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Kasey, you missed the memo


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Lying about lies is still lying, Kasey. (She used to blog at thesefiveofmineplustwo.net, probably can read it on cache, but I don't know how to do it)


Marriage is about living happily ever after. It’s only good when you feel lavished and spoiled and loved beyond measure.

In who's world?

If you’re grumpy and irritable, it’s perfectly acceptable to announce it’s that time of the month and expect everybody to understand.

That same monthly cycle is expected to be manipulated in whatever way necessary to prevent undue stress and responsibility.

Toss the crazy notion that the Lord designed it as a tool, in a cyclic manner, to keep you abreast of what is happening with your body. You must have all hands on deck to STOP what is happening.

You know what's coming...

Children are to be the result of careful planning and should never come about without adequate resources in place.

The Biblical mandate that children are a blessing and the fruit of the womb is His reward only applies when you’ve first practiced responsible planning. This blessing is to be carefully orchestrated by human efforts and timing.

Like I don't understand what message you are saying here.

Once you’ve conceived, don’t be alarmed if your doctor isn’t impressed until your child has reached viable age. That tiny life within you only counts when it can sustain it’s life without you. Up until that point it will be referred to as a fetus. And it’s perfectly legal to terminate it’s life if you have a change of heart.

Knew that was coming. :roll: Old and boring. Also, it's a fetus until birth. It's the medical term for the "life" in your womb. It's the stages. A real science teacher or medical doctor or even a nurse can explain this to you.

Babies grow and that childish sparkle is replaced by a mischievous twinkle leaving you with a fiery temper. Attempt to control yourself, but don’t feel bad if you find it just isn’t your thing.

Because her children surely never have tested her patience before. I totally buy that she's never lost her temper or her children never have been mischievous. :roll:

Women are equal to men. In every aspect of life. But don’t be confused…men are most certainly not equal to women.

Yep, that statement says it all to me. Clueless.

Don’t get caught up in Bible truth and teaching. It’s old-fashioned and legalistic. Be a good person, try your best when you feel like it, and pray when you’re scared.

Be tolerant. If you do dare to read your Bible and learn of His character, don’t let it change how you think. We must accept all people and all their actions and life choices. Just don’t expect them to accept you back. Tolerance is a one way street!

How Christ-like of you!

On her about page:

With two teens, a tweener, and toddler twins…all BOYS…the girls (both under 10) and I certainly have our hands full.
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Er, I think that redefines conflicting messages :shock:

I would LOVE to try that at work. "Sorry everyone, I'm about to have a massive bleed from my uterus. That's why I'm snappy". Yes, I had forgotten how socially acceptable that was.

What did I just read????

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Ehh, I was always very open. "Little Brother, it's that one time of the month when you don't ask me for favors, and please don't tease me right now."

Little brother: "Ok." crawls back into his boy-cave and continues playing video games.

Granted I've never tried that outside of work and close friends, but I like the idea of being open and honest about it if you know that that time of the month causes you to be especially irritable.

Thankfully birth control fixed that right up for me. But of COURSE that's not approved, because only "dirty sluts" take that. where's that eyeroll smiley?

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So marriage isn't about being happy all the time, but you better not try to use legitimate things like hormones and feelings to explain why you're not happy all the time??

Her life sounds really, really terrible.

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