and that is not leaving it up to god), buying used and saving the difference, who paid for the house, etc. I've seen maybe 2 episodes of this show andy I could pick up on the lies.

edited because "the" and "they" are different words.

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I don't think Michelle actually sets out to lie. I think she has a poor memory for facts combined with a lack of education.

Writing about the house we know she got facts around the wrong way. (The tv show or the move first?) I have lived in twelve houses in the past twenty years. I could describe each house but if you asked me to date when I lived in them or which house I was living in when a particular event happened, I am going to make a few mistakes. THe difference between Michelle & I is that, were I writing a book, I know that I should go back to lease agreements, talk to family members, etc. and check that I have my facts corrects rather than just write what I think happened. I am sure that overtiredness when my children were young would mean I remember things around that time quite differently to how other people remember them. Michelle had maybe ten years of overtriedness and overwork before she past on all her jobs to the j'slaves and friends.

I have noticed in PArentables Michelle often writes about how things used to be as if they are still occurring. We would call this lying but I think she genuinely believes it is the truth. "Buy Used and Save the Difference" might have occured in the past but now it is new season clothes, paper plates and coach handbags. I don't know whether she is so locked up in her own head she doesn't see the changes or whether she is unable to write in the past tense but I am sure she doesn't see it as a lie.

Interesting to think the effect this will have on the kids. We know kids learn by what they observe far more than by what you tell them. Michelle & Jim Bob might tell the kids to always tell the truth but when they hear their parents talk at conferences or read their parents books they are going to see these mistakes/lies.

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I don't think Michelle actually sets out to lie. I think she has a poor memory for facts combined with a lack of education.

Writing about the house we know she got facts around the wrong way. (The tv show or the move first?) I have lived in twelve houses in the past twenty years. I could describe each house but if you asked me to date when I lived in them or which house I was living in when a particular event happened, I am going to make a few mistakes. THe difference between Michelle & I is that, were I writing a book, I know that I should go back to lease agreements, talk to family members, etc. and check that I have my facts corrects rather than just write what I think happened. I am sure that overtiredness when my children were young would mean I remember things around that time quite differently to how other people remember them. Michelle had maybe ten years of overtriedness and overwork before she past on all her jobs to the j'slaves and friends.

I have noticed in PArentables Michelle often writes about how things used to be as if they are still occurring. We would call this lying but I think she genuinely believes it is the truth. "Buy Used and Save the Difference" might have occured in the past but now it is new season clothes, paper plates and coach handbags. I don't know whether she is so locked up in her own head she doesn't see the changes or whether she is unable to write in the past tense but I am sure she doesn't see it as a lie.

Interesting to think the effect this will have on the kids. We know kids learn by what they observe far more than by what you tell them. Michelle & Jim Bob might tell the kids to always tell the truth but when they hear their parents talk at conferences or read their parents books they are going to see these mistakes/lies.

Bull. She outright lies and I don't believe her to be an idiot or unaware that she does so. She says what makes her look good even if it's untrue. Jim Bob is more truthful than Michelle and I don't think he always tells the truth either. Personally, I don't care if they lie. Everyone lies. What irks me is that they make themselves out to be holier than thou when that is the furthest thing from the truth.

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Fundies outright lie...PERIOD! It's how they draw people into their cult of fundism.

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I don't think Michelle actually sets out to lie. I think she has a poor memory for facts combined with a lack of education.

Writing about the house we know she got facts around the wrong way. (The tv show or the move first?) I have lived in twelve houses in the past twenty years. I could describe each house but if you asked me to date when I lived in them or which house I was living in when a particular event happened, I am going to make a few mistakes. THe difference between Michelle & I is that, were I writing a book, I know that I should go back to lease agreements, talk to family members, etc. and check that I have my facts corrects rather than just write what I think happened. I am sure that overtiredness when my children were young would mean I remember things around that time quite differently to how other people remember them. Michelle had maybe ten years of overtriedness and overwork before she past on all her jobs to the j'slaves and friends.

I have noticed in PArentables Michelle often writes about how things used to be as if they are still occurring. We would call this lying but I think she genuinely believes it is the truth. "Buy Used and Save the Difference" might have occured in the past but now it is new season clothes, paper plates and coach handbags. I don't know whether she is so locked up in her own head she doesn't see the changes or whether she is unable to write in the past tense but I am sure she doesn't see it as a lie.

Interesting to think the effect this will have on the kids. We know kids learn by what they observe far more than by what you tell them. Michelle & Jim Bob might tell the kids to always tell the truth but when they hear their parents talk at conferences or read their parents books they are going to see these mistakes/lies.

I actually tend to agree here. I think that when you live by a particular set of rules i.e. Gothardism, it is very easy to delude yourself into thinking that you are still following those rules even if the reality is somewhat different. Like when you're on a diet and you go mad and eat a bar of chocolate, it's reasonably easy to convince yourself that it didn't really matter and you've shaved those calories off elsewhere. Deep down Michelle knows that her whole raison d'etre (and celebrity status) will come crashing down if she admits that she is not really playing by Gothard's rules anymore, so she just convinces herself that she still is.

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I actually tend to agree here. I think that when you live by a particular set of rules i.e. Gothardism, it is very easy to delude yourself into thinking that you are still following those rules even if the reality is somewhat different. Like when you're on a diet and you go mad and eat a bar of chocolate, it's reasonably easy to convince yourself that it didn't really matter and you've shaved those calories off elsewhere. Deep down Michelle knows that her whole raison d'etre (and celebrity status) will come crashing down if she admits that she is not really playing by Gothard's rules anymore, so she just convinces herself that she still is.

That's also why I tend to agree - and the operative word, as you put it so articulately, is "delude." The whole fundy movement is a delusion, a fantasy that people are trying to make come true as if it were a fairy tale.

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I think she is fully aware of her lies - but thinks that the means justify the ends if she can create this perfect fantasy world and draw more people into the fold.

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