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The Great Chick-fil-A Snake Oil "Faith" Hustle


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Oh yes, I'm sure you're right and countless Supreme Court decisions and Constitutional attorneys who have set precedent on this issue are wrong. Thanks so much for setting us straight. No pun intended.

The supreme court is supposed to uphold the law as written, not interpret it into something it is not. If you want the constitution changed, you go through the legislature for a constitutional amendment. A constitutional amendment requires a 2/3 majority in both houses.

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The majority of churches and synagogues in my community want to be able to solemnize, as well as celebrate, same-sex marriages. Banning same-sex marriages infringes on their religious freedom.

Banning same sex marriage is establishment of religion, it is establishing a certain variety of religion and enforcing it, and infringing on the rights of other religious believers.

Why do you want to take away the religious freedom of people who believe differently than you do?Edited for grammar and fuck you.

Because she wants to be able to convert us heathens who think diferentally; and once we convert we will have the same morals; then there'll be no more problems in the world; doncha see?

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I ignore you because you spout the same shit over and over again; and don't answer everybody's questions that they asked of you. Happy now, deary? ;)

I don't care if you ignore me. I do care when someone hides behind Separation of Church and State when it does not even exist.

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You call me ignorant, but yet you ignore that separation of church and state doesn't exist as matter of law. My being against gay marriage is not the same as the establishment of a religion. My belief that people have the right to their opinions is not hate speech.

The words "separation of church and state" do not appear. But the fact is that the first amendment prevents Congress from creating a law that would create a state religion or prevent someone from practicing religion. (Establishment Clause & Free Exercise Clause)

Furthermore, the case of Everson vs Board of Ed. applied the first amendment establishment clause to the states, meaning that individual states can not establish religion.

Because there is no non-religious argument against same-sex marriage, there is no reason to be against it. Unless you want to deny people their rights.

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I don't care if you ignore me. I do care when someone hides behind Separation of Church and State when it does not even exist.

Then what is our state religion? What branch of Christianity does this nation support the most; and can you tell me what branch of Christianity is our country's national; non-de facto official state religion with peer-reviewed sources?

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Some religions/demoninations want their gay members to be able to marry their lovers. Other religions/believers think that their gay members should not have lovers at all and should definitely not marry them

Scarygirl, please explain why you think the government should take sides in this religious dispute. Wanting the government to take your side is "establishing", i.e. enforcing your beliefs in preference to the beliefs of other religions.

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Guest Anonymous

Formerly European royal families. Like the Bourbons, Hohenzollerns, Hesses, Napoleons, Valoises, Romanovs, etc. Those kind of royals; and what they're doing now that their monarchies are abolished. I know of good websites; but not of any good books.

Wow, this is an incredibly difficult search. All I've found so far is a couple of tacky, modern autobiographies of German "princesses" (in German, of course) and what seems to be a really terrible history of the Romanovs. You couldn't pick anything easy, could you?

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Because she wants to be able to convert us heathens who think diferentally; and once we convert we will have the same morals; then there'll be no more problems in the world; doncha see?

I don't wish to convert anyone, but I refuse to be told that I have no right to my opinions just because of my religion.

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Wow, this is an incredibly difficult search. All I've found so far is a couple of tacky, modern autobiographies of German "princesses" (in German, of course) and what seems to be a really terrible history of the Romanovs. You couldn't pick anything easy, could you?

Maybe any on Maria Vladmirova (sp?) Romanova, Princess Irene of Germany/Prussia, and Maria's son, George Mikhailovich Romanov? Thanks bunches! :D

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Scarygirl, you want more than to be able to express your opinion though, don't you? You want to keep other religious believers from exercising their religion freely. Why?

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I don't wish to convert anyone, but I refuse to be told that I have no right to my opinions just because of my religion.

I don't even know what your argument is anymore.

Why do you think that your religion should take precedent over someone else's religion? You do know that not everyone is a Christian, right?

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Scarygirl, you want more than to be able to express your opinion though, don't you? You want to keep other religious believers from exercising their religion freely. Why?

