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Gun control. Piers Morgan v Alex Jones.


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You all missed the best comment by Alex Jones- "If US government inacts any type of gun control you will see another 1776 and I will be the leader" Like there will be a hugh following. :lol:

Here is the issue about gun control there are the zelots on the right and left screaming and yelling and no one is listening to people in the middle (sane people), who wants a common sense approach. Like no more assault rifes, high capacity magazines, back ground checks, nationwide database tracking the fire arms and mental health care. I don't own a gun and will not, however the Count has a rifle for skeet shooting but it is stored at the gun club where he shoots. That was our agreement.

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I say that because the US is awful at doing anything about illegal drugs, and government and police forces will likely have a very hard time of keeping illegal guns of the streets too. Sure, making a gun harder to get legally will go a ways to reduce gun violence by keeping the gun out of the hands of some paranoid or delusional nut job. But the top three black markets in the world are drugs, sex, and weapons. And Americans sure love their weapons...

Drugs and guns aren't really too good a comparison. One is something some people have trouble living without; the other is just a fetish.

Drugs themselves only harm the user and, like alcohol, sometimes the user's family. If certain drugs were properly regulated, taxed and controlled by the government, there would be far less need for cops to deal with illegal drug dealing. I don't believe anyone should be in prison for personal drug use and if all addicts had access to effective treatment, many more people could be helped and society in general would be far better off.

Guns? Somewhat of a different ballgame. Sure, if you're living in mountain lion territory or need to hunt rabbits to survive, I can see why you'd probably need a shotgun. But few of us actually live in those circumstances and those that do, don't need the sorts of weapons that are killing people on the streets or in schools, theaters, post offices, and at political events.

Gun control doesn't mean the elimination of guns, just the control of them. And if you look at the states - and the countries - that have the most stringent gun control laws you’ll note they almost always have lower gun death rates. We need to stop ignoring statistics and start implementing rational controls.

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:shock: :shock: I just watched this and I can't believe how out of control Jones was. I mean, I can, because he's really out there, but he came off really badly in that "debate". He seemed to go from idea to idea without ever making a point. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so paranoid on television. And what the hell was going on when he was mimicking Morgans accent? I'm not a fan of Morgan, but he handled that tirade better than I would have.

I think this gun control debate is going to get even worse in the coming weeks and months. More and more people like Jones are going to be very loudly stating their beliefs and nothing will sway them. It wouldn't surprise me at all if some of them did try to recreate 1776.

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One of the reasons that it is difficult to have a conversation on gun control in America is that some gun advocates define the word, regulation as a ban. No one, that I know of, is talking about taking guns from gun owners. Yet, any article about regulations is followed by comments from gun advocates angry that the government wants to steal their weapons.

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Not sure how to feel about guns anymore. It's clear that there has to be a massive cultural shift and that just ain't going to happen anytime soon.

Even if there are stricter laws, there are going to be a lot of people with the "out of my cold, dead hands mentality. No way are we going to ever get even a fraction of the weapons out there.

One comment on the "government coming after us"....do the nuts really think so little of our US military that they would follow orders to open fire on the people? I know a lot of military folks and I doubt they would take orders like that.

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For the ignorant among us (that would be me): is Alex Jones a fundie or even a Christian? How is he generally received in fundie circles? Beammeup mentioned PP being a fanboy...

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For the ignorant among us (that would be me): is Alex Jones a fundie or even a Christian? How is he generally received in fundie circles? Beammeup mentioned PP being a fanboy...

I don't know if he's fundie per se, but he is Christian, according to Wikipedia. Seems he's not known so much for being fundie as he is anti-government, though, so I'm not really sure how relevant his faith is.

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