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Santorum Claims Homosexuals Stole Election.


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http://dailycurrant.com/2012/11/08/sant ... te-romney/

The gay is strong with this one. 8-)

"And homosexual kingpins like David Geffen, Elton John, and Tim Gill have all the money in the world to turn their dirty, filthy election schemes into reality. Geffen's a billionaire, he could afford to put a man on the moon. Surely he could afford to pull off something like this."

Elton John? Too funny.

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I just have this happy thought that somebody steals his i-pod and it's all Elton :lol:

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Aww I did wonder. :cry:

I WANT it to be true :lol:

You know, Frothy is such a douchebag that this could actually be something he'd say. I can see how easily we take this satire as serious.

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Even though it's a satire site, it reminds me of something that I've thought several times since the election.

In 2004, Bush fired up his base and got people to the polls by supporting referendums in some huge number of states that banned gay marriage. They all passed.

Homophobia helped win the election for Bush in 2004.

Now, Obama is reelected and three states become the first to approve a referendum supporting gay marriage and a fourth becomes the first to reject a proposed ban on gay marriage. Despite his announcement that he supported gay marriage in May, Obama didn't connect his campaign to the issue (which frankly, I think would have been a mistake not because it would have necessarily turned people against him, but because I think it would have really frustrated people that he was talking about gay marriage instead of the economy when so many people are struggling just to survive). So not only was Obama reelected, but completely independently, four states decided to take a stand for equality. It's amazing to me how much the country has progressed in just eight years. Homophobes are losing and they're losing quickly.

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It's a satire site, but I'm made the same mistake before, so don't feel bad.

Poe's Law is so often applicable, because these people really are that extreme.

"Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."


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So funny. My friend sent me that last night during class, and I was completely convinced it was true. It was almost depressing to realize it wasn't. I was hoping Frothy would shoot his mouth off and completely annihilate himself from the political scene.

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Santorum is a crazy, homophobic idiot who needs to crawl back under whatever rock he crawled out of.

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OH MY GOD THE HYPOCRISY. how does this nightmare garbage person reconcile himself with Karl Rove and the Koch brothers, eh?

ugh, if anyone is going to burn in a fiery pit of hell doom for all eternity it's Rick effin' Santorum.

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Even though it's a satire site, it reminds me of something that I've thought several times since the election.

In 2004, Bush fired up his base and got people to the polls by supporting referendums in some huge number of states that banned gay marriage. They all passed.

Homophobia helped win the election for Bush in 2004.

Now, Obama is reelected and three states become the first to approve a referendum supporting gay marriage and a fourth becomes the first to reject a proposed ban on gay marriage. Despite his announcement that he supported gay marriage in May, Obama didn't connect his campaign to the issue (which frankly, I think would have been a mistake not because it would have necessarily turned people against him, but because I think it would have really frustrated people that he was talking about gay marriage instead of the economy when so many people are struggling just to survive). So not only was Obama reelected, but completely independently, four states decided to take a stand for equality. It's amazing to me how much the country has progressed in just eight years. Homophobes are losing and they're losing quickly.

I think 2004 was.the peak of homophobia. I bet that a lot of people really started questioning their own beliefs about homosexuality then, and logic started to kick in. A majority of Americans support gay marriage now, and seeing a bunch of these supposedly righteous anti-gay leaders have their own shitty "family values" exposed.probably helped.

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Guest Anonymous

The gay is strong with this one. 8-)

Elton John? Too funny.

How did we all not know the Koch brothers are actually poor? And that Sheldon Adelson isn't really a casino-owning billionaire who didn't really make the largest donation in political history? How did we all mistake them for being rich enough to put a man on the moon several times?

Also Mike Rowe supported Romney. After doing the dirty work in Dirty Jobs, I'm really upset that he'd favor cutting taxes to millionaires like he really is while raising taxes on the blue-collar guys like he pretends to be for the show.

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Also Mike Rowe supported Romney. After doing the dirty work in Dirty Jobs, I'm really upset that he'd favor cutting taxes to millionaires like he really is while raising taxes on the blue-collar guys like he pretends to be for the show.

Really? Man, I liked Mike Rowe.

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Poe's Law is so often applicable, because these people really are that extreme.

"Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."


Poe's Law strikes again, impeccably. For a minute there, I thought we'd found Jericho a friend.

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If true, Santorum has taken a more serious detour off the sanity path than I originally thought.

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Guest Anonymous

Really? Man, I liked Mike Rowe.

He appeared at an Ohio rally in September praising Romney, though claimed this wasn't an official endorsement. He said he'd vote for Romney if Romney read a letter about the importance of under appreciated jobs. It doesn't make any sense to think Romney would care about those people since he loves rich people. I think it's because he sent Obama a similar letter in 2008 and didn't get a personal response. Every chance he has had, he's made sure to point that out. Mike thinks Mike is so important that not giving him a personal response from the campaign trail means you don't get his vote.

I'm not a fan of his anymore.

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If true, Santorum has taken a more serious detour off the sanity path than I originally thought.

As I said above, it's a satire site. It's not true.

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Well my very conservative Catholic friends tell me it's because too many of us non-conservative Catholics voted for Obama. If we had all just voted for the "pro life" Romney he'd have run. A few weeks before the election I heard a talk on the radio that the Catholic vote would be a deciding factor in the election. While many did vote for Romney, most stuck to their Democratic roots, and didn't vote based on a single issue.

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Guest Anonymous
Mike Rowe made a statement that his appearance at Romney's rally was not an endorsement. He was invited thinking it was a round table discussion on the skilled labor gap.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... omney.html

Yeah right, you tell yourself that, Mike. He doesn't deserve a pass. He makes his living promoting products targeted at the middle class and should be ashamed of supporting someone whose policies would drive that same demographic straight over a cliff and into penury.

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Santorum likely really does believe this, and blames those GAY SEX DEMONS (crikey I love that phrase lol).

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