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Trainwreck blog


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I don't think this one has come up before - and it's a humdinger.

It starts as the usual sad situation of a Stuck At Home Daughter 'serving' her family and trying very hard to be joyful about it. This one is particularly sad as the young lady is clearly intelligent and seems to be a genuinely nice person despite the kool-aid.

Daddy has been needing more of my undivided attention. McCauley will be graduating soon, which means a new season of more intense acquisition of homemaking skills along with her. Gracey-baby is beginning to talk and wants to learn anything we will teach her - what a wonderful opportunity to bless her life. Jasco is really reaching out in his entrepreneurial endeavors, and I so want to be more helpful to him. Marmy, according to Daddy's direction, has been ordering boxes of amazing materials from Vision Forum and Chalcedon that I just can't wait to get into. The 52 book challenge has begun and I'm a little behind already, but have learned so very much thus far and I am confident now that the books I am reading will provide an excellent education.


Yup, that's bad enough. But it gets worse. Daddy meets a guy called Pastor Weaver who convinces him that debt = slavery and his duty as a Christian is to move his family - if I'm counting right that's four adults and two little kids - into a 35-foot motor home so that he can get debt free in 6 years.

Cue new blog to cover this exciting adventure.


Our home, our kitchen, our garden, our space, our closets, our privacy, our storage, our work tables, our comfort. These pieces of our lives will be lost.

But, Oh the Joy of Losing This Life for His Sake!

For we know - we KNOW - that when we lose our life for the sake of our King... we will find it.

Sounds like total hell on earth to me. Aaaand - it gets worse again.

Marmee gets pregnant. Squeeee!!!! So exciting!!!!!!!!

So - that's four adults, two little kids and a newborn in a 35-foot motorhome.

At this point, if I was a Christian, I think I might be wondering if the Lord wasn't sending me a stonking great message to THINK AGAIN :lol: (If in fact the guy has an option about this - there's a bit of me wondering if this isn't a cover for foreclosure, though I might of course be totally wrong about that).

Fortunately the Lord then intervenes - in the way he does unless you're, say, a starving child in Africa - and sends them a SECOND motorhome. So at least the family is spread over two caravans.

But this one looks like a nightmare for the kids involved, and given the blog hasn't been updated since August I'm wondering if they even have electricity now :(

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Oh bless, she does seem quite genuinely sweet and innocent for a young fundie.

I felt quite bad for her when I read the bit where she scolds herself for looking at pictures of tea parties on Pinterest when she could be away glorifying God instead.

They really tie themselves up in knots, don't they?

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And she's a major-league groupie of our fancy-schmancy fundie royalty: Dougie, Voddie, Geoff, et al. And she gets all happy-woozy about the concept of dominionism.

Hey, maybe she (despite her intelligence) is better off confined to a trailer on a farm in the middle of nowhere.

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Oh good grief, I read her 'About Me' section and I take it all back.

2) Gathering my full denim skirt in my hands as I break out into a sprint, scattering my little cousins shrieking with laughter, my bare feet crunching a blanket of vivid autumn leaves and my hair falling loose from it's bun, finally turning to catch the football that my brother had sent sailing through the deep blue November sky.


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Deeply concerning... it appears that the pastor that motivated this move to financial freedom is on SPLC as a neo-confederate racist.

http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/john-weaver Are they involved in this as well?

It does look like they now have 2 campers but I can't tell if it's just their nuclear family or her uncle and grandfather are doing this as well.

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Deeply concerning... it appears that the pastor that motivated this move to financial freedom is on SPLC as a neo-confederate racist.

http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/john-weaver Are they involved in this as well?

It does look like they now have 2 campers but I can't tell if it's just their nuclear family or her uncle and grandfather are doing this as well.

Well holy shit.

Oh good grief, I read her 'About Me' section and I take it all back.


The bits about gathering her full denim skirt and her hair falling loose were almost provocative by fundy standards. She should watch who she defrauds. And maybe take some writing lessons.

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You know, I really needed some help. I've gained a few pounds, and would love to get in shape, but those chocolates are so tempting.

