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Newtown Truthers


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What the fucking fuck?! That is it. I have officially lost faith in humanity. What the fuck is wrong with people?! I really and truly hope none of the families of the victims see or even hear about this. Absolutely vile. :angry-screaming: :angry-screaming: :angry-screaming: :angry-steamingears:

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Yep. I know one of these people. She was saying this as soon as it came on the news.

These kind of people dont seem to realise that there are bad people in the world, not just the government.

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Are you freakin' kidding me?! Disgusting. I hope the victims' families don't hear about this...

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I can't even begin to wrap my head around how people could think like this. I've officially lost faith in humanity. :obscene-birdiered: :angry-cussingblack: :angry-screaming: :angry-screaming: :angry-banghead:

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Fuck those people. I mean, I hope they step on a lego forever.

I'm still so stunned and heartbroken and traumatized by what happened in Newtown.

It's hard to believe that members of my own species would sink so low.

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Hey there is a real flat earth society and the duggers think god knocks them up and thinks they are great need you any more proof the world is full of nut jobs?

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We now have a Florida professor chiming in.

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/01/09/f ... -happened/

Creepiest part of that whole thing?

As for the deaths of 20 elementary children, the professor said, “I think that most likely that took place.â€

So it wasn't a random spree murder crime, but the deaths did take place. Meaning, Obama had them killed. Y'know, 'cause he's a scary Kenyan Mooslim Socialist and all that. Or something.

As for "but no footage of the bodies!!!" who would expect such things to ever come out anywhere mainstream? But what, are they saying they checked Rotten/Ogrish/etc places I am NOT gonna even remotely poke and there's no images? Perhaps for once the police department isn't improperly leaking stuff.

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Eh? These guys are stupid even for Truthers. Nearly all of the questions they are asking have blatantly obvious answers, even 9/11 Truthers do better than that.

1. Someone his mum knew lent her a car, he stole it. Wow, because a man who can kill 20 innocent people obviously isn't the type to commit a criminal act. Also, registrations on cars can be outdated.

2. The confusion about weaponry and multiple shooters is absolutely standard for a breaking news story and an extreme crime scene. People involved get overexcited and stressed and the media does its own guesswork. Also, the police would have been incredibly negligent if they HADN'T assumed multiple shooters, which is why they nearly always do in cases like this.

3. "Read off the card" is sensible advice. After such a terrible tragedy, your instinct is to pretty much weep and gibber. Reading a card helps you get your thoughts in order and say what you want to say, and gives you something to focus on. And yeah, families of murder victims do occasionally smile (probably nervously in this case) you don't become a robot because someone you love died. Sometimes a small thing can take your mind off it and give you some relief.

4. The confusion over the principal is just that, NBC getting confused about who they spoke to. Errors always get into the recording of breaking news. When a big horror occurs it's chaos, it's not a neatly well drawn out investigative report. I remember on 9/11 the news went crazy - car bombs everywhere! celebrations by armed Muslims in the streets of NYC! ten planes hijacked! None of which were true, they were based on rumour, reporter and source error. It's going to happen and isn't proof of a conspiracy, just that life and major events aren't simple.

5. The kid said it was "like a drill" because, um, it was like a drill. Presumably, as the teachers in the school seemed to be very conscious of their children's wellbeing, they had drilled for such an occurrence before. I fail to see what is weird about this.

6. The parents being played by actors because they look like their kids? Er, most kids look like their bio parents. Smaller is the image of her mum, I suppose that means SIL was being played by an actor.

7. "He was far too shy to collect all this black ops stuff". Some of the shyest people I've known have had the biggest collections of Soldier of Fortune magazine, Tom Clancy books and military stuff they bought online.


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These people are vile. I mean, WBC are vile in a different way, but these people are just about as close as you can get to WBC in my book. Yes, naturally these are just actors who bought Christmas presents that sat unopened under the tree because their babies were murdered in cold blood. Of course. Rotten piece of shit, FOAD.

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I saw the dad's interview live. To me, it rings of classic Utah Mormon response to something horrible. I've seen it before. I said it to my husband that A) he was Mormon (The stake center behind him cemented that) and B) they were from Utah. Sadly, the little girl had moved from Utah about a year ago, and the family brought her home to bury her.

