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Submissive wife film on now


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Turner Classic Movies is about to show Dream Wife, as part of their series on Arab images in film.

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TCM shows it now and then.

It's full of horrible stereotypes of evil working American women, people from the Middle East, submissive women, etc.

But it also shows a lovely side of the working woman, who is always competent and wins the day in the end, and teaches the submissive princess how to be a modern woman.

And it has Cary Grant. I like to look at Cary Grant.

I love the series' TCM has done on race in the movies -- they are generally very thoughtful, honest, and involve interesting expert guests. The gentleman they have for this one, Dr. Jack Shaheen, is good.

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LOL I'm clueless about this movie but ironically Hubby just pointed out the movie to me, "Look, there's a movie about you on now...!"... sweet of him, but now that I've noticed the movie pop up on FJ... lol :) maybe not ;)

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Me, too. :)

Dayum! I adore Cary Grant. He was so handsome and gracious, but he had such a goofball, self-deprecating sense of humor.

And I'm going to have to look into this film. Thanks.

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