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What's New With the Duggars?


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I've been away for awhile, and I've clearly missed a few things. I took a peek in the Instagram thread, and I read that John David has bought himself a house? I didn't know that. I'm wondering what else I've missed. I don't watch the show, and I don't really want to slog through the Instagram thread.



Also, did Josh really post a picture mentioning Free Jinger?

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Where did you hear that, Lainey? It may have been that one of his followers mentioned FJ in a comment, but I don't know that he would have posted a pic mentioning FJ, the way he uses his Instagram.

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As someone mentioned on another forum no FJ, both Anna and Michelle :o appear pregnant. I hope what looks like a baby bump on Anna and Michelle wearing what also looks like one of her maternity tops is just a fluke. I love babies, but just no to Michelle. I wished she would really settle down and enjoy her 18 children living at home.

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I've been away for awhile, and I've clearly missed a few things. I took a peek in the Instagram thread, and I read that John David has bought himself a house? I didn't know that. I'm wondering what else I've missed. I don't watch the show, and I don't really want to slog through the Instagram thread.

Also, did Josh really post a picture mentioning Free Jinger?

Someone posted a photo of a book Josh had signed with the dedicate to "FJ", that might be what you heard about.

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I've been away for awhile, and I've clearly missed a few things. I took a peek in the Instagram thread, and I read that John David has bought himself a house? I didn't know that. I'm wondering what else I've missed. I don't watch the show, and I don't really want to slog through the Instagram thread.

Also, did Josh really post a picture mentioning Free Jinger?

Hoepfully, the house has more than 2 bedrooms. Just to out do Josh.

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I don't think that Michelle wearing maternity clothing necesarily means she is pregnant. She will be wearing maternity clothing when she is 75.

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Not sure how far back we're going, but John David was appointed as an Arkansas Constable and was sworn in at midnight on January 1 at some gas station. I think there's a video. There's definitely pics. Oh, and JB&M we're MIA at the "ceremony"

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It was in the Instagram thread somewhere...but I was just looking at something quick, so I don't know the context and whether it could have been a joke or something. I'll see if I can find the page it was on.

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19 Kids&counting showed JD doing some clean up work on a property for a bank and said that the bank was giving him a house in exchange for his work. Details are sketchy, and it all sounds a little odd, but maybe they do things that way in small town Arkansas.

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19 Kids&counting showed JD doing some clean up work on a property for a bank and said that the bank was giving him a house in exchange for his work. Details are sketchy, and it all sounds a little odd, but maybe they do things that way in small town Arkansas.

I'll have to remember to check the property records on Monday and see if he is listed on any real estate.

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This is the page the house thing was mentioned on: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14537&p=464171&hilit=John+David#p464171

I haven't found the picture yet, but it may have just been that book that _lilith mentioned.

ETA: Here's the picture: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14826&p=464069#p464069 It was on a different thread, and it does look like it must be the book.

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