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I think sometimes it's hard for people to wrap their heads around horrible events. A mentally deranged person got a gun and kill little children, and its hard to comprehend what drove him to do it. I think to these folks what happened was too simple, so there has to be some conspiracy behind it all. It's not that far off from the JFK assassination conspiracy believers if you think of it. They cannot accept that one crazy man can change the course of history - therefore there was something bigger behind it.

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There will always be conspiracy theorists (everything is caused by the Illuminati and all that crap), some are more nutty than others and some like this one are insane. Makes me totally sick.

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For the millionth plus time, our government isn't that organized! Can you imagine the conspiracy of silence that would have had to have occurred to allow this to happen? People talk, they always talk. There is absolutely no way they could keep the murder of 20 children under wraps. These people are vile.

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From my dealing with conspiracy theorists, it becomes that they are looking for evidence its a conspiracy as theyre big on believing theyre above the "sheep" who believe things they read on the news and trust science. Even if it doesnt make sense, they see it in everything, even if theres easier natural explanations...because they feel they know the truth by having a different opinion to everyone else.

It doesnt help that there are websites which will post any old unscientific crap as fact, and they think cause it fits with their beliefs and isnt by the government or scientists or doctors or anyone else who they believe is part of the conspiracy to kill them, it has to be truth. I could write something completely random and include a government conspiracy, and even though I know nothing of the subject, people would accept it as complete truth.

They believe these organisations are all powerful and out to kill them, and once theyve got that into their head, everything must be caused by this.

Someone goes on a mass murder spree? Obviously its the government trying to find an excuse to ban guns and then take over the country as people cant overpower them anymore...instead of just that there are people in this world who are evil, or have mental health issues that make them violent, and they decided to kill.

Everything can be applied to this.

The trail behind a plane caused by them burning fuel...obviously cancer causing mind control death gas to control the population.

Doctors create medicine to make people better, and tell people to see them instead of eat certain herbs, use homeopathy or psychic healing or pray for their diseases to be cured? Obviously as all science is evil and out to kill us, that medicine actually kills people nomatter how much it cures.

Terrorist plot? Obviously the government is evil, so they did it themselves to make us trust them....not terrorists of course, theyre all perfectly normal people who have just been blamed.

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How horrible that someone would believe this!! If they do someone has a few screws lose!!!!

This is so nuts I suspect anyone believing it is leaking (virtual) screws in a little trail after them as they walk.

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Creepiest part of that whole thing?

So it wasn't a random spree murder crime, but the deaths did take place. Meaning, Obama had them killed. Y'know, 'cause he's a scary Kenyan Mooslim Socialist and all that. Or something.

As for "but no footage of the bodies!!!" who would expect such things to ever come out anywhere mainstream? But what, are they saying they checked Rotten/Ogrish/etc places I am NOT gonna even remotely poke and there's no images? Perhaps for once the police department isn't improperly leaking stuff.

This. I'm pretty sure 99.99% of the sane world does not want to see images of the bodies of those poor children. Fuck these people.

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This. I'm pretty sure 99.99% of the sane world does not want to see images of the bodies of those poor children. Fuck these people.

the ONLY conspiracy theory I believe with respect to this is that the money grubbing assholesloving parents of one of the surviving children withdrew the lawsuit at this stage to prevent the release of the pictures in discover prior to 1) some time passing and with it media and 2) allow the police to finish documenting.

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I am willing to cut the moneygrubbing parents a tiny bit of slack becuase they are going through something trumatic and might have been persuaded to do something rash and stupid.

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This. I'm pretty sure 99.99% of the sane world does not want to see images of the bodies of those poor children. Fuck these people.

There is a very good reason those images are not public. Not only would they be horrific for people too see, it would also be very disrespectful to the victims and their families. Those people should be memorialized with images of the happy full-of-life people that they were. I did read an interview with Noah Pozner's mother, where she describes what she saw when she viewed her son's body. She said she felt she owed it to him to see exactly what happened to him and to talk about it so that people would be aware of just how horrific it really was and hopefully take steps to prevent this from ever happening again.

For those who want a better understanding: (Warning: The description is in spoiler tags and is very graphic and hard to read.)

Noah's mother stated that her son's lower jaw was completely gone and that the bottom of his face had to be covered with a cloth for the funeral services. His left hand was also blown off. Fuck, I can't even type this without crying. That is why there are no public pictures of the bodies. I really fucking hate these nutjobs.

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