It's simple really: because she sees them as less than Christianity; the only true religion1111!!!!!!1 to get to Heaven is through Jesus is the only reason; obviously; doncha know? Those poor heathens don't know that they're going to be damned, damned I tell you!!!!11!

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I don't even know what your argument is anymore.

Why do you think that your religion should take precedent over someone else's religion? You do know that not everyone is a Christian, right?

Well if someone else's religion was for gay marriage and it was allowed by law wouldn't that be equally trampling on another relithat doesn't believe in gay marriage? Why then should the government be involved at all?

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Well if someone else's religion was for gay marriage and it was allowed by law wouldn't that be equally trampling on another relithat doesn't believe in gay marriage? Why then should the government be involved at all?

I thought that, according to you; church and state aren't seperated. So this argument would be moot point since other religious branches and religions accept LGBT/same-sex marriage.

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Scarygirl, you want more than to be able to express your opinion though, don't you? You want to keep other religious believers from exercising their religion freely. Why?

My believing that people have a right to their opinions doesn't keep anyone from exercising their religion freely.

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scarygirl; why aren't you answering questions that people asked of you previously? How come you can ignore those questions, but I can't ignore you? Hypocritical bitch, much?

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I don't wish to convert anyone, but I refuse to be told that I have no right to my opinions just because of my religion.

NO ONE IS TELLING YOU THAT. You've made probably half your posts on this board in this thread alone, expressing your opinion in almost all of them. You seem to have a mental block against clarifying your opinions, but none of them have been deleted or edited in any way. Other people have just as much right to disagree and argue with you over them, and when you try to hide behind religion to justify your personal opinions, people will probably tell you you're full of shit.

The supreme court is supposed to uphold the law as written, not interpret it into something it is not.

Bullshit. Anyone who's ever been through elementary level civics education should be aware that it is precisely the Supreme Court's job to interpret the constitution. It's what they do.

You call me ignorant, but yet you ignore that separation of church and state doesn't exist as matter of law.

Bullshit again. The phrase "separation of church and state" does not have to be written verbatim in the constitution for the concept to exist as a matter of law.

I don't think you're going to get anywhere playing semantics over this. Maybe you should try a new ploy to distract us from the fact that you have not answered the questions put to you?

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Scarygirl, the Catholic Church prohibits divorced people from marrying unless their previous marriage is anulled. Yet divorced people can be married in other churches or at city hall. If the Catholic Church wanted to insist that its rules against remarriage after divorce be enforced on everyone, including Christians who believe differently, and on Jews, Muslims, atheists, etc. would you agree that would constitute "establishment" of the Catholic religion?

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My believing that people have a right to their opinions doesn't keep anyone from exercising their religion freely.

Do you think same sex marriage should be legal?

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Scarygirl, the Catholic Church prohibits divorced people from marrying unless their previous marriage is anulled. Yet divorced people can be married in other churches or at city hall. If the Catholic Church wanted to insist that its rules against remarriage after divorce be enforced on everyone, including Christians who believe differently, and on Jews, Muslims, atheists, etc. would you agree that would constitute "establishment" of the Catholic religion?

Watch her dance around this 1.

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Ah it looks like you swallowed a meme that Rush is happy to reinforce.

scarygirl wrote:

You call me ignorant, but yet you ignore that separation of church and state doesn't exist as matter of law.

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I don't believe that as I know many people in my area who are 100% against gay marriage who have said they would be fine with civil unions.

But do they realize that civil unions would mean that ministers and priests could not officially solemnize any marriages?

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Scarygirl, why exactly are you here? You won't answer question and you are making Christians look really, really bad. Do you think that you will help us learn something? I just don't get the point of being here, posting controversial things and then refusing to discuss what you have said.

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Ah it looks like you swallowed a meme that Rush is happy to reinforce.

The bacon bra is finally here! * :greetings-clapyellow: :greetings-clapyellow: :greetings-clapyellow: * I wonder how scarygirl will dance around you?

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Is ScaryGirl back now that she has SheWhoHitsKids to back her up? Awesome. ***Waves to ScaryGirl*** I haven't seen you since you ignored most of the questions you were asked and claimed you were done discussing gay marriage.

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