Now, I know--I can read this blog! I'll be so nauseated, it will be impossible to eat a thing! Thank you so much!

Oh, and if that's not enough, going to the motor home blog and reading about pee stains and dog hair should remove any last vestiges of my appetite. Good thing they got such a good deal on the home of their dreams! *puke*

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Deeply concerning... it appears that the pastor that motivated this move to financial freedom is on SPLC as a neo-confederate racist.

http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/john-weaver Are they involved in this as well?

It does look like they now have 2 campers but I can't tell if it's just their nuclear family or her uncle and grandfather are doing this as well.

A minister for more than four decades, John Weaver is a religious mainstay of the racist neo-Confederate movement and a man who has recently become a leading proponent of training Christians for armed battle.


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When some pastor tells these people to do nonsensical things, why don't they have the good sense to walk away? I've left churches over much less than someone telling me to move out of my house into an RV. No church I've ever attended would suggest that I don't think. Did the pastor just up and interfere in their lives or did the dolt of a father ask?

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When some pastor tells these people to do nonsensical things, why don't they have the good sense to walk away?

Abigail, because Jesus! Duh!

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:lol: :lol: :roll:

It's like they walk through a church door and their brains fall out.

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Okay, I have to ask.

They're selling their house, living in a camper, and expect to be 100% debt free in six years.

How much debt do these folks have? I mean, they might be underwater on their mortgage (if they are, I think that the holy of holies might just tell them it's the wrong time to sell, but whatevs).

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Okay, I have to ask.

They're selling their house, living in a camper, and expect to be 100% debt free in six years.

How much debt do these folks have? I mean, they might be underwater on their mortgage (if they are, I think that the holy of holies might just tell them it's the wrong time to sell, but whatevs).

I was wondering the same. Maybe moving into a motorhome isnt so much a choice to glorify god as it is a necessary move to avoid bankruptcy.

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I gotta say, I get a sort of fictional/hoaxing vibe off this one. Maybe this isn't a trainwreck so much as someone's literary experiment?

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Okay, I have to ask.

They're selling their house, living in a camper, and expect to be 100% debt free in six years.

How much debt do these folks have? I mean, they might be underwater on their mortgage (if they are, I think that the holy of holies might just tell them it's the wrong time to sell, but whatevs).

And if you have to do these things to get out of debt... DONT FUCKING GET PREGNANT AGAIN!!!! BABIES ARE EXPENSIVE!!!!!! The levels of selfish in these people register on the Richter scale!

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Oh good grief, I read her 'About Me' section and I take it all back.

My bare feet crunching a blanket of vivid autumn leaves, and, dammit, I stepped into dog shit.

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My immediate thoughts were that this has to be satire, but I'm honestly not sure. I hope it is, otherwise, how sad an existence for that blogger.

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My interpretation was that by the end of the 6 years they'd have cleared their debt and have enough money to buy a house in cash. If it takes 6 years of RV living simply to clear their other debts they're in over their ears and it's more of a trainwreck than I'd assumed.

Fingers crossed that the silence since August is because Marmee put her foot down and said that she was no way going to house a newborn in an RV, and Daddy is having to think of another way to get them out of slavery :lol: Like, oh I dunno, the adult children getting jobs?! And finding their own housing, because they're independent adults? (OK, not going to happen, but a girl can dream).

Wow that Pastor Weaver sounds like a piece of work. What's really scary is the comments this girl is getting from her readers, about what a wonderful inspiration she is. When she's effectively acting as a mouthpiece for someone like that...

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She posted on the family blog, Covenant Acres, in September: covenantacres.blogspot.com/search/label/dear%20fellow%20farm%20girl

It looks like her family is sharing a plot of land with her uncle's family and grandparents.

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Oooh, have you read about her trip to New Orleans?


It's like she uses her blog to let us be a fly on the wall of her brain--it's delightful!

Also, I really hate that she calls her mom Marmy. GAH. Puke. As the mother of children who are very distantly related to LM Alcott, I'm incensed. ;)

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That post made me feel sorry for her. I went to New Orleans recently and ate great food, listened to beautiful music and enjoyed time with my friends. A pity she could not have any of those experiences becuase of her religion

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